A Passel of PG: Parfumerie Generale Vetiver Matale, Mojito Chypre, Metal Hurlant, Le Musc et la Peau and Bouquet Massai

So the other day the discussion (somewhere, I don’t remember where. The comments? A post? My head?) turned to Parumerie Generale or PG, the house started by the visibly handsome and evidently talented perfumer Pierre Guillaume. I am kind of… Continue Reading

Vanilla Sex by Tom Ford NEW! from 2023

Heya Posse! Yes, Tom Ford has brought out another double entendre that is really a single intender, and not a very friendly one. I can’t imagine telling a friend that I am wearing something called Vanilla Sex. Tawdry. Even though… Continue Reading

Ghosts Of Tiffany’s: Trigère by Pauline Trigère

Last week we covered the new “Feud” and Truman Capote and briefly touched upon Breakfast At Tiffany’s (the story and the movie.) Of course, everone is rightly crazy about Audrey and her Givenchy dress- it’s an iconic image of elegant… Continue Reading

Celebrant? Scented Celebrant?

Hiya Posse Peeps, I’m not sure if I filled you in. In 2024 I’ll be studying to become a celebrant. For over 20 years mates and businesses have been asking me to do the course. I’m not entirely sure why… Continue Reading

All Of Me by Narciso Rodriguez NEW! NEW! NEW!

Hey Posse! A couple of months ago I grabbed a few things at Surrender To Chance. Yes, I know I’m supposed to be getting rid of my samples and decants in the New Idea 2023 deal. Sorry, I’ve always been… Continue Reading

Jury Duty: Or What to Wear?

So by the time you are reading this I will be either on, or “on call” for Jury Duty. Like anyone, I look forward to that civic duty with the joy and anticipation usually reserved for dental visits or perhaps,… Continue Reading

December New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for December New Idea 2023. I’m really thankful that after this I can spend time NOT worrying about making my New Idea numbers and that during this last year only missed completing… Continue Reading