Posse, my darlings! By the time this post goes live it’ll be Christmas Eve! And, blessed be… just One More Day…
…Until this is ALL OVER for another year.
Heeheee!.. sort of kidding – sort of. Don’t get me wrong (okay, get me wrong) – I don’t ‘hate’ Christmas. But it can be stressful, as we’ve discussed here, to feel like THISISTHEDAYYOUHAVETOMAKEMERRY/BEJOLLY/falalala …
and Christmas has always been THE DAY (in my family, at least) where …. omg… if sh!t is gonna hit the fan, it’ll be That Day. Like the Christmas Morning (after a Really Bad Year in their marriage) my mother threw my father’s gift (a mismatched crystal ashtray and lighter ( the latter of which was shaped like a grenade and weighed a ton) through one of the floor-to-ceiling windows in our Mid-Mod living room. In December! In Chicago! That window cost my dad $1500 to replace! In 1977! OMG!
And sooo many more dramas in my colorful, insane family. BonkersAF, the lot of ’em. But the one thing that was always on-point! The food! My mother was an incredible cook and she never EVER let her fury tinge her cooking; to be honest, I think the food was terrified she would throw IT out of the window if it didn’t turn out perfectly (my mother was forever breaking windows – she really should’ve married a glass installer).
With all that drama you’d think I wouldn’t enjoy cooking Christmas dinner- but I do! Despite all the holiday nonsense some of my best memories are the incredible feasts that my mother laid out for Christmas. Turkey, brined and slow-cooked to perfection, with a skin so perfectly crisp it was almost like crackling! Ham (which my father taught me to brine in ginger ale and pineapple), the fat perfectly rendered (I absolutely haaate when ham fat is still gelatinous and white…::shudders::). I waited all year for my mother’s Fried Corn (corn pudding, perfectly perfect, with little pops of whole kernels amongst the satiny pudding, despite knowing that it was I who would have to shuck and clean 4doz ears of corn (and Floyd help you if you left silk on!) Sidenote: after El O and I split the ONLY time he ever contacted me… was to ask me if I would give him the recipe for Fried Corn (which I did because Shrug Emoji and the Type-2 lunatic had purchased TEN DOZEN EARS of corn because WHYYY? I really should’ve kept that life insurance policy extant)
I used to be very rigid in the kitchen but now I’ve relaxed my own minatory ways (which I inherited from my mother and No Surprise There 😉 and now enjoy allowing others to bring food to my table (DH#1 nebber lied when he said ‘living with you is like living with Picasso’ – which he later amended to ‘living with you is like living with Godzilla’. TRex, know thyself, I guess 😉

Time for dinner!
I’m not nearly as fussy about the whole thing as I used to be – as you all know (because I have not shut up about it in 4 months!) I’m still in reno. I was hoping to have my house back in order but NEWP! So I’ll be making dinner for people I love amidst flooring/medicine cabinets, etc – and it will be GLORIOUS! Because LOVE is the best ingredient in any meal, holiday or otherwise. Even at her most furious, my mother loved to cook food for people – even people she was mad at! Like my father. Always.
And I’m told I can cook! And (to borrow a cultural reference): I will put mah FOOT in it!
I’m brining a turkey AND a ham because I love the folks who are coming to my Christmas Dinner – all two of them – and he’s a serious traditionalist so it’s HAM, DAMMIT! But I also have a turkey and, tbh, I’m looking more forward to making tetrazzini later in the week, which I will concierge cook for them (they rewired my HOUSE, bringing it up to code, because he was having nightmares about it just spontaneously combusting. Who knew? Even more important? My bathroom! Wired to Perfection! And he has the wiring laid for my Back Porch ( with its outdoor kitchen)!!! Everything I want, right at my fingertips, no drop cords required! I could cry, I’m so happy! I cook their meals every week because I adore them – and stuff they eat gives ME nightmares!!
Annnd. When we do the indoor kitchen? I will have outlets Every Ten Inches! You may roll your eyes … but this? THIS is the ‘ten inches’ I truly desire!
I would carry them both to the table myself, I’m that grateful, – but he’s 6’4″ and topping out at 400 spins… he can walk. I’ll carry the turkey – and the ham.
But they won’t be bringing any food – because they don’t cook. Which suits Godzilla to a T(Rex. heh. see what I did there?) – okay, maybe I need to work on that ‘relaxing my minatory ways’ thing.
Whatever the holidays you celebrate (or not), I’m wishing you every happiness! And be it drool-worthy Chinese #BlameTom(andOMGwouldIlovetodothatbut#NoDecentChineseforMiles,alas) or traditional baked ham, whatever floats your holiday boat …. I am wishing you peace, love, contentment – and some incredible FOOD!
Photo of the Dump Cake recipe I’m making for Christmas dessert. It’s from Saturdays Francine, who knows the living daylights out of her desserts! I’ll taste it, then I’ll be on the elliptical for 24 hours. Le sigh.

Good enough for Saturdays Francine, good enough for TRex!
I rarely comment, if ever, but I have been following your construction “adventures”, and as a person in the construction business, I love that you appreciate your guys. They are who make our homes safe and livable. They make our wants and desires their mission. I love that you are cooking for them. It makes me happy that you have so much appreciation for them, Merry Christmas everyone.
jb! Thanks for commenting! I appreciate it. Fwiw, I’ve always had complete respect for the trades. I simply do not understand how someone can laud the architect… but not the millwrights who actually BUILT the structure you’re about to entrust your life and limbs to. Mystifying.
Agree wholeheartedly.
I think your Christmas meal is going to be fantastic, and I’m glad you are doing it! Wish I were there to eat some of it! Xo
Well, T&M will be thanking YOU! because they won’t get the Totally Savory galette I had planned! They’ll probably hold a parade in your honor!
Give Jeffy Z’s stroganoff a kiss for me – heck, you can give him a kiss for me, if you don’t mind. He’s a hottie – and an excellent chef.
Happy Holidays to all the Posse! May your celebrations be just as you wish MWAH!
Our youngest will call when he’s at the station later today. He has made a deliberate choice to be a none driver (eye roll). The eldest, his wife, my brother & his newish girlfriend are coming on Boxing Day.
Tonight will be our tradition of tinned corned beef stew, eaten from bowls with spoons.
Tomorrow we’re just three so I’m doing sirloin, garlic stuffing, sprouts with bacon & chestnuts, carrots, runner beans & roasties all crunchy then fluffy inside. Christmas cake & Wensleydale cheese for pudding, fridge forage for supper.
Boxing Day is a buffet, trifle & drinks with a homemade Rogan Josh, dhal, flat breads & rice to say goodnight.
Most of the work I’d done. Got to make it a really happy, relaxing time. Who knows what the future holds?
alityke! Your holiday meal plans sound FABULOUS!!! I’d be training right alongside your son – I’m totally over driving, especially during the hollerdays!
Enjoy every minute!
Happy Xmas eve all! Here, everything has been picked up, the order in oven list made. My jobs are tomorrow. My son has to start his bits today (he’s doing Yorkshire puddings this year and it is said the batter is nicer if left overnight in the fridge). The tiramisu ordered from my fave bakery in the next village is stunning. She did it in the form of a gingerbread house. The menorah is ready for tomorrow night (well, sundown … at a bit after 4 pm). I plan to do not much today and gird my loins for ‘the day’.
Happy Christmas, cinnamon! Happy Almost Hanukkah! Enjoy your time with your son and friends
And PLEASE take a photo of that tiramisu!
It’s Christmas Eve here in Sydney and we have a table full coming in a couple of hours. Jin has done his famous roast pork, chive pancakes and more. I’m on vegetables and we are having baked cauliflower, sweet potato and onions, potato salad, garden salad, some fried with soy & garlic green beans. Kath is bringing ham and a pavlova. I have macrons and decorated ginger biscuits to add to the dessert pile and should anyone want it there’s a pudding and it will take me 5 minutes to do brandy custard.
Table is set, dishwasher done, house is clean and we are as close to ready as possible.
Right now we have a 30 minute break before the vegetables begin in earnest.
Wearing Ambre Nuit by DIOR and feeling fine.
Love you all Posse, hope you have a fun Christmas Eve if you’re celebrating. If not, I hope whatever you choose to do is fun.
Portia xx
I wish I could be there with you – time with you and Jin and Kath is always special!!!
Happiest of Everything, my darling Portia. Love you.
Christmas pasts I used to cook, but no more. I’m going to pup-sit for a friend so she can drop presents at her kids house for the grandkids, then I think it’s Chinese food for me. My BFF BITSY gave me this enormous faux fur throw (I peeked) and I’m going to roll up in it and watch movies. I may not pass three words with another person for the 24 hours after. Heaven. (When your job is building manager/ den mother/ psychoanalyst for an apartment building full of people who read “Tales of the City” and thought “Ha! You think you’re quirky? Hold my beer..” it IS heaven.)
GAH! You got me so ready for Xmas Chinese and all the bloody ones we love close for the day. Australia! BUMMER
Merry Everything Tom.
Portia xx
Inorite, Portia?!? I think there should be a law that one’s favorite Chinese restaurant(s) should be OPEN on Christmas!
Oh, honey! I TOTALLY feel your feels! Have an absolutely lovely day, solitary or otherwise!
I love your post Ms TRex. 🙂 Your Christmas dinner sounds fantastic! When I was a kid, we did Christmas Eve presents and dessert type food. That’s it. Years later, my wonderful Hungarian MIL also did Christmas Eve, lots of great food and lots of family – and presents the next morning. Those were the Christmases that still and always warm my heart.
Wishing you and the Posse a lovely holiday.
Your Chrisrtmases past (and present) sound absolutely lovely!
Wishing you all the best!
Merry Christmas Anita and posse peeps! Our new son-in-law is vegan so Christmas day I’m making vegan cinnamon coffee cake for breakfast; vegan pumpkin bisque, green beans almondine, baked potatoes, cranberry sauce, and roast beef and gravy for the meat-eaters for the dinner. We’ll probably eat some Chinese food leftovers at some point, too. Your turkey and ham sound delicious. Your guests are really fortunate people. Wishing you a new year filled with completed projects and good health and lots of lovely scents!
OOOH!!! Your food sounds delicious! And how kind of you to construct your menu around your sil’s dietary choices. Lovely!
wishing you the best holidays!