All Summer

Hi, Posse!  Well, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you know we’re celebrating Summer! (you fiends in the Southern half of this planet… I dunno … y’all are… different.. 😉 If I’d been writing last week instead of now this… Continue Reading


Lordt, honeychile!  I’m the Busted Flush, today.  I can’t figure out what to write about!! Perfume?  Nah.  I’m awash in No5 – AGAIN!  (my shoulder has been giving me the flux since the barometer dropped/rose/dropped again and No5 is the… Continue Reading

Naptime (and winners – and a giveaway)

My darling Posse – It’s no secret to anyone who knows me IRL – I am not a napper.  I’m dirunal AF, getting up at 4:30a in Summer and (gasp!) 6a in Winter.  Nighttime is not the right time for… Continue Reading

Peachy – a Musing on Mutability and a Giveaway

Posse… I got nothin’ …nothin’ but a kitchen full of peaches!  It’s that time of year again – the time I both look forward to – and dread. The Red Haven tree – the first to ripen – has Lost… Continue Reading

Lemons…. in Life & Perfume.. (and.. a giveaway!)

My darling Posse, You know… for such a beautiful fruit (and gorgeous tree) lemons get a shockingly bad rap.  ‘When life hands you lemons’ ‘_____ is a lemon’, etc, etc .  I thought about the fruit/the rap/the smell when I… Continue Reading

Holiday Yikes! A Goober Giveaway

Posse!  I’m … a goober. So here I am, sitting in the garden…admiring my new fountain…thinking’oooh!  I’ll tell Posse all about it’….um….now?  Because Memorial Day is a MONDAY holiday.  And I am a goober. So.  No post of any real… Continue Reading