Swine, Swans, and What They Wore

So the long awaited (by me anyway) second season of “Feud” is coming out on the 31st on FX. This time around it’s based upon the book Capote’s Women, which I have not read (yet, but I might do so… Continue Reading

Summer Reading, Eris Belle de Jour and Parfums Mx

First- books. My summer reading partly was taken up by the slelection for this summers Beverly Hills Reads. “Lessons in Chemistry.” It’s a good book with some laugh-out-loud moments and some that will make you want to throw the book… Continue Reading

This ‘N That ‘N More Violet Ida

So this weekend was Pride here in Los Angeles, and for the first time since Covid it was back in (almost) full force. Pride is celebrated (mostly) in West Hollywood, where they shut down a stretch of the boulevard for… Continue Reading

Warning Shot: Robert Piguet Fracas

Well, last week were the rains, and they are now for the moment, gone. The Santa Ana winds are coming up, oddly not as hot as they would be in a Chandler novel, but I am told it’s the direction… Continue Reading

Blame Cinnamon: Reading Cookbooks Part Deux

Well, I am calling this one “Blame Cinnamon” because it’s just too much of a title to write “Blame Tom For Being a Lazy Hog Who Spent the Entire Holiday Doing Nothing But Watching Bad Movies on Netflix and Eating… Continue Reading