Happy New Year, and Cartier La Panthère

Well, firstly, while you’re reading this in 2024 I am typing it on the Friday before Christmas. Why this sudden spurt of getting things done early? Efficiency? Heck no. I have made an early New Years resolution to go through… Continue Reading

Merry Merry, and Masque Milano Terralba

Happy Kwanzaa! Portia just recently wrote about this one, and as soon as I read “clary sage” and “samples available at Surrender to Chance” I was off ordering. I love clary sage- that herbacious greeness that’s also bone dry is… Continue Reading

Briefly: Victoria Beckham perfumes

Cinnamon covered these pretty extensively a couple of weeks ago, but since I am nothing if not a follower I had to pop for the sample set and put in my two cents. First off, I get the idea of… Continue Reading

November New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for November New Idea 2023. Shit is getting real. I’ll be honest, can’t wait to get back to my collection full time. I’m thinking though how many new additions there are to… Continue Reading

Dior W#ore: Dior Diorling vintage and new

Remember the tale of the squirrel who saved up all his nuts for the winter? I think there was some sort of lesson about saving for a rainy day, being prudent, not wasting one’s resources on frivolities, blah, blah, blah.… Continue Reading

Spring Into Fall: Aerin Tuberose, Lilac, and Gardenia

Well, the other day I was reviewing Neil Morris’ Flowers for Men series and was seriously kvelling over the lilac one. Our friend alityke (who is full of great ideas) mentioned Aerin and Lilac Path as being a lovely, true… Continue Reading

Delight, depression, and disgust: three Diors

Well, I am writing this awaiting The Rain. In Southern California we say it like that, In Caps. The news, if we are expecting more than high humidity will be having dark intros to the weather forecast with graphics with… Continue Reading