August 2014 Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother


perfume sample fairy godmother

Esperanza the Perfume Fairy Godmother



Hey, it is time again for the Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother for August 2014.     So here’s how Fairy Godmother works – this post will be open for the entire month of August 2014.   I’ll start a new one at the beginning of September.   For those of you new or that need a reminder of how this works – in comments you can list one or two things that you are yearning for and can’t seem to get –  a perfume sample is the easiest wish to grant for me.  Or you can wish for a full bottle, decant, vintage perfume or discontinued perfume you can’t find.  If someone has it and can help you out, they can reply to you in comments and then you can arrange to go offline through e-mail to work things out.  

Please don’t post e-mails in comments unless you spoof them somehow, like this – patty at perfumeposse dawtcawm (spelling the dotcom at the end that way prevents robots from finding it as easily). Caveat Emptor and all that, don’t send people money, check out their references on MUA or Basenotes or the Facebook groups before you send something in a swap, if you wind up doing a swap.  We have some amazing Fairy Godmothers that show up every month, granting wishes right and left. If you’ve been the recipient of some kindness, do give back when you can. I know people have gotten wishes granted, and every month they comb through the posts trying to find one or two people they can help out, and it just makes my heart happy.  If it’s a gift, send away.  I should note that  it’s more likely that a Fairy Godmother will happen along if you are a fairly regular commenter on The Posse and people recognize your name. I’ll sometimes play Perfume Posse Fairy Godmother and go through the list and grant some perfume sample wishes. I’ll pick from ones that nobody has been able to help with – I’ll spin my wheel  – and send them The Precious. 

perfume sample magic wand

So what is it that your heart desires?  (pulling out wand from the back of the closet and blowing off an inch of dust)  

  • Eloquaint says:

    O puissant and omnibenevolent fairies! I had no idea when I set out to search my usual sample sites that this was going to be an issue, but I’m really having trouble finding Cacherel’s Eden. I could buy it on ebay, but I’m going to feel guilty if I bring home another blind buy without at least trying to find a tester first.

    Thank you for trying! And for loving perfume like I do-I have no IRL friends who love perfume.

  • Julie L says:

    Is it ok to say that “one squealed” when a little fairy’s package arrived?/! I know I’l be saying this two more times, but THANK YOU, Sharon for your generosity AND my Galanos! I could NOT be more thrilled! It is just perfect! Email sent to you about 15 minutes ago. I only hope I can be as good a “fairy” as you and all the others here at Perfume Posse 🙂
    Perfumed Hugs to all!

  • JanLast says:

    I can help with that. jdeangeo attttt aolllll dotttttt commmmm

  • odonata9 says:

    I realize I am very late, but hoping someone will have some L’Artisan Ananas Fizz to share. I am in the US and my contact is jasouza9 at hotmail dawtcawm

    I’m happy to send some samples in exchange as well – if you let me know the kind of things you like, I can send a mixed bag.

  • Brandi says:

    Hi Fairies!
    I’ll give it a go. My two or three hard to find samples that I am so curious about is Serge Lutens Lavande et Encens and Ormonde Jayne Frangipani or Champaca. Let me know! Surely I have something in my collection you may find of interest as well.

    mbcarli at geeee mail

  • shuvanidev says:

    Hi perfumer fairy godmothers! I was wondering if anyone would have a little YSL Nu that I could sample – it’s been on my list forever and I’m so curious to try it. Thanks! My email is shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

  • trickyholly says:

    Hi! My wish is for a smidge of flowerhead! Thanks…

  • Peppermoon says:

    I’m super late this month, oops. My wish for this month is to try anything from Nez a Nez or Parfumerie Generale.

  • FeralJasmine says:

    I am still looking for any samples from the Princesse Hippie line from Des Filles a la Vanille. If anyone in CONUS has them, would be happy to swap other lovelies. My email is wooddogs3 awt gmail dawtcawm.

  • JanLast says:

    To the mystery fairy who gifted me with samples of the entire line of Neil Morris, I thank you kindly. It arrived in a black fabric bag packed in packing peanuts. I forgot to look at the postmark, but could find no name or note inside. What a lovely thing, I’m so excited to leap into it. If you’d like to be slavishly thanked, drop me a line at jdeangeo attt aolll dottt commm

    • edpgypsy says:

      How thoughtful of someone and fun for you! If anyone deserves a surprise though, it’s you Jan!

    • Julie Lease says:

      JanLast, how lucky for you and SUCH a sweet gesture! After reading your entry, I quickly went to Neil Morris’ website and oh, my!! Don’t those sound just beautiful! i haven’t hear of him or his line of perfumes! I hope you’ll tell us about them?…This fairy thing is awesome fun!!

    • JanLast says:

      I found my fairy! And have thanked her personally. What a great fairy gift.
      Just found on the Commodity website, a heck of a deal. 9.00 for all 10 of the current perfumes in 2.5 ml samples. They have 10 feminine, and/or 10 masculine. If you order both (I did) you get nearly 50 ml of samples! I already knew and loved the Tea and the Gold, so I treated myself. Had to pass that on to you.

      • JanLast says:

        Just realized I made a mistake on the amount in the samples, it didn’t say, it looks pretty good sized. It is still a bargain, free shipping and a 9.00 coupon for a purchase of 50.00 plus. 10 ml sells for 24.00, so still reasonable.

  • Irina says:

    dear fairies, could anyone grant me a smidge of Lyric ( man and woman), please?

  • einsof says:

    Oh dear Fairies,

    i could really go for some Providence Perfume Co !

    and thank you grandly to all the fairies from last month <3 <3

    einsof at rocket mail (dotty commie)

  • Jamie S. says:

    Dear Fairy Godmothers,

    I would love to try Delrae Wit, Aedes Iris Nazarena or the elusive Kilian Imperial Tea. Thanks so much!

    • Elena says:

      I have some Imperial Tea I can share with you! email me at elena.m.wood in the land of gmail. I am finally becoming a perfume fairy!

  • Vanie says:

    Hi Fairies,
    If anyone managed to get his/her hands on some Malle’s Eau de Magnolia and has any to spare, I would be very grateful to try it. Also, some Tom Ford Santal Blush or any Vero Profumo (especially Rozy) thrown my way would be much appreciated!

    Happy August!

  • Ashley A says:

    Hi you wonderful Fairy Godmothers! This month, I am curious try Bel Respiro or Bois des Iles. I would also like to try either Eau de Pamplemousse Rose or Eau de Narcisse Bleu. Thanks so much for your generosity, as always!

  • Lynne Marie says:

    Dear Fairy Godmother,

    My wish this month is for a sample of the flanker Miami Glow by Jennifer Lopez. I keep reading how “beachy” it smells and I would love to try it!

  • Lynne Marie says:

    Once again, in honor of my birthday month, some reverse fairy offerings. For the first five posse’ers (in the US only please) to respond to me here with your email, I will send you a mixed sample pack of goodies. Happy August and I’m grateful as always to be one year older!!

    • Ashley A says:

      Lynne, you are too wonderful. ashley anstaett at gmail dawt cawm

    • JanLast says:

      Thanks, Lynne Marie. Happy Birthday and at least someone I know is happy to be a year older, lol. jdeangeo at aollll dotttt commm

    • Patty Pong says:

      <—- in please. 🙂

      • Lynne Marie says:

        Patty, can you send me your mailing address? I thought I had it but can’t find it. My email is clevelandvitz1 at geemail dawt com

    • edpgypsy says:

      You don’t need to include me in the sample packs as you have been very generous to me the last couple months but I do want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! xo 🙂

    • Connie says:

      Oh, how wonderfully generous of you! I would love to be part of this! My email is constance (dot) beck-treadway (at) yale (dot) edu. A very merry birthday!

    • Jamie S. says:

      Ooh, Happy Birthday! If edpgypsy is taking a pass– I’d love a sample pack!

    • poodle says:

      Just want to extend a Happy Birthday to you!

  • poodle says:

    I’m a sucker for bottles with crystals in them but I just can’t bring myself to blind buy Hedonist by Viktoria Minya because I’m not usually a peach person and that would be an expensive mistake if I don’t like it. So if anyone could spare a few drops I’d be very grateful.

    • Lynne Cleveland Vitzthum says:

      Poodle, my sweet, I have a smidge of Hedonist I can send you. My email is clevelandvitz1 at geemail dawt com

  • Jaime says:

    JanLast — you are just a fairy godmothering machine!

    I’m sure I speak for everyone here when I say MERCI BEAUCOUP for being such a generous person and for spreading around some of your perfumed fairy dust!

  • solanace says:

    Hey, you faries out there… I´d love to try Spicebomb. 🙂

  • Patty Pong says:

    oh fairies? I would like to try Mary Greenwell Lemon. 🙂

  • Jaime says:

    Me again!

    I don’t have much to pay-forward, but if anyone is interested in the following (used) samples, I’d be happy to send them along. US/Canada would be easiest for shipping.

    -The Body Shop White Musk EDT
    -Bottega Veneta eau legere
    -Oscar de la Renta Oriental Lace

    • Vanie says:

      I’d love to try the Bottega Veneta Eau legere (liked the original, but thought it was a bit much sometimes). I’m in Canada and my hot-mail is vanie_b_l

  • Angela says:

    not sure what happened, but this is in wrong spot, obviously! Sorry

  • Connie says:

    Dear Perfume Fairy Godmother,
    I’m longing to try some scents from Parfums DelRae (namely Mythique, Wit, Amoureuse, or Bois de Paradis), or perhaps Amouage’s Fate Woman. Happy sniffing!

    • Lisa D says:

      Hi Connie – I can help with the Bois de Paradis – send me a msg at lisadarty at hawt mail dawt com.

  • Angela says:

    responded, thank you!

  • Jaime says:

    Hello Fragrance Fairies,

    I’ve been venturing out of my newbie comfort-zone over the past few months, with the most dramatic jump being Habanita.

    I am now the happy owner of the EDP, but, gosh, my first spritz of it was definitely a shock. There is so much that jumps out, and it eventually morphs into something so cozy by the end that I wasn’t sure if it was the same perfume! Wearing that perfume is definitely an olfactory journey that takes about 12 hours on my skin.

    My positive experience with Molinard has now left me wanting to try their other creations. I was wondering if any fairies could share a few drops of any other Molinard fragrances?

    I am in Canada and would be happy to pay for postage!


  • Katrin says:

    Dear Perfume Fairies! I´d love to try Solaris by Agonist or Andrea Maack´s Dark .(location Europe).

    • JanLast says:

      Katrin, Solaris is beautiful, and Ihave some to share with you. jdeangeo atttt aol dottt com

  • Julie L says:

    Goodness, how exciting! I am mostly longing for Galanos perfume, by James Galanos….I had a bottle in the early 80’s and could kick myself for not getting more before it disappeared….Also, Coromadel by Chanel, patchouli scents, or anything in the CDG Incense series. LOVE smoky, incense perfumes with that addictive oriental vibe. Thank you, fairies! SO glad I found this wonderful site! eeemail: jullease at yaww hoooo dawt com

    • Sharon C. says:

      Julie L,
      Think I can help you out with the Galanos. Sending you an email…

      • JulieL says:

        Yay!!!!! I can’t believe it! Someone who has Galanos!! I’ll look for the email to arrive and we can work out the details. I hope I have something you might like 🙂

        Thank youThank you!

    • Angela says:

      ahhhh, FINALLY I can help someone! I can help with Chanel Coromandel 🙂 email me at makeupgirl9273 at ggggmaiiiillll doooooot cooooom

    • Ashley A says:

      Dear Julie, I can spare a little CdG Avignon! Just email me at ashley anstaett at gmail dawt cawm

  • Joaquim says:

    Oh! dear fairies, I would love to try Skin Graft by Phoenicia Perfumes, I know, it can be difficult but I you are fairies, do your magic please! If my wish turns to be impossible I’ll be happy with some drops of Christopher Street by Charenton Macerations or something from CB I Hate Perfume.

    Thank you!

  • lucasai says:

    Dear perfume fairies,
    I would like to try new Penhaligon’s Bayolea or Tom Ford Mandarino di Amalfi.

    • JanLast says:

      Lucas, I just have a smidge of the Tom Ford, but I will certainly share it with you. jdeangeo atttt aol dotttt comm

  • Elia says:

    Dear fairies,
    My wish this month is to sample Spiritueuse Double Vanille

  • Anne says:

    Hi, Everyone! I’m new here so I’ll understand if anyone has a reluctance to be a Godmother (however, you can check out more than you could ever hope to know about me over at my blog alittlefurinthepaint dot blogspot dot commmm….) I’m realy wanting to try a smidge of Aqua di Parma Magnolia Nobile…and Mochino Couture… you can also contact me at anne at octobermoondesigns dot com… This is such a lovely gesture…I hope to return often and hopefully can grant a wish as well…

  • Robert H. says:

    Oh yeah…I’m at Thanks!

  • Robert H. says:

    I would love to have some Amouage Attar. First choice would be “Rose”, followed by “Homage”. Well… can wish, right?

  • flowergirlbee! says:

    i am dying to get some samples of colony and vacances by patou…..please,please,please : )
    you can contact me at rachael underscore be at hotmaildawtcawm

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    Dear Fairy I would love to try Oriza Legrand Vetiver Royal Bourbon and also Acqua di Parma Leather.
    You can contact me at cabeza4ever at sbcglobal dot net. Thanks!

  • springpansy says:

    Hi all, I would love it if some perfume fairy godmother would gift me a sample of Coco Mademoiselle EDT. Or if anyone has a dab of Le Labo’s Limette 37, that would also be hugely appreciated. I have lots of fun stuff I can send in return. Thanks! Use debbymsrd @ comcastttttt dawt nettttt (no spaces and normal

  • rosarita says:

    Hi everyone! This month I am wishing for any amount of Commes des Garcons Black. I’m in the US, opponatrix at gmail. Thanks so much!

    • JanLast says:

      If it is the Series Play Black, I have it, happy to send you some.

      • rosarita says:

        Thank you so much for the offer, Jan! You are Esperanza in her earthly form 🙂 I am hoping for a sample of Black edt, from 2013. A sample of Commes des Garcons Blue Encens is another wish. I’m always on the lookout for something weird for you xx

  • edpgypsy says:

    Hi everyone! This month I am seeking to try something from Escentric Molecule or Ramon Monegal (maybe Agar Musk or Voramar?). I have heard that Monegal’s Agar Musk has a similar vibe to Le Labo’s Gaiac 10, which I love but it is a city exclusive and I can’t currently get my hands on more. (Or if anyone knows of any others similar to Gaiac 10, I would be open to suggestions!) My email address is my username in the town of gmail.
    (Oh and I will be posting some reverse listing shortly, just gotta make the list. I have been cleaning out some samples and would love to pass some on.)
    Have a great August! 🙂

    • JanLast says:

      Save the weird ones for me!

    • edpgypsy says:

      Reverse Listing for a few Bond’s:
      New York Patchouli, Chinatown, Hamptons, and I Love NY Earth Day.

      I also have a Hermes- Eau des Merveilles 2ml spray sample if anyone would like to give it a home.

      Email me at my username at gmail if you want any or all of these. Oh and US only, sorry! I’m no good at intl shipping 🙁

  • Angela says:

    Hi, I’m hoping someone has some tobacco frags to share/samples/small decants that want to put up for adoption. I have many samples and can exchange if need be. Thank you perfume fairies. Email please at makeupgirl9273 aaaaat ggggmmmail dawt com

    • Elia says:

      I have a couple if you care to sample them.
      Havana, Aramis. Gucci Pour Homme II. Michael Kors for Men, The Dreamer Versace
      eliared a][ zoho do][ {om

    • Connie says:

      If you would be up for swapping, I have Jasmin et Cigarette, Lonestar Memories, and Tobacco Vanille 🙂
      My email is constance(dot)beck-treadway(at)yale(dot)edu

  • Tena says:

    Dear Fellow Fairies,

    I am truly hoping that someone ha a smidge of Climat or a tiny bit of Ann Gerard Rose Cut that they are able to share.
    If so, an email to t f k 3 1 (no spaces) in the town of yahoooooo dot commmmm will be the best way to contact me. Thanks.

    • Tena says:

      Oh, and I am in Canada (even though the flag is showing as US) if that changes your ability to help this month.