Unopened Perfumes

Hiya Posse. One of my perfume mates Michael was here last week. As always we got to talking perfume. He would ask about a brand or a perfume and I’d bring the box of all that brand and we would… Continue Reading

Pumpkins, Spice, and the Not-So-Nice

Well we got through another Hallowe’en.  That day is a big, big deal in our little neck of the woods because West Hollywood closes off Santa Monica Boulevard for the legendary Hallowe’en Carnivale. It started as kind of a local… Continue Reading

Okay I fell: Le Labo Aldehyde 44

So there are perhaps only a few of you out there who aren’t aware that Le Labo has these things called City Exclusives: Ones that are meant to be a representation of the city in which they are housed. I… Continue Reading

A Trip to the Mall: LUSH Sticky Dates and Grass

So the cold was pretty much mild- it never really got to anything really terrible, for which I am thankful. It did allow me to stay in bed for a day and drink Simply Limeade. which was nice. Yesterday (Sunday)… Continue Reading

Jet Setting: Le Labo Dubai, Shanghai and Miami exclusives

Well, it’s that time of year again. For a limited time you can get, if you’re a mind to, the city exclusives at your local Le Labo or at their website. This is a once-a-year thing and I am a… Continue Reading