Decant Demolition 2025 January

Hey Hey Posse, Woo Hoo! First month of Decant Demolition 2025 and we have lift off. 32ml of decants emptied! Now it’s up to you to comment your way into a chance at a US$50 Surrender To Chance Gift Voucher… Continue Reading

Khol de Bahrein by Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777

Hey Posse. Do you remember when the scentbloggosphere went bonkers for Khol de Bahrein, properly spelled Khôl de Bahreïn? It was 2013 and I’d only been blogging for a year or two and suddenly it was everywhere. The house was… Continue Reading

Samples, I got Samples..

Well, my purchase at Uncle Serge didn’t qualify me for one of the nifty travel sprayers (and there was nothing at the site like SL-branded $20 nail files I could toss in to qualify) so I had to content myself… Continue Reading

Abyssis by Liquides Imaginaires

Hiya Posse! Sorry, it’s taken me a while to notice this beauty. Usually when Les Liquides Imaginaires releases something new I’m all over it. You’d think with this gorgeous blue bottle I’d have noticed it too. It slipped under my… Continue Reading

Christmas Crazy: Serge Lutens Borneo 1834

I feel that everyone, after a period of virtue, has the right if not the duty to indulge in something silly. Not ruinously silly, like buying a boat, or even just super-silly, like that Keepall 55 Bandouliere I have been… Continue Reading

Musc by Mona di Orio

Hey Posse, yes we received the devastating news recently that the Mona do Orio brand has died a sad and lonely death. WAAAHH! I’m partly to blame. It’s been a long while since I bought a bottle from them. They… Continue Reading