New Girls by Musette…and a giveaway!










….isn’t this the cutest thing? 


This is one of a trio  of scents by Arbonne.  I didn’t know anything about them until my pal Lydia sent me the samples.  There are three (that’s what makes it a trio, I guess.  Slammin’ math skilz, Musette) – The Dreamer, The Dazzler and The Dynamo (the blonde here is The Dynamo).    Each one of them comes in a cute-as-a-bug foldout ‘environment’ and they just make me giggle each time I see them.


And the scents aren’t bad, either.  Lydia is quite the nose in the real perfume world and when she told me about these she stressed that they were not high-end niche fragrances; rather, they are charming scents that would be fun to give as gifts – but guess what?  You might want to wear one or two of them yourself!  I was prepared to be all ‘eww’ but I was pleasantly suprised by two of them.


But let’s start with the one I was not.  Unsurprisingly, it’s the best-seller.  Becauuuuuse:  it’s a fruity-floral!   Sort of Calyx has a fling with Light Blue, The Dreamer is, in my opinion, the most delightful bottle, with a charming brunette in a cute, dreamy setting (complete with birdcage)  she appears to be wearing a green nightie and fuzzy ballet flats (aka ‘houseshoes’), which is cool – but she is also wearing a ginormous silver cuff bracelet.  I want her just for that odd pairing!  – the notes for Dreamer are : Fuji apple, yuzu zeste, white cyclamen, Australian sandalwood.  It’s missing the crisp bite of Calyx (which I love)  but it wouldn’t kill me to smell it on a young(ish) girl.  In fact, this is probably what I am going to get my 14yr old goddaughter for Christmas!  I think she will love it, her mom won’t hate it and it will look absolutely delightful on her vanity.

The one I was almost-pleasantly surprised by was  The Dazzler.  Notes of green bamboo, ylang-ylang, jasmine blossom and patchouli, it has a greenery-marinery vibe that didn’t make me run screaming for the Lava soap.   This is a fun, light take on green marine, with just enough jasmine and patch in there to keep it from veering into Victoria’s Secret territory.  I would happily get this for someone in my office who likes perfume but doesn’t like ‘real’ perfume.  I could stand to smell it and even if applied with a heavy hand, it’s not tenacious enough to be there long enough to give you a headache.  Sounds like faint praise?  It isn’t.  Consider:  you could be stuck in the cubicle next to somebody liberally dosed with Angel.  Or Opium.  Or……..Aromatics of Dooooom.  This is a way better alternative and it’s been awhile since I’ve seen such fun packaging.  Harajuku Lovers, move OVAH!


The one I actually would (and did) wear.  And really enjoyed it.  The Dynamo.    Notes are white cardamom, frosted pink grapefruit, night-blooming jasmine and golden amber.  Okay.  Let’s skip right on past the frosted grapefruit.  I have no idea if that means it’s liberally iced or if, somewhere out there, grapefruits are being slathered with Duncan Hines.  No matter.  The Dynamo is a nicely complex fragrance, with a touch of peppery aldehydes (the cardamom) and that whiff of rotting meat that makes Chanel No 5 and L’Aimant so deliciously interesting.  Y’all know me well enough to know that is high praise, indeed.  If you like aldehydes or if you want to gift someone who likes peppery scents but isn’t quite in Chanel territory (and loves cute bottles), this is a winnah!.  This is the ‘grownup’ fragrance of the three, imo.  But I’m a cranky old bat, so what do I know.  I do know that, given my druthers, I  would’ve switched bottles – this one deserves the LBD that The Dazzler  is wearing.  In fact, I wore it when dressed in something Not Fleece and it was a great choice.    Of course, it’s dropping into the 30s tonight so it’ll probably be May before I’m out of fleece.  sigh.  Perhaps The Dynamo can help see me through winter, though she’s pretty skimpily dressed.  I’ll have to get her a fleece hoodie.


These are  $78 ea for 1.7 fl oz in those cuuuuute bottles.  They are not sold in stores –  you can contact for more info or to order.  I am not affiliated in any way with the company, just so ya know, though Lydia is a great perfume resource and friend.  They’re just cute, they smell good and I thought you all should know about them, since the hollerdays are just around the corner.


Ooop!  I almost forgot the GIVEAWAY!!!  Drop a line telling me which one(s) sounds most interesting to you, either for personal wear or to gift.  I will send my 3 samples (each about 1.5ml) of all 3 perfumes to the lucky winner ( will choose).

  • Debbie says:

    The dazzler sounds like the one for me. I can’t resist Patchouli.I doubt I would wear it to work, but it sounds fun to wear around the house on weekends for a start.

  • That is really cute! Thank you for your thrilling review.

    Is this perfume contains some pheromones?

  • Dee says:

    For me the Dazzler sounds so appealing. Dynamo does too but Dazzler intrigues me more! I’ve never heard about these perfumes but they sound great!

  • maggiecat says:

    Arbonne has wonderful face and body care products, but this is the first I’ve heard about perfumes! The Dazzler sounds lovely (and so does Dynamo, but everyone else seems to think that too). Thanks for reviewing these!

  • Claudia says:

    For me, I think it would have to be The Dazzler. I’m such a sucker for patchouli! One mention, and that’s the one I would go for. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Cheryl says:

    Interesting? Hmm…bamboo as a note seems interesting. I don’t think it has a smell but it is evocative….but, the last one …I love L’aimant…


  • Winifrieda says:

    Oh noooo I think I’ve reached saturation….the notes all sound the same, representing some strange code that I just cannot interpret…I’m a-goin’ through a real downer in my frag passion at the moment…helppppp…

    • Musette says:

      Do not despair. I think it happens to us all at some time. Fwiw, the Dreamer and the Dazzler do have some ‘relational overlap’, imo. The Dynamo stands on its own, perhaps because of the cardamom.

      xo >-)

  • sunnlitt says:

    I would choose the Dazzler.
    Any scent that is discribed as green or greenery–
    that’s the one that I try first.

    Thanks for the review and the drawing.

  • Ann says:

    What a fun post, dear M! Darling bottles and so good to hear that juice isn’t just junk-junk-junk. These would, indeed, make the most adorable gifts.

  • Lydia says:

    Hi ladies!
    This is musette’s friend Lydia chiming in. Tank you so much for reviewing my samples!!! I adore you. And really agree. You put your finger on all the notes. What an amazing reviewer she is, isn’t she?! I just knew I had to have the expert nose smell these limited edition fragrances. And I can’t stand how cute the bottles are!

    I own all 3 and my fav is the dazzler.

    Oh yes, these ARE LIMiTED editions!… Available through 12/31. Contact me personally through my email
    And we can chat about how you can smell these or answer any questions you have about that.

    Thanks for all your comments!!


  • March says:

    Those are so cute! Don’t include me, but I think the bottles are fun.

  • LL grhm says:

    The Dynamo sounds like the most interesting of the three.

  • Joanna says:

    Dazzler and Dynamo both sound worthy of a sniff. I think I’d like a bottle of Dynamo just because I love cardamom and I’m blonde who needs an occassional reminder to be a Dynamo.

  • Isa says:

    Another voto for The Dazzler. Green notes are always welcomed :)

    The bottles are so cute!

    Thanks on the drawing!

  • ggperfume says:

    The Dazzler and the Dynamo seem like the best scents; the Dazzler is a redhead, so I like her looks the most; I’m a Dreamer myself. Hmm, which to choose? Good thing you’re giving them away as a trio!

  • Lilly says:

    The Dazzler. You got me at green bamboo and ylang ylang.They’re one of my fav notes, but I don’t know how they’ll go together. Very curious!

  • AnnieA says:

    Dynamo sounded most interesting to me. The bottles go one better than Harakjuku Loers without a doubt…

  • dleep says:

    I like the sound of Dynamo so that would be my choice. That packaging looks adorable.

  • LindaB says:

    CUTE! Never heard of the brand prior to your post but I’m a sucker for cute packaging. Im a big Harajuku Lovers fan (although I’m way too old to be, lol).

    Cardomom is the BOMB so I suppose Dynamo would be my pick although I’m not shelling $78 for these. Would love to be entered in the draw though…thanks!!

  • Lavanya says:

    Ooh..this would be the perfect gift for my sister..scent wise I think she might like Dynamo..she likes cute non classic bottles, so she’d love these.

  • Masha says:

    Oh, cardamom?? Dynamo is mine! These are adorable, and I like them way better than Harajuku Lovers, though those were, indeed, super-cute.

  • Maureen says:

    I would probably like the Dynamo fragrance…these bottles are sooooo cute. Please enter me and thanks for the draw.

  • Tiara says:

    Tough choice between Dazzler and Dynamo but the ylang-ylang with jasmine would probably end up being the tie breaker. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Lauren S says:

    Dazzler, Dreamer, and Dynamo . . . I like the cute names for the cute bottles. Thanks for the giveaway!

    • Musette says:

      You’re welcome. I like the names, too – the peppery aspect of Dynamo is a great name-association and the watery floweriness of Dreamer is perfect, too!

      xo >-)

  • Queen Cupcake says:

    What darling bottles! I would be most interested in Dazzler. Thanks for the giveaway!XO

    • Musette says:

      You are welcome, QC. They are darling! I hope the ones I get for my goddaughters actually make it into their hands! :”>

      xo >-)

  • Sherri M. says:

    These sound perfect for my daughters! I just bought a bottle of Betsey Johnson Too Too yesterday to put aside for birthdays/Christmas–also a darling tutu bottle for my Betsey Johnson fangirl. Most interested in the two with the blonde and brunette bottles (Dazzler and Dreamer?). Thanks so much for letting us know about these! :-)

    • Musette says:

      You’re welcome! They are perfect gifts, imo. Too often the packaging is great but the jus sucks – or vice versa. Betsy and MJ Daisy buck that trend, I think…and these do, too!

      xo >-)

  • Civava says:

    Dynamo notes are somewhere in my appreciation but bottle with brunette is my favorite.

  • Alica says:

    I would choose The Dazzler, thx!

  • jen says:

    Dynamo. I like the rotting meat smell as long as its not coming from my kitchen.

    • Musette says:


      yeah, baby! Been there (and it takes forevah! to get that smell out, doesn’t it? Or maybe it gets in our noses and just staaaaays…b-(

      xo >-)

  • Meg says:

    I am torn between The Dynamo and The Dazzler. I like green and some marines and a green-marine tolerated by a green-marine skeptic has gotta be pretty good. But I am also a new and enthusiastic N. 5 lover so The Dynamo sounds tempting too. Rotting meat note?! I am hoping that my nose doesn’t getting sophisticated enough to pick that up…or maybe because I am a veggie I don’t recognize it…

    • Musette says:


      That’s my own personal description – I get it in most aldehydes, especially vintage L’Aimant, in cooler weather. And I love it! Most people look at me /:) when I describe that so I doubt you will get it – it’s not unpleasant at all – it’s just part of the composition for me.

      Dazzler came theeeeees close! If it had a bit more bite I’d probably be all over it! Cutest bottle, imo!

      xo >-)

  • Jill s says:

    Musette, i agree with you. Dynamo sounds amazing.

    • Musette says:

      I was surprised. I was expecting ‘cheap-smelling’ It isn’t. It’s no Uncle Serge but they are very wearable and a lot of fun!

      xo >-)

  • Francesca says:

    Great post. I’d be curious to sniff all of these just because your descriptions are so appealing, but I think I, too, would go with Dynamo as the one I’d most like to try on myself. I’d love to see the packaging in person, too. It’s unique and so, so cute.

  • Catherine says:

    Any mention of aldehydes and Chanel No. 5 and I want to try! Dynamo seems right up my alley–plus the bottle is too adorable.

    • Musette says:

      I think you would be really pleasantly surprised by it! Are you ramping up for Paris? Can I slip into your suitcase? =)) can you imagine? You’d need a steamer trunk the size of a Volvo, though I have dropped a1/2 dress size since you last saw me – got tired of being heavy.

      xo >-)