Innocence Lost? Detchema by Revillon

I heard of Detchema waaaay back in the 70’s when I read “Rosemary’s Baby” where it’s a major plot point (spoilers ahead for the three of you who never read the book, saw the movie, or have been outside) Rosemary… Continue Reading

Volupté by Oscar de la Renta

Heya Posse. A bottle that has been in the wardrobe for years and I rediscovered while looking for something else is Volupté by Oscar de la Renta. It’s a crazy shaped bottle and the cap never wants to go on… Continue Reading

Jet Setting: Le Labo Dubai, Shanghai and Miami exclusives

Well, it’s that time of year again. For a limited time you can get, if you’re a mind to, the city exclusives at your local Le Labo or at their website. This is a once-a-year thing and I am a… Continue Reading

Loubirouge by Christian Louboutin

OOOOHHHH Posse! I know I’m late to the party but these Louboutin bottles have been on my to try list for ages and I never seem to get into Sydney’s store to have a hold and a sniff. They came… Continue Reading

Compare and Contrast: SL versus Shiseido Féminité du bois

Well the heat is still on here. It’s supposed to drop about 20 degrees or so by the time this posts which will be a welcome relief. I am lucky enough to have central air in my present abode and… Continue Reading

Fancy by Jessica Simpson

Hey Posse! It seems like the Jessica Simpson brand is winding down. There have been no new releases in eons and many of her perfumes don’t seem to be available anywhere except for the ridiculously priced ones on Ebay. It’s… Continue Reading

Summer Rerun: Féminité du Bois

Well I got nothing. I lazed away the holiday and now I have to rely on a rerun. This one is from PST about a rare bargain I found in Little Tokyo back in the day (2007 I believe). Holiday… Continue Reading