October Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother

perfume sample fairy godmother

Esperanza the Perfume Fairy Godmother

Hey, it is time again for the Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother for October.    

So here’s how Fairy Godmother works – this post will be open for the entire month of October 2013.   I’ll start a new one at the beginning of November.  

For those of you new or that need a reminder of how this works – in comments you can list one or two things that you are yearning for and can’t seem to get –  a perfume sample is the easiest wish to grant for me.  Or you can wish for a full bottle, decant, vintage perfume or discontinued perfume you can’t find.  If someone has it and can help you out, they can reply to you in comments and then you can arrange to go offline through e-mail to work things out.  Please don’t post e-mails in comments unless you spoof them somehow, like this – patty at perfumeposse dawtcawm (spelling the dotcom at the end that way prevents robots from finding it as easily). Caveat Emptor and all that, don’t send people money, check out their references on MUA or Basenotes or the Facebook groups before you send something in a swap, if you wind up doing a swap.  We have some amazing Fairy Godmothers that show up every month, granting wishes right and left. If you’ve be a recipient of some kindness, do give back when you can. I know people that have gotten wishes granted, and every month they comb through the posts trying to find one or two people they can help out, and it just makes my heart happy.

If it’s a gift, send away.  I should note that  it’s more likely that a Fairy Godmother will happen along if you are a fairly regular commenter on The Posse and people recognize your name.

I’ll sometimes play Perfume Posse Fairy Godmother and go through the list and grant some perfume sample wishes. I’ll pick from ones that nobody has been able to help with – I’ll spin my random.org wheel  – and send them The Precious. 

perfume sample magic wand
So what is it that your heart desires?  (pulling out wand from the back of the closet and blowing off an inch of dust)  

  • VictoriaRose says:

    Neat! Thanks Carolyn, that’s super!

  • CarolynC says:

    Hi Victoria. I’m betting that most people are waiting for November fairy godmother posting so aren’t checking for late posts here. Happy to send you samples you’d like. Please send your address to me at bogsc at aol dawt com.

  • CarolynC says:

    Getting in my reverse perfume fairy godmother offerings just before November.

    Tend to crave spice/tea this time of year so pulling these from shelf and dusting them off to wear/share:

    Coco by Chanel – Small decant
    Magazine Street by Strange Invisible Perfumes – Small decant
    Malabah by Penhaligon – Small decant
    Russian Caravan Tea – Small decant
    Weil de Weil – Small sample of vintage EDP. My understanding is that the Weil’s were furriers who were trying to recreate the scent/feel of fur in perfume form. I think they did an outstanding job on this one.

    Given that work is crazy busy right now, due to time constraints shipping to US only for the moment.

    • VictoriaRose says:

      HI Carolyn. No one has replied? If you still are looking to share, I would love to try the Malabah by Penhaligon (I tried some Penhaligon years ago but not Malabah) and the Weil de Weil sounds very intriguing. As does Russian Caravan Tea but whatever you still might have left. I’ll send my address if so. Merci! Victoria

    • Lisa D says:

      Hi Carolyn:

      If you still have it, I’d love to try the Magazine Street, and would be happy to share something in return. I’ve got some Jacomo Art Collection #8 that’s reminiscent of chai, so it’s both tea and spice.

  • Jan Last says:

    The slow fairy will be shipping Monday!! Despite flooding, a new furnace and massive dirt moving, the fumes will get through!!

  • VictoriaRose says:

    This site is fantastic. I’m receiving some great samples and right around my birthday! cheers, V.

  • Victoria Charkut says:

    Hola, hello and what an incredible place this is. I spent two hours in bed this morning glued to reading about Rose perfumes and zipping around the web looking at prices. Fairy Godmother might HATE me for admitting I have been addicted to Tea Rose for many many years. I took trips with Paris (yuk) and some Penhaligon & I do like Jo Malone. What I’m looking for is a rose to seduce me and make me feel like the world is wonderful…. but one I can afford. I would appreciate any samples or a bigger amount if possible. I am a knitwear designer and could offer a beautiful hat or scarf or something later on. And, I recently went through a most amazing experience that put me out of my home for 2 months so I would be very appreciative. I LOVE ROSES. Do not like vanilla as my mum wore it when she was passing on. Love India, Spain, Mexico, weirdness. cfn, V. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ElLSBx9Jo8&list=RD029HB406iGofo (enjoy)

  • hajusuuri says:

    Dear PFG, I would love to get a sample of either Penhaligon Iris Prima or Escentric Molecules 02 (I already have 01 and 03). Please email me (click on my name) or leave a reply here and I will email you.Thanks.

  • Devon H says:

    Dearest Fairy Godmother, I would love to try a sample or decant of A Lab on Fire’s What We Do In Paris Is Secret, PdN’s Temps d’Une Fete, or NVC Ashoka. I have been a good fairy to others! 🙂 and will reverse fairy.

  • Michelle says:

    Dear Perfume Fairy. My wish is a sample of Michelle by Balenciaga. I have always wanted to try this perfume. Also if anyone knows where you can buy this perfume in stores or other than ebay/amazon, that will be great.

  • Edpgypsy says:

    Hi! I would like to try Lipstick Rose and White Aoud. Emailing you 🙂

  • Lej says:

    Hello to the Posse. This is my first time to join the discussion. I’m fairly new to fragrence exploration & collecting but I have several samples that have not won my heart so I’d like to send them out to anyone interested in trying them. I have 1ml of Keiko Mecheri’s Loukhoum, 2mls of Kenzo Jungle Elephant, 2.5 mls of Jaipur by Boucheron, 2 mls of ELDO’s Afternoon of a Faun, 3mls Atelier Cologne Oolong Infini, 1 ml of Lipstick Rose by F. Malle, 1 ml White Aoud by Montale & 4mls each of Tuscan Leather & Azure Lime by Tom Ford. Oh and about a 1 ml of Houbigants Quelques Fleur Royale. Most of these are sprays w/the exception the Loukhoum, Lipstick Rose, both Tom Fords & the Montale. You can contact me at lejmoorman at gee male dawt kom. And uh just FYI I’m not the most computer savvy person so I’m never quite sure if I’m doing things the best way. Oh and I’m located in Texas.

  • Civet says:

    Aaaand while I’m at it, here are some reverse PFG offerings. I’ll ship these anywhere; time to meet the folks at my local post office!

    Samples of:
    Le Labo Lys 41
    Lolita Lempicka Midnight Couture Black Eau de Minuit
    The Different Company Sel de Vetiver
    Odin 10 Roam
    Odin 09 Posala
    Comme des Garcons Luxe Patchouli and Champaca EDTs
    Profumum Dulcis in Fundo
    Habanita EDT

    If you’re interested in any of these, please email me at civetohell at gmail

    • Lynne Marie says:

      HI Civie,
      I’d love to try the Odin 09 and the Dulcis in Fundo, emailing you now…

    • leathermountain says:

      Hi Civet,
      I’d like to try your Lys 41, Lolita Lempicka Midnight Coutoure Black Eau de Minuit, and, if you’re hoping for fewer packages, I am interested in the Odins and the Comme des Garcons as well. Emailing you now. 🙂

    • Elia says:

      I’d like the Sel de Vetiver if I may. ty

    • Edward says:

      I’d like Odin 10 Roam and Habanita, please!

  • katrin says:

    Dear Perfume Fairy! This month my wish is a sample of L’Heure de Nuit by Guerlain, a tiniest drop will do.

  • fleurdelys says:

    I’m always looking for a good carnation note. Esperanza, can you fulfill my wish of a sample of an Italian carnation, either Garofano from Santa Maria Novella or Garofano from Lorenzo Villoresi?

    • Lynne Marie says:

      Hi Fleur,

      I have some Roger et Gallet Blue Carnation I can send if you are interested. My email is clevelandvitz1 at gmail

  • NeenaJ says:

    Dear Esperanza,

    I am hoping you can fulfill my wish for some Sonoma Scent Studio Champagne de Bois. My email is jpreciose at gmail dawt com.

  • RuthF says:

    Hi All, I’m dying to try By Kilian Beyond Love if anyone has a drop to spare! ruthfarrelly at gee mail dot com

  • Civet says:

    Dearest Esperanza, I would love to try Lolita Lempicka Au Masculin. Actually, I’d like to try just about anything with licorice/anise notes. Thanks so much!!! Civetohell at gmail

    • Mary P. says:

      Hey Civet – Unfortunately I don’t have any LL au Masculin (I do have Lolita Lempicka though if you are interested), I was wondering if you’d ever tried Bvlgari Jasmine Noir? It has a pronounced licorice note, a really beautiful (I think) white floral. If you would like to try let me know at email: shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

      • Mary P. says:

        I also have a little 1000 Flowers Reglisse Noir too if you are interested. Again, shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

      • Civet says:

        Hi Mary!!! Thank you so much for you wonderful offers. In fact, I already have some of each of the beauties you mentioned! Therefore, I will decline (very gratefully though!!) and let you fulfill the wishes of others.

    • Jan Last says:

      Civet, you are cruising right up my alley. I’m getting out all my licorice notes for fall. I’d love to send some. Of course, the most elegant is still 1000 flowers Reglisse Noir, but there are some others you might like. jdeangeo at aol dot com

      • patty P. says:

        I bet that Mancera Black Candy has a lovely licorice accord. =|

        • Mary P. says:

          Yes, and speaking of candy, there is always Aquolina Pink Sugar. I have some of that too if you haven’t already tried it. shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

          • patty P. says:

            If you are talking to me Mary, I have tried Pink Sugar thanks. If not, I hope whomever you are figures it out. =o|

          • Mary P. says:

            Hi Patty P. – I thought I was responding to Civet’s licorice note thread, but no worries, she’ll figure it out :)))

      • Civet says:

        Oh Jan, you are so fabulous! You introduced me to Reglisse Noir, and I do believe it’s now in my top 10. If you have any other scents in which licorice takes center stage, I would love it if you sent samples my way!
        By the way, I have sitting next to me a box of strange and sometimes wonderful (but not always–sometimes just, well, weird…) fumes that will be heading from WY to CO today!

        • Mary P. says:

          I am just really curious – what is considered a strange or weird perfume? Is there something they have in common to make them weird? Thanks from an uneducated fumehead! 🙂

          • Civet says:

            Well, there’s Brent Leonesio’s Accident. I think it definitely qualifies, tho the marketing is much stranger than the scent (rest assured, the scent is pretty strange). And also House of Matriarch oM, which has me doing the ol’ flehmen response while sniffing my wrist. These two smell nothing alike, but they both smell weird (and good, at least in my book)!

          • Mary P. says:

            Ahhh….. after looking up the first one I was thinking that maybe it was a fragrance that wasn’t necessarily ‘pretty’, but then I looked up the second and thought wow, I think I’d love that one! 🙂 I understand that something like Secretions Magnifique would be considered ‘weird’, or the blood type fragrances, but maybe it’s something that could be sort of like fragrance ‘art’, or even something subjectively strange? The latter may be more flexible depending on what an individual perceived as strange. Like I personally think that Kenzo L’Elephant is kind of strange, but someone else may find it beautiful…. interesting…. Thanks Civet, it’s a helpful reminder and adds another dimension to the whole realm of fragrance appreciation. Now all of a sudden I think of a few more that might fit within the strange mold 🙂

          • Civet says:

            I will send you a smidge of oM with the odins, Mary! It’s got this vegetal musk thing going on, to my nose at least. I love it, but it definitely smells weird to me. I don’t smell any orange blossom, curious to see if you do!

          • Mary P. says:

            Thank you so much!!

          • Jan Last says:

            Mary Pat, just look under my spreadsheet for weird or odd or arggggghhhh!

          • Mary P. says:

            I will do that Jan, thanks! 🙂

    • dinazad says:

      I do have Lolita Lempcka au masculin and would happily send you some – e-mail me at convallia-at-yahoo-dot-com, if you like!

  • Jan Last says:

    And as the seasons come and go,
    here’s something you might like to know.
    There are fairies everywhere: under bushes, in the air,
    playing games just like you play, singing through their busy day.
    So listen, touch, and look around – in the air and on the ground.
    And if you watch all nature’s things, you might just see a fairy’s wing.
    ~ Author unknown

  • CarolynC says:

    Dear PFG, I’d love to try some Gardez-Moi by Jovoy. Will post some reverse fairy godmother offerings shortly.

    • Heather F says:

      Hi Carolyn, i can reciprocate with a spray sample of this (if you’re willing to wait a few extra days for my new spray vials to come in 🙂 Emailing you now.

  • Edward says:

    I would love to try anything from Cartier, but spec. Cartier’s Declaration un Soir.

    • Mary P. says:

      Hi Edward, I have a little Must de Cartier and Panthere – both are vintage though. If you are interested my email is shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

    • LaurenW says:

      Hello, Edward, I have Cartier Baiser du Dragon. Nice and spicy. Let me know if you’d like some at 4321Lauren at gmail dot com.

  • Mary P. says:

    Dear Esperanza – this month I am feeling introspective and wishing to explore incense fragrances. I am open to anything, thanks so much! My email is shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

  • Jan Last says:

    Late to the party again, lol. Happy October! I don’t have time to read all the posts so far, but as per usual, I am after your odd, strange and sometimes unloveables and would love to try more By Kilians. I’ll start mailing the Salamanca from last month, and will read the up and down posts. I have lots to send you.

    • leathermountain says:

      Would you like to smell Theo Fennell Scent? I call it odd. I think you might appreciate it.
      And the unclaimed Sisley Soir de Lune? Also potentially odd and potentially something you’d appreciate.

    • Irina says:

      Jan, what Kilians are you after?-please, let me know, it will be a pleasure to send you what I have (samples, only)

      • Jan Last says:

        Irena, thanks, I will email you, but I’ll also answer here, I’ve been trying the dark ones, they are great, just tried the Bamboo Harmony, loved it, would like to try The Peony Pavilion, The Peach Flowers Water Source, The Lotus Flower and the King Dragon and Prelude to Love

    • Mary P. says:

      Jan, have you tried Kilian Beyond Love yet? I have a sample to send if you haven’t. My email is shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

      • Mary P. says:

        Hey Jan, I also have something unique – Japanese body incense powder made by Shoyeido, used the same way as perfume. If you are interested in trying email me at shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

  • Joaquim says:

    Dear perfume fairy godmother, I recently discovered three lines: Profumum Roma, Magnetic Scent and Bruno Fazzolari but I’m interested in just one perfume of each line: Fumidus, Indigo and Lampblack, a few drops of some of this juices would be awesome, and maybe I have something to offer in return! Thank you in advance

    I’m in the EU and you can contact me at: joaquinsune at yahoo dot com

  • patriciaC says:

    Dear perfume fairy godmother-i would like to try more lilac perfume. leathermountain sent me a lilac scent that has me infatuated now. Wondering if their are any others i may like?Would be happy to send back some samples in return. Thanks

    • Holly F. says:

      I think I have a couple that I can send you! Just need your info, please.

      • patriciaC says:

        Thanks holly! Thanks so much, here is my e-mail-we can talk about what i have you may want to try-
        p2 28546 at hot mail dawt com

        • patriciaC says:

          Thanks holly! Thanks so much, here is my e-mail-we can talk about what i have you may want to try-
          pc 28546 at hot mail dawt com
          address was wrong on post sorry

    • Jan Last says:

      From my spreadsheet, think you might want to try it??

      Caron Fleur de Rocaille mimosa and lilac jasmine and iris sandalwood and amber no summer one of those big flower things sample

      jdeangeo at aol dot com

      • patriciaC says:

        Oh yes sounds like a touch of heaven to me! i will e-mai you asap and check for the unusuals you like as well.

  • Fabio says:

    Hi all..
    I would like very much to sample anything by Andy Tauer..I would order samples from his web-site but sadly he is unable to ship to Italia.. I would be happy to try anything by him but, especially Marocain, Orange Star, or one of his ROSES
    ALso, would like to try something by Parfums DEmpire, for they have sold out of their sample set on-line
    I am contact-able at fabiopiaser@hotmail.it, I have samples to offer in return
    Many thanks!

    • Jackie b says:

      Hi Fabio
      i have some Air du Desert, Incense Rose and Reverie du Jardin if you are interested.
      Also I can make you a sample of P d’E Equistrius.
      You can contact me at jdotbirch12 at me dot com.

  • Heather F says:

    Hi all, Once again I have a random assortment of things I’d love to try, and I’m throwing out a bunch in the hopes that one of them sticks 🙂 I’d love to try anything from Exotic Island Perfumers, MdO’s Violet Fumee, Divine L’Ame Soeur, Laborattorio Olfattivo’s Decou-Vert, Penhaligon’s Iris Prima, or Hiram Green Moon Bloom. Thanks in advance!!

    • CarolynC says:

      Hi Heather. I can help with the Decou-vert. bogsc at aol dawt com.

    • Lynne Marie says:

      Hi Heather,
      I’ve got you covered on the L’Ame Soeur. I still have your address from last month, so it will be on its way to you by the middle of the week!

      • Heather F says:

        Thanks so much Lynne-I’ll have to see if I can rustle up anything to send in return 🙂

    • Jan Last says:

      Great, Heather, I have the Decou-Vert and I think I have one or two of Juan Perez at EIP. I have Divine by Devine if you are interested

      • Heather F says:

        Hi Jan, Ohh, thanks so much–sending an email (and I might have a few weird things for you to try in turn 🙂

  • Beck says:

    Dear Godmothers,

    I would love to get my nose on a small decant of Ambre Russe by Parfum d’Empire, Cardinal by Heeley, Costes or Costes 2.

    I will reciprocate the favour with a small but fine collection of samples.

    Thank you,


  • Hello! I have lots of samples and continue to scan for things I can offer others! In the meantime, I am looking for any of the DSH Holiday series (esp. Winter White or Lumiere) or SSS (Winter Woods, Cocoa Sandalwood, or Forest Walk). I guess I’m feeling seasonal!

  • leathermountain says:

    Greetings, FGP’s! I’m super busy this month, so I’m hoping that only a couple of people will go ahead and claim all my reverse offerings, all of which are samples. Some are smidges, largest is 2 or 3 mL, in rough size order:
    -Pamplelune (Guerlain Aqua Allegoria)
    -Soir de Lune (Sisley)
    -Kelly Caleche (Hermes)
    -Chergui (Lutens)
    -Carnation / Clavel (Alvarez Gomez Agua de Tocador)
    -Vendetta (Valentino)
    -Little Stars (Olympic Orchids)
    -La Haie Fleurie (L’Artisan)

    And, Fairy Godparent, please, would you grant me a perfume named Lilla?

    Lilla szívét kértem; s megadá a…?

    • patriciaC says:

      I would be happy to house anything as i have sent alot of my samples to new homes.If you think i would like any of them.

      • leathermountain says:

        Hi Patricia. Let’s see…. Anyone feel free to jump in here with extensions or corrections!

        Pamplelune is straight-up grapefruit. Soir de Lune is a bitter chypre. Kelly Caleche is said to be a rosy leather but was also straight-up grapefruit on me, sigh. Chergui is said to be tobacco but was sugar and birch tar on me, sigh again. Carnation is a nice rosy carnation. La Haie Fleurie is a giant white flower bomb, sort of a la Fracas. I don’t quite know how to describe Vendetta or Little Stars. Let me know which ones sound good!


        • patriciaC says:

          Some sound nice-but i would much rather forfiet to martha all of them. postage is outrageouse.I’m still loving on the lilac you sent me last month.

          • Martha says:

            I did not intend to “take cuts”. Since you asked first, and you are low on samples they ought to go to you, patriciaC 🙂

          • patriciaC says:

            I know you didn’t, since leathermountain has been kind last month with the lilac sample i wanted to save her some coins and besides most i didn’t think i would like.

    • Martha says:

      If patriciaC doesn’t want Pamplelune or Little Stars, I’d like to try them.

    • Nemo says:

      I would love to try Kelly Caleche, Chergui, Vendetta, Carnation, and/or La Haie Fleurie if they are still available. Thanks so much leathermountain! My emails is yukiej at gmail dawtcawm.

    • leathermountain says:

      Shucks, you two. 🙂 Let me see if I can find something for everyone.

      Martha: Pamplelune and Little Stars — contact me at.. a l e d e r b e r g altt hot male
      Nemo: Kelly Caleche, Chergui, Vendetta, Carnation, and I can divide the Haie Fleurie; I’ll email you.
      Patricia: part of Haie Fleurie, and then let’s email a bit and see what else I have that may interest you.

      That’s it for my reverse list. If anyone has Lilla for me (or speaks Hungarian)…..

  • Jamie says:

    Dear Fairy Godmother,

    I am looking for a decant of Van Cleef & Arpels Bois d’Iris. If that’s too tricky, I would love to try something from Frederic Malle (L’eau de Hiver, Musc Ravageur, Iris Poudre…)

    Thank you!

  • edpgypsy says:

    Dear Fairygodparents,
    I am in search of smelling a tiny bit of either Tom Ford- Black Orchid Voile de Fleur or Narciso Rodriguez- Essence. I think either would be a nice transition into fall scent. Hoping I am worthy… 🙂 Gmail address is my username above.

  • edpgypsy says:

    Hi there, this is my first time participating on the Perfume Fairy Godmother thread. I would like to start with a reverse post to offer a few samples I would like to share if anyone wants them. I know they are pretty common and a lot of you are familiar with them but maybe someone out there who is maybe new like me would like to give one or all a home. I have a carded sample of Dior- Miss Cherie and also Givenchy- Ange ou Demon. I also have a small decant of Dior- Addict. I am fairly new to perfumes, so hopefully I will have more to offer in the future. My Gmail address is my username.

  • Nadja Sand says:

    Hi everyone! My long shot wish from last time, Nuit Noire by Mona di Orio, still stands. (But thank you to leathermountain for sending a sample of Salamanca my way, post is proving slow but I’m sure it’ll get here!) Really, I’d love to get my hands on any odd/dark/fierce tuberose. Specifically things like HdP Tubereuse 3 Animale, Tableau de Parfums Loretta, Tubereuse Criminelle, Soivohle Tobacco & Tulle or Aftelier Cepes and Tuberose. Any one of these would make my day! I have some niche samples and a lot of indie oil samples that I can offer in return!

  • Edward says:

    I have been trying to find male perfumes that contain rose, and hugo boss’s Motion and White Motion. I think they fit the colder weather. I have to use my scarf now and I like it!

  • Nemo says:

    Hi everyone,

    I have a set of 8 samples from Possets perfumes. I would like to send them all to one person if possible. If you are interested, the specific samples are: Adamus, The Field of Reeds, The Girls Love Chai Chai Chai, The Arc of Venus, Fearful Symmetry, Indigo and Stewart. I hope someone will give them a good home!

    • thegoddessrena says:

      I am always willing to try a new to me perfume house. My yahoo address and screen name are the same

  • Elia says:

    Dear Fairies,
    I feel like trying something all natural. I’ve been feeling a bigger and bigger pull towards Strange Invisible Perfumes lately, and I’d love an introduction. I’ve never tried any, so my wish could be covered by any one of them.

  • LaurenW says:

    good morning, Fragrance Godmother. I would love a sample of Slumberhouse Norne. I have been a very good sharer.

  • thegoddessrena says:

    I am looking to revisit some things that I no longer have samples of, specifically Ta’if, Mythique and Safran Troublant

  • Connie says:

    I’m wishing upon the perfume star for anything by Pierre Guillaume (from Parfumerie Generale, Phaedon, Huitieme Art). So far I’ve tried DjHenne and Aomassai. And would love the chance to sample any of the others. Looking forward to granting some wishes, may post some reverse swaps later on.

    • thegoddessrena says:

      Hi Connie, I can send you some Dzhari. My screen name and yahoo address are the same

    • Nadja Sand says:

      I just received a decant of Rouge Avignon in a giveaway. I’m niot ready to part with my decant but I can spare a sample of it if you are interested. You can contact me at taralome at hotmail.

    • Civet says:

      Hi Connie! I can help you out with some Parfumerie Generale Bois Naufrage. My email is civetohell at gmail

  • thegoddessrena says:

    I have the Le Labo for you. My yahoo address and screen name are the same

  • Holly F. says:

    Hi all! I’m so excited that it is October and the Perfume Fairy Godmother is here to grant all of our wishes. I’m desperately looking for some Amouage Memoir Woman, if a bit can be spared. If a larger amount is available, I would give generously from my own collection in exchange for it. Fingers crossed, here’s hoping! I would love to grant some other wishes, too. Xoxo

  • Jackie b says:

    Hello PFGM! I have been reading various reviews of Hermessence fragrances but have never sampled any. Would love to try any of them, please grant my wish this month…I have been very good. Ish.

  • lucasai says:

    Dearest Esperanza! I didn’t find a lucky star last month…
    I’m hoping to have more luck in October.
    Please hear my wish and grant me a sample of Histoires de Parfums 1899 Hemingway or Van Cleef & Arpels Rose Velours. If neither of these work – Phaedon Tabac Rouge or any other sweeter tobacco perfume will make me happy.

  • patty P. says:

    Finally !!!! Dear Esperanza. Can you find some Iris Nazarena by Aedes de Venustas? 🙂

    • Civet says:

      Hi Patty! I can send you a sample of this. If anyone else has more than a sample available, though, I will gracefully step aside! Civetohell ahttt gmail dawn cawm

      • patty P. says:

        That’s lovely Civet !!! And let me say if anyone has more than a sample I have Paypal as it’s a pricey one. 🙂

  • springpansy says:

    Yay – it’s Esperanza! Hi all – I’m looking for a sample of Le Labo Labdanum 18 and/or a sample of A Lab on Fire LiquidNight. I live in Colorado in the U.S. I’m always happy to send something fun in return and will see what I can find from my stash for other fairy godmother requests. Thanks! (debby msrd {at} comcast dawt netttt – misspelled purposely, of course)

    • Jamie says:

      I received that last month as a Le Labo wish! There isn’t much, but I can send you what I have… If someone has a more generous sample, definitely chime in!

    • Jan Last says:

      I can help with the Liquidnight, it’s very nice.