Memory Lane Monday: Mother’s Day and Carven’s Ma Griffe

First off, happy Mother’s Day to all of you who are celebrating it today (I know some of you in other countries celebrate it at other times). As for me, I went to visit my wonderful mother-in-law for the day… Continue Reading

Memory lane Monday: Celebration scents and a big anniversary

This week (Tuesday), my wonderful DH and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage. So please bear with me, as I’m in full nostalgia mode, pulling out wedding albums, and looking through old announcements, mementoes and photos, etc. And, of… Continue Reading

Goodbye to my Perfume Connection

Perfume Pose logo

For about a decade there has been in Australia a perfume chain known as Perfume Connection, consisting of mall outlets in major cities, and a website. Today the Perfume Connection shop in my city closed its doors. When it began,… Continue Reading