Drag Festival: Drag’d Out Beechworth

Hi Posse, November has been a HECTIC month, finally I’ve got some time to sit down and write for you all. Weekend before last I was invited to go perform at a new Drag Festival. Run by a friend of… Continue Reading

Fox in the Flowerbed by Imaginary Authors

Hey Posse, Still getting my sniff on these amazing decants I bought from Surrender To Chance. There have been a few that I didn’t feel enough about to write anything good, or bad. Today though we meet Fox in the… Continue Reading

Lilas Exquis by Jacques Fath

Hi Posse, You know how sometimes you smell a fragrance and it hits the exact, perfect, photo realistic memory you’ve been looking for? Recently I was talking about the scent of wisteria. I was looking for a scent that smelled… Continue Reading

Collection Intense Nicolai Travel Trio

Hi Posse. Lately I’ve been on a spending spree. Almost all of it perfume related. It’s not like I need more perfume, quite the opposite. Sometimes I think my addiction is acquisition, rather than fragrance. I was very excited to… Continue Reading

Velvet Tonka by BDK Parfums

Hi Posse. I first tried Velvet Tonka by BDK Parfums at the Sydney Libertine release. It blew my mind and I asked for a larger sample to really spend some time to write. A boxed manufacturers sample popped into my… Continue Reading

Darling De Gabor

Hi Posse. Darling De Gabor passed me by. Released in 2016 and winner of multiple awards yet somehow I never even heard of it. It arrived as an extra with some purchases from Fragrances and Art. Just the manufacturers spray sample,… Continue Reading

Bella Donna by Jul et Mad Paris

Hey there Posse Peeps. Jul et Mad Paris came into our lives in 2012. It was the year I started blogging properly. The last couple of years they fell off my radar. Having bought the newest 2021 Pekji releases from Fragrance… Continue Reading