Death by Taxi Driver
About the time most of you read this, we’ll be on a plane back for the United States. Forgive any typos and misspelling because I’m in a hurry to make sure I get this posted! Where did we leave off? … Continue Reading
About the time most of you read this, we’ll be on a plane back for the United States. Forgive any typos and misspelling because I’m in a hurry to make sure I get this posted! Where did we leave off? … Continue Reading
The Trader Joe´s near me has tyke-sized metal grocery carts for toddlers to push, painted in the same signature red as the regular ones. They´re really cute. The last time I was at the store they were down to one… Continue Reading
Don’t overpack. You wind up living on about 1/4 of what’s in your suitcase. I’m only bringing that 1/4 next time and washing it in the sink. It’s not that I packed that heavy, but…. everything weighs more when you… Continue Reading
Isn’t there some sort of law that nobody should have to live in hotel rooms with boys? I’ve somewhat insulated myself from my sons’ messiness with a big house, confining the limits of leaving socks draped over chairs and boxers… Continue Reading
My brother has presented me with a challenge, so I, of course, turn to all of you to see what I’ve done so far and to see if you have suggestions or additions. Tom opened up a bar and grill… Continue Reading
It´s peak allergy season, and I´ve responded by wearing tried and true fragrances for a few days, because bad allergies put me at the razor edge of migraine. I´ve got tons of samples calling out to me (thanks Kelly… Continue Reading
Chandler Burr has trashed the new release Chloe in his reviews – in writing and in person – so when it showed up as a sample in a Sak’s order, I thought… well, let’s give it a whirl and see if I agree… Continue Reading