Christmas Crazy: Serge Lutens Borneo 1834

I feel that everyone, after a period of virtue, has the right if not the duty to indulge in something silly. Not ruinously silly, like buying a boat, or even just super-silly, like that Keepall 55 Bandouliere I have been… Continue Reading

Happy New Year!

I am actually writing this before Christmas (on the 20th, to be exact) because in an uncharacteristic fit of competence I am not leaving things until the last minute. Not because I am jetting off to someplace for the holidays-… Continue Reading

The Holidaze

Well, the holidays seem to be coming fast ‘n furious this year. I suppose because this year American Thanksgiving took place later in the month than usual (the last Thursday in November this time was the 28th), so there was… Continue Reading

Copycat: Frederic Malle Un Fleur de Cassie

Just recently Cinnamon wrote about this one, as it happens to be Ina Garten’s signature scent, Now I love Ina and I love reading Cinnamon and it occurred to me that if I had smelled this one it was a… Continue Reading

Spring Into Fall: DSH Perfumes Soho Boheme

Well, Fall has finally arrived here in LA. For now anyway- it could get back up into the 90’s at any moment and there are quite a few X-Mas holidays where the Beverly Center’s Hunky Santa needed to be shirtless.… Continue Reading

I Smell, Too.

Well, Musette started it (as is her wont) so I am going forward with it. As I mentioned in the comments yesterday, I have been noticing in the past few years that I get that “not so fresh” feeling a… Continue Reading