Bread: Or, The One Where I am Lazy

Okay, so I am joining the “Brief” team and certainly surpassing it, Surpassing it because I have no excuse for not having much to write about except that I had nothing to do on the long weekend and decided to… Continue Reading

Auld and New: Guerlain Spiriteuse Double Vanille

This week both Cinnamon and March have talked about the holidays, the weather and what we do around now- the holiday traditions. I’ve talked about some of this before, and since we have had a slew of (very much needed)… Continue Reading

The Nose Knows

Well, it’s happened again. Whatever bug that’s been going around I got. Not Covid (I tested twice) and not terrible: just coughing and runny nose and an inability to smell anything that isn’t, shall we say, a bit definite in… Continue Reading

À la Recherche du Perfume Counters Perdu

This weekend I met my BFF who was visiting from NYC at the Academy of Motion Pictures museum (at her request) for a walk-through and a date. The museum is housed in the historic May Company building at Wilshire and… Continue Reading

Okay I was wrong.

So, every once in a great while it happens. Something that I was sure that I loathed pops up and decides to seduce me. Sometimes it’s something that I didn’t even loathe, but just something I didn’t get.  Jicky was… Continue Reading

Busy, Busy, Busy

How time flies when you’re having… Well it’s been a busy week or two here. Loads of personal interaction where normally I get at least some time to sit in the office, stare at walls, and sniff myself. Unfortunately I… Continue Reading