Not quite yet

Happy December? It’s been very cold here – like unusually – for the past few days. But we’re back to milder and wetter mid-week.

I don’t have much today. I am waiting for a sample order and am now into the last month of work before I retire.

Most of the holiday stuff is done or will be next week, only leaving a big food shop to set things up for the holiday weekend. No turkey this year. Fish and chicken, both of which will be picked up on Christmas eve. I am looking forward to cooking this year – I think because … no turkey.

I’m watching the descent towards the shortest day of the year and plan to celebrate the winter solstice in anticipation of the days getting longer and the world lighter.

I’ve been thinking about birch tar as a perfume note.

This shows up mostly in perfumes labelled masculine which shows a sorry lack of imagination.

Anyway, two of my favourites are Tauer Lonestar Memories and Le Labo Patchouli 24.

I don’t own the Tauer but do have a small bottle of the LL, which I’ve actually owned for close to 20 years. It’s still perfect.

Lonestar. A number of people (men) I’ve know list this as their favourite Tauer, even more so than L’Air du Desert Marocain. Lonestar is the dry western US desert. Tumbleweed and creosote, saddle leather and winds filled with the smell of desert grasses. I need to layer this with something floral. Otherwise, it’s a bit too much. Roses do well. Fragrantica calls this a woody chypre. Notes include clary sage, geranium, carrot seeds, leather (birch tar?), labdanum, jasmine, myrrh, vetiver, tonka and sandalwood.

Patchouli 24. Just looked at my bottle. Bought in 2007 at the original Elizabeth Street shop in NYC. Also labelled a woody chypre by Fragrantica, I get more florals from this vs Lonestar, drying down into that heavy birch tar oiliness. Notes include patchouli, birch, styrax and vanilla.

Anyway, the holiday cards are written and will go into the post this week. Candle lighting for Hannukah starts Thursday at sundown. Already been to the Xmas market, before the complete madness.

What are your winter/seasonal faves? Has it snowed there yet (or do you think it will at all)? Would you like to hibernate or go to a tropical island and not return till March?

Pics: Pexels and mine

  • Dina C. says:

    When I think birch tar I think Chanel Cuir de Russie. I haven’t worn it yet this fall. It’s a cold weather scent for me. We’re finally getting some truly cold here, and they’re calling for a bit of snow on Wednesday. We almost never have a white Christmas — can’t remember when. I think I’m gonna make either salmon or London broil for Christmas dinner. I have to figure out vegan side dishes for my daughter’s boyfriend. It worked out really well for Thanksgiving, so I’m up for the challenge. I spent several hours on Saturday wrapping gifts. (I will conquer my to do list! she said hopefully.)

    • cinnamon says:

      I need to sample CdR again — last time was years ago. Maybe it will like my chemistry more this time round. I think turkey is very over-rated. Vegan side dishes … what about throwing a huge amount of shredded Brussel sprouts in a tin with some orange juice and chilli? It will caramelise nicely. Good wishes regarding your to do list 🙂

  • Tom says:

    No retirement for me. I would need to move to Boise and live under a bridge on what SS pays (oh to go back in time and tell myself to become a lawyer..). I’ve had the lousy cold/flu that’s been going around so I haven’t been out of the house since Friday and likely will stay in Monday.

    I love LM but don’t have a bottle but do have that same sized bottle of LL that a friend picked up for me in NYC. Love it, but haven’t used it up. And it still good even though it’s long “expired”

    • cinnamon says:

      Hope you are better soon. I really like the LL and it’s definitely the time of year/weather for it here.

  • Maggiecat says:

    I was a little ambivalent about retirement at first – I had been teaching most of my life and wasn’t sure who I was apart from that. But I’m a little over two years in and loving it now. I’ve found interesting things to do and been able to travel and see far-flung family more. The key, I think, is to find things you enjoy doing. And of course having a choice in the matter us very helpful (forced retirement sucks, Filomena – it happened to my sister as well).

    • cinnamon says:

      Interesting. I’m not ambivalent but I can’t really get my head round it yet. I have things I want to do but until I’m on the other side, in January, I don’t think I’ll have the headspace to really think about things.

  • March says:

    Love Lonestar, although I don’t wear it much. Congrats on your pending retirement! It snowed 7″ a couple of days ago which was fine although Coco hates it, too deep for her, I have to clear her a pee patch. It’s very pretty to look at though!

    • cinnamon says:

      Might have to see about a decant of Lonestar. Wow, that’s a fair bit of snow. Poor Coco. It’s not fun being a small older dog when the weather isn’t cooperating (the one real snow storm we’ve had Joe loved the first day of soft stuff but refused to budge once it built a crust).

  • Filomena says:

    I wish I could enjoy my retirement, but after almost a year ago, I still have not adjusted to having any salary except for SS. I wanted to work at least another year or two, but they asked me to “retire” last year. Usually retirement time is up to the retiree but I did not have the choice. However, I am glad that others are enjoying retirement and hope I will eventually get some enjoyment from it as well. Happy Holidays!

    • alityke says:

      So sorry to read you weren’t given the choice about when to retire. It seems so unfair.
      Adjusting to a much reduced income is tough. I’m not going to say it gets better. Having to consider even mundane purchases is challenging.
      DH got a job 3 yrs after retiring & has now returned to it after his cancer treatment.

    • JilkS says:

      Filomena, I retired a few years ago. It was an adjustment, but I’m so glad I did. I know the money thing is hard, but you deserve to enjoy your life. Do what makes you happy!

    • cinnamon says:

      ‘Asked’… That seems unfair and I am very sorry the company behaved so badly. Could you get something part time to supplement SS?

  • alityke says:

    Snow, yep. All the nasty stuff from the frozen east dumps the white stuff right on us. It’s been too cold to snow until today but it looked as if it had snowed the frost was so deep!
    I’m still downsizing & only wearing samples. Currently in Neela Vermiere’s wonderful Pichola. The first from her that has immediately clicked with me.
    I hibernate but would happily rouse myself for a sunshine holiday

  • Tara C says:

    I’m in San Diego for the winter, it’s 13C and sunny at 8:30am, so quite pleasant. No holiday festivities planned, which is the way I like it. I’m enjoying my ambers & gourmands. Today is Amouage Material.

    Congrats on your upcoming retirement! I’m enjoying mine.

    • cinnamon says:

      That sounds extremely pleasant. What will it get up to during the day? I am finishing a great detective series set in LA and the main character always talks about the weather.

      • Tara C says:

        Normally gets up to the low 20’s. I expect we’ll get rain in January & February but it’s not very wintery.