Oh For the Days: Serge Lutens L’Haleine des Dieux

Back in the day when I was young and silly (ier) I was one of those people who would wait with bated breath for things. The idea of a new iAnything would have me online reading AppleFanInsider.com or whomever who… Continue Reading

Samples, I got Samples..

Well, my purchase at Uncle Serge didn’t qualify me for one of the nifty travel sprayers (and there was nothing at the site like SL-branded $20 nail files I could toss in to qualify) so I had to content myself… Continue Reading

Christmas Crazy: Serge Lutens Borneo 1834

I feel that everyone, after a period of virtue, has the right if not the duty to indulge in something silly. Not ruinously silly, like buying a boat, or even just super-silly, like that Keepall 55 Bandouliere I have been… Continue Reading

A Random 3

So I am once again stealing from taking inspiration from my cohorts here on the Posse. Cinnamon wrote about the latest Victoria Beckham, which sent me off to Surrender to Chance to order. I also added two others, but for… Continue Reading

The Holidaze

Well, the holidays seem to be coming fast ‘n furious this year. I suppose because this year American Thanksgiving took place later in the month than usual (the last Thursday in November this time was the 28th), so there was… Continue Reading

Pumpkins, Spice, and the Not-So-Nice

Well we got through another Hallowe’en.  That day is a big, big deal in our little neck of the woods because West Hollywood closes off Santa Monica Boulevard for the legendary Hallowe’en Carnivale. It started as kind of a local… Continue Reading

Compare and Contrast: SL versus Shiseido Féminité du bois

Well the heat is still on here. It’s supposed to drop about 20 degrees or so by the time this posts which will be a welcome relief. I am lucky enough to have central air in my present abode and… Continue Reading