In the Audience
This weekend was our literary festival and all the book nerds were in town, I love that book-nerd energy. I mostly didn’t partake – for as much time as I spend with my nose in a book, I am (weirdly?)… Continue Reading
This weekend was our literary festival and all the book nerds were in town, I love that book-nerd energy. I mostly didn’t partake – for as much time as I spend with my nose in a book, I am (weirdly?)… Continue Reading
Well, this one is actually kind of a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, since it dates back so long. But it starts with ennui. I do have things sitting on my desk that I should be looking at.… Continue Reading
So, I had earlier written something like iris didn’t agree with me. I should have learned from life that I should never write that about practically anything because in some way I will inevitably run across some version of said… Continue Reading
This is way off topic, although I’m amused that Tom did something similar last week (I’d already written the first draft of my post – great minds thinking alike, obviously.) It was prompted by a random thought one recent evening:… Continue Reading
I have a bit of a thing for old technology. I have a couple of fat-bellied old AM Radio that are fairly useless in that there is practically nothing on AM radio these days- and I hear that those wavelengths… Continue Reading
So today’s post is about hair. I have not had mine cut in about a year. One of the things I can thank my maternal Irish ancestors for is that at my advanced age (35! Can you believe it!?!) I… Continue Reading
So last weeks post about Avon seemed to be a fairly popular, and never being one to let a chance to ride a train right off the rails get away, I decided to go forth and actually get some of… Continue Reading