Taking a (Bel) Respiro… in 1932
My darling Posse – before I tell you this story let me first say a heartfelt thank you to each and every one who reached out to me, both on my post and in other ways, re Monsieur’s passing. It’s… Continue Reading
My darling Posse – before I tell you this story let me first say a heartfelt thank you to each and every one who reached out to me, both on my post and in other ways, re Monsieur’s passing. It’s… Continue Reading
Posse – forgive my absence and overall disconnection. It’s been a weird couple of weeks. They say that All Dogs Go to Heaven – and I believe it. I have to believe it because otherwise I don’t think… Continue Reading
Posse!! It’s been a minute since I have been posting here – but I haz EXCUSES! my skin – it’s been a slog… but MY SKIN IS NEARLY BACK TO NORMAL! The allergist (female) said, after a lengthy meeting, ‘well… Continue Reading
Posse – eons ago I ran into a neighbor/friend at our local hardware store. He is a well-known professional musician, so I was stunned to find him in the hinge section, looking for stuff to fix a door ( I… Continue Reading
Posse – I was going to tell you about that Charming Encounter – but that would involve me spraying Unknown Perfumes (and they’re Lauder so… shrieking is probable) … so that will have to wait – again. Instead, let’s talk… Continue Reading
Posse! It’s your idiot Musette here. So… I was going to tell you about this charming exchange with a local lady about Perfume People, etc… but that’ll have to wait until another time. Because Idiot. ‘What’djaDO, honeydoodle?’ Welp! Glad you… Continue Reading
Posse! There’s cold. And then there’s “it’s currently -16F with a windchill of -35F” cold. And… alas.. we is in it – and it sucks. However, I’m in the habit of practicing gratitude, so let me tell you a few… Continue Reading