Out Again
Sorry, the flu I thought I’d beaten back with a stick has merely biding it’s time waiting for me around a blind corner with a sock full of quarters. I’ve been dragging myself out to deal with the work issues… Continue Reading
Sorry, the flu I thought I’d beaten back with a stick has merely biding it’s time waiting for me around a blind corner with a sock full of quarters. I’ve been dragging myself out to deal with the work issues… Continue Reading
I knew it had to happen sometime, but I really hate it when something breaks in the mail, and especially when it was a little gift for someone else. I had gotten a couple of Bond No. 9 Wall Street… Continue Reading
(forgive the scheduling issue, all my fault) So I am writing this on Thanksgiving, in the throes of a turkey-induced food coma. I didn’t cook, but I did purchase a dinner that, in the true American Tradition of Gluttony® was… Continue Reading
Well, Halloween may be over, but there are still a few things floating around of which to be a little afraid, even in the fragrance world. What’s your big, bad scent nemesis? What strikes fear into your perfumed heart? The… Continue Reading
Well I can’t win for losing. The allergies I had last week gave way to the flu this week. Fever, chills, the whole nine yards. Oddly, everything smells heightened: the soup I made smelled like socks, and the Fumerie Turque… Continue Reading
I have to admit that I am a late convert to the idea of scented candles. Of for that matter of candles at all. I have a bit of phobia about open flames, since so many house fires are started… Continue Reading
Okay, it’s been a week. The temps in LA were pretty darned high (mid nineties at the beach and well over 100 inland) and there was even some high humidity from a hurricane in Baja. In short, it’s been nasty.… Continue Reading