What to Wear… when you can wear anything

Posse, my darlings!  Time flies!   This Halloween, it’ll be 4 years since I got bounced from my horrible situation with El O.  FOUR YEARS!  And while there are a few things I miss (all related to business and/or handyman stuff… Continue Reading

Perfume Presents

Heya Posse, March and I were chatting in the comments of my Boucheron Serpent Boheme post in August a little about how special Perfume Presents can be. Some things I would normally not even have tried due to perfume snobbery… Continue Reading

Futurcast: Futur by Robert Piguet

I have a long relationship with Robert Piguet (the house anyway) that dates back to my mother wearing Bandit, his groundbreaking and rather gender bending 1944 leather chypre. Bandit was the flip side of his 1948 Fracas, the most threatening… Continue Reading

56th Birthday Week was FUN!

Heya Posse! What a splendid week of fun and celebration. Even though most if it was pretty small scale it was super satisfying. Quite a few of the people I care about managed to make the Birthday Lunch at our… Continue Reading