Perfume Buying Rules: What Are Yours?

perfume posse - perfume reviews, perfume blog

Hey there Perfume Posse, Recently we had a post here on the Posse about How Much Fragrance Is Enough? and I had a very interesting reply from one of our regular readers, Amateur Dilettante (Hey Buddy, Thank You), that I thought should… Continue Reading

I Want to Find a New Perfume that Smells Like…

How do I Find a New Perfume? … is one of the most common questions I hear over and over, phrased in a thousand different ways.  It can vary from – “I used to wear Giorgio, but it smells like Mule… Continue Reading

Perfume – Ruler of the Perfume Universe

guerlain perfume - guerlain djedi

This morning, you opened your eyes, and the whole world seemed different!  There was a crown laying next to a case of discontinued Guerlain perfumes on your nightstand, all of your diminishing perfume favorites had been topped off and were… Continue Reading