Taj Garden by DSH Perfumes

taj garden DSH Perfumes

Hi there Posse. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz samples arrived this week. I’ve been having the loveliest time trying them and there are a couple I adore, a few I like and one that really doesn’t like my skin at all and… Continue Reading

Seve de Pin by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz for DSH Perfumes

Hey Posse! You already know how much I love Indie Perfumes. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz has done it again with Seve de Pin (Sève de Pin is Pine Seed in French (SHIT! NOPE It’s Pine SAP sorry). She manages to keep the… Continue Reading

Indus by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz for DSH Perfumes 2012

His there Posse. Hope this finds you all happy and well. If you are only one or neither then fingers crossed reading about fragrance will give you a lift. I wanted to talk about one of my favourite DSH Perfumes… Continue Reading

La Folie de Noël by DSH Perfumes

Ho Ho Ho POSSEEEEEE! It’s so close I can taste the credit card debt. 5 weeks. I am already here in Sydney getting into the Christmas Spirit, not spirits: though it was a very near thing. Just for fun I… Continue Reading

DSH Perfumes: Sienna by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz

Hey there Perfume Posse, Dawn Spencer Hurwitz of DSH Perfumes is a very special Indie Perfumer. You may have noticed I do love the Independents. They have more scope, less restrictions, are free to dream and express their fragrant selves… Continue Reading

My Patchouli Challenge – by Nava

Most of you know I’m not particularly fond of patchouli. In fact, I’ve made it abundantly clear how much I can’t stand the stuff. Well, I’ve had a change of heart. Last month I reviewed some amazing natural perfumes by… Continue Reading