Just Who is this Elijah, Anyway, part 2

Well we had an interesting piece of news here in LA- Fred Segal, the last truly LA retailer (that I can think of) has closed. They were here for decades at the corner of Melrose and Crescent Heights (and another… Continue Reading

Vintage Bloom Shower Gel by Jessica Simpson

Hi there Posse. I think most of you know I am a bath person. Even in summer I love to jump into a super hot bath and stay there till it cools, and me with it. I’ve just finished a… Continue Reading

It’s My Party

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Gay Pride, Flag Day, Juneteenth, Father’s Day, and arguably the most important, my birthday. Yes, I will be celebrating my annual 35th birthday. I plan on celebrating it until I am either in… Continue Reading