Late May long weekend

I don’t have much today. I am ‘working on’ a sample but it needs a bit longer.

Along with Memorial Day in the US, it is the late May bank holiday weekend here – and the coming week is a half term school holiday. I am going to hunker down and do any shopping activities early or late, as things are a bit mad out. On the way home from a shopping trip a few days ago a huge Range Rover strayed into my lane (northbound) on its way to the beach (southbound). The thing was the size of a tank and my little 500 would have been mush if the stupid guy hadn’t righted himself at the last moment.

Anyway, late spring holidays.

We’re going to do a short set of questions which will hopefully be fun to answer.

1 If it’s a holiday where you are, any plans?

2 What is your newest fragrance discovery and will you be buying a bottle?

3 Reading or watching anything good? Let us know, please.

As for me, this week will be quiet. Come June, there are a number of ‘happenings’, including a food festival in town. On perfume, I am still trying to decide if Lutens Dompteuse is a decant or a bottle. And as to watching/reading, I’ve just discovered a new-to-me mystery series about an Indian detective (by Ajay Chowdhury). Other than that, I’ve got a backlog of Gardeners’ World segments to watch set during the Chelsea flower show.

Hope you are having a good long weekend if it applies.

Pics: Pexels

  • Tom says:

    You continue to read my mind! My post this week is about what I’m reading. Not mentioned but I’m reading it for like the 57th time is Mapp and Lucia. It’s on my Kindle for iPad (and yes I’m a convert)

    My friend Tomas is in town from NYC and we met for lunch and did some window shopping (stopped at ScentBar for the first time in forever). He bought a cake for his mom’s bday so I drove him back to their place in Santa Monica. It was a lovely day so we took the scenic route along Sunset and San Vicente with the top down. Last couple days felt a little punky and fluey and decided to avoid people like your Land Rover pal, stayed in and watched movies and ate stuff out of the freezer. It was (is) quite nice. Right now I’m watching “Judge Judy” and eating pizza. Perfection.

  • alityke says:

    DH has been working this weekend & most of the coming week! Only contracted for 15hrs/wk but school holidays mean many request time off.
    I’ve spent time trudging round local recs & parks with Mr Jarvis Cockapoo who is now on the mend. Is it sad I’m excited that the lime trees are almost ready to bloom?

    • cinnamon says:

      Not sad at all. I count the rabbits I see on my daily walks—the more the better. Good on Mr Jarvis that he is feeling better.

  • March says:

    No special plans here — tbh it’s nice to reach a point in my life where I’d rather hang out and garden than go Take A Trip or even go to a cookout. Like you I did early shopping and am largely staying off the road. I did buy a bottle of a long-ago love which I’ll be writing about next week. Our book club met yesterday (we’re all friends) and we thought the book was pretty bad but we still had fun meeting up, it’s potluck and the food is excellent 😀

    • cinnamon says:

      Oooh, what was the book that got negative reviews from you guys? Looking forward to the review of the long-ago love.

      • March says:

        The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams, about the making of the OED at the turn of the 20th century. The author’s special gift was taking a fascinating subject and making it incredibly dull.

  • Portia says:

    No long weekend here Cinnamon. We did have lunch with a mate in a mini Chinatown near us. Delicious.
    SO MANY new things I’m falling for. New to me that I’d like a big bottle of is Desert Nights by Who Is Elijah.
    Currently reading some fantasy. Watched Mary & George (WOW), am now on The Madame Blanc Mysteries (lovely and terrible and so watchable)
    Portia xx

    • cinnamon says:

      Mary and George? Will have to look up. Desert Nights … that was saffron and oud and I think I looked it up. Will have to look again.

  • AnnnieA says:

    I’m listening to “In search of perfumes” by Dominique Roque. Each chapter covers a different ingredient in a different part of the world.