Tropicana by Lorenzo Villoresi – Vintage Collection

Hey Hey Perfume Posse, Portia from Australian Perfume Junkies to chat with you about a fragrance house I’ve long wished to spend some time with but for some reason always gets pushed to the do it later pile. While in… Continue Reading

Snowpocalypse Scents

The mid-Atlantic region of the United States was abuzz for days about the impending snow storm.  My sister-in-law Kate and I, both having lived in areas where serious snow is neither unusual nor a cataclysm, started swapping drama-nuggets from the… Continue Reading

It’s Not All Garbage

Sometimes, a big city can be welcoming, and sometimes it can wallop you with an urban blight that impacts you so profoundly, it makes you scratch your head and wonder why you love that particular place so much to begin… Continue Reading