what’re you lookin’ at? No, really…what’re you lookin’ at? I can’t see a thing!!
Well, I’m not really a ‘blue lady’. I’m just exhausted with work projects (YAY!) and a little scared for my baby boy (BOOOO!) . Bruno is blind as a stump. Again. We tried to step him down off his meds but his immune system said ‘whaaaaaaat?’ and kicked up a fuss sumpin’ AWFUL! Happened Friday, while his doc was still in the office, so we walked over there and I. Did. Not. Freak. Out. No shriekage. No cryage. Though El O did have to come get him because his platelets are low again (but still in the 6-figs) and she didn’t want him walking home and I guess I was getting a little wild around the eyeballs meself. So Wl O came to the vet, I settled down a bit, he drove Bruno and I walked home to settle my nerves so nobody had to get hurt, y’know? Bruno’s back on Everything and he’s adjusting,with sight coming and going -actually a little more freaked out this time than last, wanting to stay very, very close – he’s thrilled to go for short walks, as long as I talk him through it – sometimes he’ll get to the end of his leash, get all ‘whoa! I don’t think I know this grass!!!?’ at which point I stop and talk to him so he can orient himself. He’ll come over, bump my leg as if to say ‘oh, there you are!’, then he’ll resume the walk). Despite that, he’s in great doggy spirits, doesn’t get mad when I call him ‘Ray’ or ‘Stevie’ (and yes, I am Just. That. Bad. but this is scary so I have to whistle in the dark, just a leeetle bit and Ray did just fine, thank you very much and Stevie rocks on!)…….do you know when I was writing this I kept thinking ‘it’s Friday! YAY!’ – sigh. It’s been a long couple of days. Lots of good stuff in those days & Bruno is going to be FINE – but these are long days, indeed.

Where’s my piano?
When I knew we were going back down that dark path, I threw on some Amouage Dia extrait. I couldn’t manage the aldehydic chewiness of Number 5 or Gold (I know, right? you know it’s bad when I can’t slap on the 5). Dia has that Grace Kelly carnation-rose feel (I put Dia, Beloved and the fabulous new Journey at that table on the terrace) – it required that I behave in a manner worthy of it, so I did.
I walked home to a big ol’ box of fabulous from Beautyhabit (reminder: you still have until 31May for free ground shipping (contiguous US only) – code: POSSE)…knowing my love for rose Paula sent me a couple of samples along with my ginormous bottle of Alteya Bulgarian Rose Water. This is a beautiful, softly scented floral water, perfect for spritzing to fix your foundation or just spritzing to cheer yourself up. I decanted mine into a spritzer because 500 mls is a bit hard to pick up and spray. I will definitely decant some into a 5-ml sprayer and carry it with me. It’s rose without screaming ROSE! I have always used rosewater and no, I couldn’t begin to tell you if it really does anything meaningful to my actual skin – but it always makes me feel pretty and pampered – and I figure that’s at least half the plan right there. This one smells great and feels good and the extremely fussy Teresa likes it, so that’s good enough for me!
Then, continuing on the Rose-strewn Path of Fabulosity: you all know of my deep and abiding love for Diptyque Creme Riche, with its rose/myrrh combination – it’s one of the few rose creams that doesn’t go all sour on me (and Lyric does. not. count. since it’s in a jeweled world all its own). I hate that stupid, ergonomically vicious glass jar but…oooh, what’s inside! I didn’t think they could do a better rose…but I was WRONG! Eau Rose Body Veil Lotion is the stuff of miracles: a straight-up rose that isn’t obnoxiously ROSE – and doesn’t sour on my skin. And it comes in a plastic, ergonomically-correct bottle!!!
I was hunting around the armoire for a rose scent that would compliment all this Rose Glory – and you know what? I just realized that the best roses for me are ones that are mixed with warm incense, especially frankincense or myrrh – oooh, Paestum Rose. I got this sample at Luckyscent, back at the Scentsation, threw it in a box and forgot all about it because I hate the living heck out of their bottle designs. There. I said it. I am boringly Old-ass Old School when it comes to perfume bottles. You can put a little charm around the neck, and lawd knows I loves me a tassel but anything else and I kinda get all ‘you kids get the hell off my lawn!’. Too bad…because the juice inside that milkbottlewiththefunnywritin’ is GLORIOUS! It’s that myrrh thing – I swear. That and frankincense seem to knock out the sour note that plague so many otherwise gorgeous rose scents.
Which may be why Lyric is still in a class by itself. But you already know that.
Interestingly, the Diptyque rose fragrance fell completely flat on me. Isn’t that weird? After all that Bath and Body Love….a big ol’ waah-waaaah-waaah… not bad – and no sourness……just sort of a snooze.
Ann Gerard’s much-anticipated Rose Cut (I love the ambiguity of the name. Diamonds? Flowers? Both?) – it’s a sassy little rose, veers theeees close to the sour but peels off in another direction before the vinegar takes hold. I like it – a lot – but I think it’s a bit too linear for me and it only lasts about 20 minutes on my skin.
That’s my walk down Rose Lane. I love roses, especially pink roses – they always feel like the epitome of floral luxury. It’s been a great way to settle myself down during this hectic time. what flower(s) do that for you?
Just wanted to add….
I know how stressful it is emotionally, physically and financially with a situation like Bruno’s. I can tell how very loved he is, and I *know* that he knows too. If a dog has his pack’s love, they can cope with nearly everything. We bear the brunt of knowledge.
I love the picture of him in the glasses. I’ll be thinking of you two, and not just today. One day at a time….one problem at a time.
HOLY CATS & CRACKERS!!!!! I…….wow. Debbie…I……wow!
What wonderful people you and DH are. What a lucky dog she was!
Dang. You…I am humbled.
And please thank your DH for his service.
She was the incredible one, living through that, still being so trusting and sweet. DH earns points for courage and determination, tho, I gotta admit.
DH believes she was one of Hussein’s dogs based upon where/how he found her. He and some other people were some of the first to get dogs out of there. He carried her with a gunfight going on down the street to get her into the zoo, where she had to be to make the flight to Jordan; from there, Chicago, where I had to get her through the paperwork. They shipped her in a cage way too small; the airline people were pi$$ed as me and didn’t help until I explained this rescue and that the zoo put her in that cage, not me. And then they were incredibly helpful. She was beautiful and very sweet, even if she was convinced the hallway was a kill zone.
I’m having trouble getting my posts in the right place. ARGH.
Poor Bruno. I’m sure the inconsistency is driving him nuts… but if Mom is playing with him and calling him silly names, can it be all that bad? I hope they can get his meds adjusted. He’s quite a young dog, isn’t he?
We lost our Hayley-dog very suddenly on Friday and I am just. Having such a hard time. I miss her. Ten days ago, she was fine, she was going on these long 6-mile runs with Gaze on our gravel road. Then she popped up lame in her right front foot and we took her to the vet on Wednesday. Pain meds didn’t help, the limp got worse, we went back on Friday and were told that not only did she have osteosarcoma, she appeared to have lymphoma as well… but while we were in the vet’s office her lymph nodes ballooned up and she began having trouble breathing. We finally let her go that evening. She was a rescue dog and we had ten great years with her, but I miss her so much.
Love my roses. One of my bushes didn’t survive the winter and I need to replace it… yellow ones are my favorite, which is probably why I love Rose d’Ete so much, but I love roses in general. Seems I do particularly badly with those woody-incense-rose scents, though – cannot do Paestum Rose at ALL, it smells acrid on me the way the fireplace ashes do when they get wet. There are others that do the same thing, but I’m blanking on names at the moment.
Have been wearing Petite Cherie (which takes me back to a beloved childhood memory) for comfort lately. And if I get tired of that, I’ve got Paris Pont des Amours, DSH Rose Vert, Lyric Woman, my four samples of BK Rose Oud, L’Arte di Gucci, the aforementioned Rose d’Ete, Ballets ROuges… probably some more around here [roots through perfume cabinet… Good Lord, the white florals must have been up to shenanigans in here, looks like they’re multiplying…]
Oh hon, I so feel for you and your pupper! Big hugs to both of you, and a special kiss on the snuffler for Ray/Stevie. But thank dog for scents and their ability to help ease us through tough spots. Whenever life gets on top of me (which is more often than it should), my clutch of “comforters” — not always the same perfumes, depending on season and what specifically it is I need to dispel — are one in an ever-growing toolbox labeled GETTING THROUGH THIS CRAP.
And,yes, roses are wonderful to wear, especially at this time of year when they are blooming all over DC. I have been running to my tiny decants of Fille de Berlin and Miller Harris Rose en Noir quite a lot, lately.
Be well — both of you (and El O)!
Poor Bruno! I sure hope he gets better from whatever is happening there. I hope he will be able to see all the time soon. Thank you for including his cute picture. I like anything with jasmine in it when I need a little comfort. I do like rose, too, especially some of the Rosines, like Rose Kashmirie and Poussiere de Rose.
Kashmirie is one of my favorite winter scents. The cream is STUNNING! xoxoxoA
Oh, Bruno, I’ll be sending my love and prayers for you!!
I love roses… I’m still in search of my perfect rose perfume but, the other day, I certainly found an actual rose which gives out divine scent… I wish I could just capture the scent and turn it into perfume… 🙂
thank you! and isn’t it beyond wonderful when you find a rose that really smells like a ROSE? xoxoxoxoA
Sending good thoughts to Bruno! In hopes that Bruno’s sight issues are temporary, have you ever thought about wearing something that makes a noise so he will know where you are? Nothing too crazy, but a tinkly charm bracelet or a bell tied to your shoe (like the small bells found on cat toys)? just a thought since a dog’s hearing is so much better than ours.
Like Elsie the Cow! LOL! 😀 xoxooA
I like roses, but my favorite highly scented flower is the casablanca lily. It doesn’t appear in too many perfumes, though – perhaps it’s too spicy?
Hugs, kisses, tasty treats and power ups to Bruno!
I love that flower! But I cannot imagine wearing it!
Bruno sends you his love (and some tasty (human) treats backatcha!!!
Oh, sweetie, so sorry to hear this. But hopefully soon the vets will figure out what’s going on and can take action. Until then, just hang in there the best you can, which it sounds like you’re doing. Bruno is a trooper and he (and you) will get through this and come out smelling like a rose (pardon the pun).
LOL!!!!! thanks, sweetheart! xoxoA
Oh Bruno, get better soon Sweetie x I hope the doc finds out what’s causing it soon, then he’ll be on the mend before you know it, Musette x Glad you’ve got the Dia for a comfort-hug.
My favourite comfort rose is good old Marks and Spencer’ s Rose Foaming Bath Essence. There’s something menthol or mint in there and it just scents the whole house when you run a bath with it. For perfume, I love the rose in TF Shanghai Lily, and in No22 Pure Parfum.
oooh! yet another reason to take a trip!!! xoxoxoxoA
So, so sorry to hear of Bruno’s continuing problems. Here’s hoping that a revision of his med levels brings back his sight quickly. I had a cat that went blind and he adjusted quite nicely to it, even managing to run down the hallway and jump on the sofa, and could jump onto my husband’s shoulders. No one ever knew he was blind, as long as we kept the furniture where he knew it would be! But it must be far harder to deal with a continuous losing and regaining of vision – not getting time to adjust to anything – and I hate that they still don’t know what’s causing the low platelets. Gives me the heebie-jeebies since my mother, who passed away last year, had a blood cancer, multiple myeloma, and I know all about low platelets, and being a caregiver. Remember to take time to take care of yourself while you’re taking care of Bruno.
Paestum Rose is exceptionally beautiful, and I’m with you on hating their bottles. So ugly. I also love Le Fille de Berlin, Incense Rose, and by Killian’s Rose Oud. Saving up my pennies for that one.
I’m so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing and so glad you were able to care for her. And I promise to be careful to take care of myself this time (not quite so the last time). El O is helping a lot, which is great. And I agree that it’s the inconsistency of his condition that is causing him stress. Like a door that keeps opening and shutting in your face!
Rose Oud is stunning!
whoa! I don’t think I know this grass!!!?
ROTFL! You perfectly captured how so many cats react to new things and people. Sigh. Perfect. I’ve never seen it in a dog, however, having only owned GSD’s. Their reaction is new things : “Oh. That’s interesting” or “Oh boy!!!!” or “What? The dark Hallway of Death? Feel free to go down it. By yourself.” Actually had to hire a behaviorist to help with the last reaction. She was a dog from Baghdad. People are a whole category of reaction unto themselves among GSD’s. Anyway, thanks for the memories and grins.
Rose….ah, I love it. Lyric, Stella, Mille et Une Rose (curses upon them for d/c’ing that), Rose Volupte…I really need to find a rose fragrance that smells like the spicy orange roses my Mom used to grow in LA. It was a fresh spicy rather than the spices of Lyric…. I wonder if anyone even remembers or knows what those real orange roses smell like?
However, the floral note that epitomizes luxury for me is gardenia. While I would like an entire mini-collect of rose fragrances, I would love one of gardenia.
I wish ‘flora’ would come back on here – she knows a bunch about roses (and lilies). Was your girl a service dog? How on earth did you get her from Baghdad?
Gardenia is an epic FAIL on me. Dang it all!
Flora here – I love me some spicy orange roses too! 🙂
Most roses in the orange color family lean toward the fruity side of the fragrance spectrum, but there are a few spicy ones too. The venerable ‘Granada’ is among the best of those and you can still find it sometimes. It’s a vivid orange blend with shiny dark green leaves that look like holly – one of the few roses you can identify when it’s not in bloom.
The ginormous ‘Just Joey’ is a creamy apricot orange that smells for all the world like ginger ale. Seriously.
‘Typhoon’ is a dark orange blend with a very good fragrance. It is also ridiculously vigorous and healthy, and armed with vicious hooked thorns that feel like a cat’s claw when they make contact. I forgive it that one flaw for all its virtues.
One of my very favorite orange roses is the Hybrid Tea ‘Rosemary Harkness’ – in addition to being an orange-pink color that looks like alpenglow, it is wonderfully scented of tangy passion fruit. It’s not spicy, but it’s swoon-worthy!
The most fragrant orange roses are in the pastel color range from buff/peach/apricot/coral/salmon. Roses in that “hard” bright chalky shade of orange and dark burnt orange are almost always scentless – i.e. the famous Floribunda ‘Marina’ practically glows in the dark and has zero fragrance.
Of course the spiciest roses are the clove-scented Rugosas, none of which are orange; they come in white and shades of pink, and there is one anemic yellow hybrid that is not very fragrant. If you have the space (LOTS of it) the indestructible ‘Hansa’ has a wonderful clove scent and double purple-pink blooms. It spreads freely by suckering and gets huge, and the bees adore it.
Flora, your comment made my day.
I would listen for hours to stories about flowers and scents and…well, you get the picture! 😀
Thank you Zazie! I could go on for WAY too long about my favorite roses! 🙂
For some reason, reply placement is hosing me up. Apparently I lost brain cells overnight.
Thank you so much for detailing the rose scents. I will find out how to grow roses here. The orange one with the dark green leaves–yes!!!
Glad to help! I will take any excuse to yammer on about flowers. 😉
Fun fact: ‘Granada’ and the ivory and pink shaded ‘Garden Party’ are the proud parents of the rose ‘Double Delight’ which is one of the most famous roses of all time for its perfume – it’s almost indescribably delicious, rose and strawberry and spice and something rich and creamy that just makes me think of the most perfect ice cream in the world. It’s not orange, but it’s gorgeous.
I *need* a couple of these bushes!!! Along with the others!! Do you have a rose garden?
Yes I do – I collect fragrant roses, especially David Austin English roses and old garden roses. I actually need to replace my ‘Double Delight’ – I had the climbing version, which is very hard to find, but winter killed it this year.
testing….see below for answer
Hope Bruno gets better soon. It is comforting to know he is getting that much love and attention. 🙂 Sending him a big hug from down under! Roses are such a gift from Nature. Just looking and smelling a real rose is free, but feels like a transcendental revelation. As rose perfumes go, favorites of mine range from bombshell Guerlain Rose Nacrée, Rose Anonyme, Amouage Epic and Une Folie de Rose to dewy Rose Splendide, Un Zest de Rose and l´Ombre dans l´Eau. Also adore the rose in Fumérie Turque, which I´m wearing today to celebrate the arrival of ´true´ fall.
That Rose Nacree is a bombshell, innit? I quite like it. That’s a stunning rose collection you have there. I need to revisit Rose Splendide! xoxoxoA
Ms A, so sorry about Bruno, what an emotional roller coaster! HemlockSillage said it, Bruno has the best mom in the world.
I’m suffering perfume ennui lately, now you’ve inspired me to dig out some roses, which I love – the user name is rosarita, after all. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz American Beauty is the best soloflore ever imo. I think it has a touch of incense.
Flowers to calm… yesterday I picked a huge bunch of lilies of the valley at my mom’s house and they’re in a cut crystal vase I found at Goodwill last week. My rose bush didn’t make it through the winter 🙁
Dang! on the rose death. I was stunned to find all of my roses still intact. Even the Austins! Alas, all my evergreens died, as did 4 7+ft tall buddleia. Dagnabit!
You and Hemlock Sillage put me to the blush!
Oh, Bruno! Sorry to hear that your vision has gone floopsy again-hope the meds restore it to normal very soon, it must be quite scary for you and your mom to deal with the uncertainty of what might happen (or not). Best wishes for a swift recovery!
As far as flower-loving, I am a jasmine girl through and through; Sarrasins is the most fabulous on me but because jasmine is in so many perfumes, I have lots of choices. When it comes to rose, I also prefer it with a kick of some kind–my favorites are Union’s Gunpowder Rose and Tauer’s Incense Rose.
Gunpowder Rose! I love that name!
Jasmine is hit or miss with me. Which sucks because it is such a beautiful scent! xoxoxoA
Poor Bruno. Sorry to hear he’s under the weather again. it’s so frustrating when you think you can wean them off some meds and as soon as you try things get nutty again. Been there. My little pooh turned 13 yesterday and she celebrated by actually eating a few things. I keep thinking I should try cutting back on the herbal stuff I’m giving her but I’m afraid to. Now that I hear about Bruno I think I’ll just leave things alone for now.
I’m hot and cold with roses. Right now I’m all about white florals because my lily of the valley are finally in bloom and I’ve been out there picking and huffing them. Maybe it’s because they didn’t bloom much last year and I didn’t get to smell much of them but this year they smell amazing. As far as rose perfumes I like La Fille de Berlin, Whips and Roses, and Mohur.
Give Bruno a big hug from Pooh-del.
The Bruno sends those hugs right back at you guys, sweetie! I am in a quandary about the meds. He’s on big Pred doses right now – I’m going to speak with his doc about switching him to Azathioprine, since the pred will wipe him out if we keep him on it too long. sigh…….
what herbal stuff are you giving her – and for what ailment? I would love to supplement his chems with some herbs, in the hopes of rebalancing everything. xoxoA
Look Bruno, you are driving us on an emotional rollercoaster! We love you, you are our cute-beyond-cute mascotte, so please try to get those platelets to cooperate!! It’s not easy – I know, I have them quite low myself. Let’s focus and do this together, okay?
I am so glad you are doing better now.
As for your mom, tell her I totally second the rose water – nobody knows if it really does something for the skin, but it has a measurable “prettyfying” quality, I believe. It makes a lady fell pretty and pampered!
I am not a rose person, but recently I was quite impressed with Mohur. I want a sample. Alahine is another rose favorite. And has anyone tried the parfums de rosine new extraits? They smelled quite awesome, but it was a hurried and brief acquaintance, so I am planning a proper investigation.
For me, the flowers that really speak of luxury and ease and everything beautiful are tuberose and jasmine…well, all the white flowers really. Do you have a favorite flower, Bruno?
zaxie! DagNABit! You and Bruno need to cut it out! He’s determined to focus with you, so both your platelets rise. He’s got that steely-eyed gaze…but I think that’s just him saying ‘where the hell is everything!!!’ 😀
Because of your comment I wore Mohur today – soooo pretty!
Oh, and my continuing good wishes to Bruno, of course!
Thank you, sweetie! He sends smoochies, too! And I was rolling, picturing you scrambling about, poking your nose under bushes to smell the elderflowers. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled them! xoxoxoA
Yay roses! I just adore them – the ones on my balcony (wild rose, Golden Celebration and Jacques Cartier) which are a-bloom now. And the ones in bottles: Tauer Incense Rose and Le Maroc pour Elle, Rosine Diabolo Rose and Rose Kashmirie, Etro Via Verri (the old one), PG Brulure de Rose, to name but a few. Also the Weleda wild rose line. Paestum Rose unfortunately, doesn’t acknowledge me. Ah well, we can’t have it all….
But at the moment, my floral love belongs to elderflower – I’m the woman who stops and sniffs under each and every bush in the vicinity, even if she stops traffic by doing so. I LOVE that smell! Unfortunately, it will probably never become my go-to perfume since, so I’m told, elderflower absolute is insanely expensive (and the scent probably wouldn’t be popular anyway. Too unusual).
Ginormous hugs to the boy – poor little chap, he must feel so confused, and I know so well that awful feeling you must have in the pit of your stomach. Humour is great in these situations, and I would love to see Bruno wearing his dark glasses ….
A comforting rose scent – Yves Rocher’s Rose Absolue; vanilla-y and jammy and all-enveloping. And sadly discontinued, so thank goodness I bought several bottles.
Lots of love. x
Bruno-boo, hugs to you!!!! And shame on Evil Auntie M for making me laugh so hard at calling you Ray and Stevie. I wish I knew what is up with the immune system and how to make it chill out. I’m glad you guys can both get out and sniff grasses and go for walks. Bruno has the best mom ever.
Roses make me happy, too. They are the epitome of luxury for me, and I’ve been on a rose kick. Fille de Berlin. Paris Premieres Roses, Rose Jam (the wash), Stilettos on Lex, Agent Provocateur and ridiculously more. It started back in February and has not entirely abated. I think I like fluffier, foo-foo-ier roses than you do, but that’s ok 😀 I make up for it and wear Ferme Tes Yeux to work. Yep. I did. It was that kinda day. Next day was No. 5 and all ladylike, but, heh, sometimes my perfumista freak needs to fly. Whatever brings you joy! Be well.
OMG! You must have your staff’s senses REELING! 😀
My foo-foos tend to come out via the BWFs, like Carnal Flower and Fracas and …I wore the living daylights out of Kate Spade! I love the ‘idea’ of a foo-foo rose but they always seem to turn on me…
Bruno is doing well – sight coming and going. He’s getting a bit more sure-footed, which is great.
Rose is probably my favorite note by far, but for some reason, I have trouble smelling it if it’s mixed in with too many other things, so my favorites tend to be soliflores. AG Rose Absolu is my hands down favorite, but I also like the Creed. ( it smelling more and more like a citrus on me, though) I like the Penhaligons, and I really like Bvlgari’s rose, but it took me a sweet forever to find the rose amongst the berries. (Currants?) A lovely swap partner sent me a bottle of Joy edt, after telling me it was much rosier than the EdP or parfum, and it really is!
For all my love of rose, I cannot abide rose de mai. A-tall. Smells like Ban roll-on deodorant to me. (And myrrh perfumes tend to smell like Dippity-Do, whilst Memoir smells like straight-up dill pickles. My nose is definitely half a bubble or so off plumb) I adore Bulgarian rose, though, so I may have to bite on that rose water…thank you!
Poor darling Bruno. People can get the same thing, but I’m darned if I can remember what the treatment is. You made me feel bad for laughing at you calling him Ray! Hoping this gets resolved soon, for your sake as much as his!
LOL! on the Rose de Mai! and oooh! you just brought back some memories with the Dippity-Do! xoxoxoA ‘Ray’ sez ‘hey!’
I hope Bruno’s eyesight improve soon! I imagine he must be rather confused about the whole business 🙁 but at least he has you guys doing everything you can. I am sure he derives not a small amount of comfort from your care and fussing!
On a slightly related note, this post reminded me that my mom likes to spray our MaltiPoo with The Perfumer’s Workshop Tea Rose after his bath. Not my personal favorite rose (I prefer roses that don’t really smell too much like roses probably because of the sour note you mention), but amusing nonetheless. Paestum Rose sounds wonderful (as do the creams!), and I would love to try it sometime. My personal favorite not-too-rose-y rose is Rose Poivree.
I used to dab a bit of Calyx on Carmine’s ear jointure. Then I realized I loved the smell of his ear jointure more than Calyx, so I cut it out. Paestum Rose is gorgeous and you can sample through surrendertochance.com! xoxoxoA
Oh poor Bruno! I feel badly that you are revisiting that vision malfunction again. So sorry for all of you. What a bummer. It sounds like you were doing the very best imitation of Grace Under Pressure that you possibly could. Kudos to you for hanging in there and holding it together. I hope the meds quickly resolve the issue once again.
I’m really tickled that you mentioned Paestum Rose by Eau D’Italie, because I love that one and have the full bottle. It’s my favorite rose so far, and I totally agree that it’s the myrrh and incense notes that make it something special. My super cheap rose love is Pacifica Persian Rose. I have the body butter in a tube, the bath gel, votive candles and the edt spray. My best guess is that it also has some variety of incense and possibly bergamot in it. It’s low price makes it a guilt-free indulgence. Those Diptyque creams sound so luxurious. I’ve been wearing Tam Dao today and enjoying it to the hilt.
Oh, lord. I have been burning that candle since the beginning of time, pillars, soy, votives, tea lights, you name it, I have them all. Obsessed is putting it mildly. As in, when Brooke discontinued it awhile back, I spent well into 4 figures buying up every single one I could find. And of course she brought it back a few years later….but I notice it’s a slightly different color. I wonder if it’s the same formulation? I do love the body products, but the candle is my all time favorite.
And I believe it does have myrrh in it. The notes listed originally were rose, myrrh and violet, IIRC.
FOUR FIGS? wow! I can’t wear the Pacifica, alas. It’s one of those that goes sour on me! Dang.