Tea Perfumes – Comphrensive Guide to Tea Perfume

Best tea perfumes

From the big, black, smoke and tar-chuffing tea perfumes like Annick Goutal Eau de Fier to the more delicate tea stylings of Atelier Oolang Infini, tea perfumes have long been a favorite go-to note when flora, vetiver, musk and other… Continue Reading

Frankincense and Myrrh perfumes – Guide to Incense Fragrances

frankincense and myrrh perfumes light

Once you are past Thanksgiving, it is officially Christmas, yes?  Close enough.  That must make it time to talk about frankincense and myrrh perfumes – two of my favorite incense notes and ones we will all need desperately over the… Continue Reading

CaFleureBon & Perfume Posse Cyber Monday Holiday Perfume Gift Guide + Top Ten Perfume Editors’ Picks Draw

Still in a turkey coma, you woke up the day after Thanksgiving with BUY BUY BUY email blasts inundating your inbox, filled with bottles upon bottles of perfume gift recommendations. What smells like heaven on you often ends up in… Continue Reading

Musk Perfume – Guide to Best Musk Perfumes

Hate musk perfumes?  Convinced you will never wear one?   There is one out there for you, trust me.  Have I ever lied to steered you wrong?  Well, okay, maybe once or twice, but I promise never again probably not this… Continue Reading