Providence Perfume Co: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading

Vert et Noir by DSH Perfumes

Hey there Posse! Here’s a little something I found on my searches through my sample and decant boxes. It was originally a 3ml decant but I used most of it up when it arrived, was going to buy a bottle… Continue Reading

Indian Study / Santal +++ by Miller et Bertaux

Indian Study / Santal +++ by Miller et Bertaux

Hi there Posse! Miller et Bertaux are a house I really like. They rarely get a mention in the FB pages or on the blogs. Even though they are overlooked for flashier, newer, richer or more massage brands you would… Continue Reading

Aether Arts Perfume: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading

Aziyade by Parfum d’Empire

Hello Perfume Posse. I’ve been going through my sample boxes lately to try and diminish their contents. It’s a really fun exercise, finding so many long forgotten jewels. Even found the original pack of carded spray samples I bought of… Continue Reading

Hendley Perfumes: American Perfumer Interviews

Hi there Posse. Recently I introduced you all to a new business called American Perfumer. The name says it all. Independent Artisan American Perfumers being put on display so you can find a large selection of them in one spot.… Continue Reading

Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent

Hey, Hey Posse! Today we are in the department store. Black Opium was released by Yves Saint Laurent (YSL Beauty) in 2014. Perfumers Nathalie Lorson, Marie Salamagne, Olivier Cresp and Honorine Blanc all have their names on it. The bottle is… Continue Reading