Joanna and the Amish
by the draft-horse lovin’ Musette Last week, in the Beach Baby post, Joanna and I got into a conversation about appropriate scents to wear when visiting the Amish. She kindly allowed me to use excerpts… Continue Reading
by the draft-horse lovin’ Musette Last week, in the Beach Baby post, Joanna and I got into a conversation about appropriate scents to wear when visiting the Amish. She kindly allowed me to use excerpts… Continue Reading
Can I get a collective “Hallelujah!!”? Yep, it’s that time of year again: back to school. Now those of you who don’t have kids may not care, but for those who do, it’s a pretty big… Continue Reading
A young ladypal of El O’s cub , visiting our bathroom, came out exclaiming “OMG! YOU WEAR FRACAS! My AUNT WEARS FRACAS!!!” (caps all hers, I swear). She shrieked on to tell me how much she liked it, etc….so… Continue Reading
by Musette I hope everyone has recovered from the sweat and skank and sex of last week’s posts! I had to take to mah faintin’ couch, I was so overcome. When I came to, it was Spring… Continue Reading
I promise there will be perfume in here – but not just yet. Here are a couple of mindless musings: Due to an unfortunate incident on Hwy 6, involving a 40- foot manlift, a foolish old man in a… Continue Reading
Before I forget – the Diaghilev winner (courtesy of Pickle and is LindaB. Drop me your deets and I’ll send off your sample as soon as I get my little scrab – should be any day! okay – on… Continue Reading
You’d think I’d know how to handle this by now – I’ve lived in the Midwest for the bulk of my life and we have these absurd blizzard-to-tropics events every Winter. Two weeks ago it was Apocalypse, 4 feet of… Continue Reading