Winner! Winner! (and some Musings)

The Internet is NOT MY FRIEND.  Publish date got pushed back – sorry!   Hey!  I got WINNERS!  It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks, hence the delays.   We’ve been working on all sorts of projects at the shop,… Continue Reading

Goldfield & Banks review & a giveaway!

Goldfield & Banks is a niche Australian perfume company whose scents evoke  aspects of Australiana.  There.  I finally figured out how to approach this scent review! lol!  My struggle has nothing to do with the scents themselves – they are… Continue Reading

Perfume Bottle Love

Google ‘Perfume Bottle’ and what you’ll get is the complete opposite of what we’re going on about today – you’ll get your Etsy, your wholesaler, your refillable… Google “Iconic Perfume Bottle’, though….. and a Whole New World opens up And… Continue Reading

Kondo-ing my garden

Reading March’s post about Marie Kondo and what to keep/what to cull brought to mind my garden, and the changes I hope to make to it in the coming months.   I have not read any of Marie Kondo’s work… Continue Reading