A Life. In Pictures

Hello, my Posse loves!  I’ve been thinking about A Life – most especially My Life – as I sort through a box of  pictures. Recently there’s been an uptick in ‘reflections’, on this blog as well as in everyday life. … Continue Reading


Sideman: a supporting musician in a jazz band or rock group. Posse, does that sound like the magnificent Miles Davis to you?  I was all set for a cage match on that term (used in conjunction with an article on… Continue Reading

Scent. Memory. Muse.

Hoth-level Cold.  I’m barely opening the door to get the mail, that’s how COLD it is.  So I’m stuck at home, with plenty of time to muse.  And this is how it starts. This morning, after I put 90 minutes… Continue Reading

My Girl(s) – the Worlds of Shelly Laurenston

The world is such a weird place. Traumas, viruses, racism, sexism, ‘otherism’ etc abounds… and sometimes it just all feels like Too Damb Much.  And when that happens I dive deep into the worlds of Shelley Laurenston. Okay, I dive… Continue Reading