Summer Rerun: Andy Tauer Hyacinth and a Mechanic

Well, this one is actually kind of a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, since it dates back so long. But it starts with ennui. I do have things sitting on my desk that I should be looking at.… Continue Reading

Iris Eyes Again, Lutens Iris Silver Mist, Malle Iris Poudre & Jovan Tropical Iris

So, I had earlier written something like iris didn’t agree with me. I should have learned from life that I should never write that about practically anything because in some way I will inevitably run across some version of said… Continue Reading

Off Topic: One Ringy Dingy- Old Telephones.

I have a bit of a thing for old technology. I have a couple of fat-bellied old AM Radio that are fairly useless in that there is practically nothing on AM radio these days- and I hear that those wavelengths… Continue Reading

Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow and GOOP goop

So today’s post is about hair. I have not had mine cut in about a year. One of the things I can thank my maternal Irish ancestors for is that at my advanced age (35! Can you believe it!?!) I… Continue Reading

Old Softie: Avon Skin So Soft

So last weeks post about Avon seemed to be a fairly popular, and never being one to let a chance to ride a train right off the rails get away, I decided to go forth and actually get some of… Continue Reading