Smelling Good

A few posts back (maybe one of Tom’s?) nope – it was one of Portia’s)  March said “As I get older (?) I find more often what I really want is to just “smell good”  –  and when I read… Continue Reading

Wash Life

Posse – this is a Mashup Response to Tom’s ‘Whine’ post from last week (LOVE that hat, Tom!  I have one in ochre but would KEAL for it in black!) and Portia’s ongoing ‘thunk’ posts.  Tom and alityke chatted about… Continue Reading

Naptime (and winners – and a giveaway)

My darling Posse – It’s no secret to anyone who knows me IRL – I am not a napper.  I’m dirunal AF, getting up at 4:30a in Summer and (gasp!) 6a in Winter.  Nighttime is not the right time for… Continue Reading

Lemons…. in Life & Perfume.. (and.. a giveaway!)

My darling Posse, You know… for such a beautiful fruit (and gorgeous tree) lemons get a shockingly bad rap.  ‘When life hands you lemons’ ‘_____ is a lemon’, etc, etc .  I thought about the fruit/the rap/the smell when I… Continue Reading

How I Met Your Uncle Karl

Funny how things come about on this blog.  Today we’re going to discuss Your Uncle Karl – and how I met him.  This is happening because of the Comfort Zone posts of the past few days, at least tangentially.  Also… Continue Reading

Coelacanth..and other vanishings

Back in the Jurassic Era(2001), when I was constantly bombarded with PEOPLE & STUFF (born of people) and I would go home to EVEN MORE STUFF (and people) the thing I most longed for was… quiet.  And it always made… Continue Reading