Rainfall totals for this storm
It occurs to me that this is going up on the dreaded Valentines Day, which I ignore as much as the Super Bowl. For those of you celebrating, Happy V-Day!
Well, I seem to be getting into a groove of writing ahead of time: I’m writing this one on the 7th of February and today is the first time we have seen the sun in a while. I pulled out the trusty (and heavy) pump to drain the pool if need be to keep it from overtopping and yes, indeedy I did need it. Four times. Having written that, the storm, while annoying, touched me lightly. Some of my friends had power go out but luckily none of the trees down or mudslides affected them, although they were close. All I needed to do was pump out the pool a few times to keep it from flooding the pool deck, which made me feel competent and somewhat butch.

Early this AM
As I wrote, today is sunny- one of those days that sends photographers out to get those shots of the city where downtown LA will seem to be standing within inches of the snow-capped mountains where the ski resorts are and you can stand in Beverly Gardens Park in and see the mountains around Palm Springs. Amazing what clean air looks like.
So during these drab days I wore a bunch of things to comfort myself at night but found myself reaching for something I bought, meant to write about and then promptly was distracted by something shiny: Royall Lyme. It has been around Brooks Brothers so long that I often forget about it, as I think Brooks’ does too. Of course it isn’t marketed as something as fey as cologne, no, it’s an “All Purpose Lotion.”

My bestie for the past few days
Precisely what that means I don’t know. Nor do they list notes, but I can safely write that it’s lime: juice, peel and pith. It’s also fairly fleeting and wonderful on a hot day. Like some citrus-heavy “light” scents it does an interesting glissando of icy sharpness and an odd warmth that really works in the cold. It’s also as effective as Avtivan as a nervve tonic: things just cannot be that bad when you smell this happy.
Royall Lyme is available at Brooks Brothers, $52 for 4 ounces. It’s available at other e-tailers for much less. I purchased my bottle for much less. There are also others in the Royall line, such as Mandarine, Rugby, BayRhum, Spyce and Muske which I have not tried. If you have please do chime in and let us know what you think.
Photos: My iPhone
I know this is not where I should pst about forgotten fragrances but comments were frozen on my favorite perfumes. Joy by Jean Patou and Fluers d”Elle by Nettie Rosenstein. IOn the blog about Joy, it was said that this fragrance was for old ladies. I beg to differ. I wore Joy in Fleurs d’Elle in college and Joy when I could no longer find Fleurs d’Elle. I have college boys sitting close to me, in class and at football games, tap me on the shoulder and ask what perfume I was wearing. They said they wanted to buy it for their girlfriends. My daughter told me that she always thought of me when she smelled Joy. I have bought Joy from different sources on the internet. They are usually old and do not smell like the original perfumes. I find today’s perfumes have a musky note and smell very harsh to me. Is anyone making a fragrance that can compare to Joy or Fleurs d’Elle?
Oooh! You know I love a cheap and cheerful citrus splash – not right now, though. This burn is still healing and OMG! if I inadvertently splashed something on it (maybe morphine would work but otherwise…)
Glad you’re getting a handle on the pool ahead of time – isn’t it weird how managing stuff like that makes one feel all… competent? I took advantage of the good weather to rake up last year’s detritus from a few borders – you’d think I’d saved a basket of kittens, I was that proud!
Oh no, not now! That would not be a good idea..
Yes, it does make me feel like I overhauled and engine or something..
During college, my son, now 27, worked at BB one summer and was top salesperson for those summer months, which stunned us because he’s a total introvert. But he loves clothes and style. Anyway, when I was there one day, we sniffed all the scents they carry including the Lyme one. For me, I had an intense scent memory of my grandfather who used to use lime scented Foamy brand shaving cream. I love the scent and flavor of lime, not surprisingly. The Bay Rum one had a very classic after shave cologne scent that I think I’ve smelled before too, but I can’t place it with any specific person.
Oh I remember that lime scented foamy shaving foam! I wonder whatever happened to it- I used to love it.
I love the sound of this … I think they sell it at J Peterman too? Which makes sense hehe. But I haven’t tried any of them and now I want to. Love the spellings… is it lotion-like at all? Looks like a regular clear liquid in that photo. I want some. Also omg I would LOVE a few clear days like that in your neighborhood this time of year.
It’s really not lotion-like at all. it’s a clear liquid that’s in no way creamy or viscous. I think they just call it that so the tender macho sensibilities aren’t bruised.
J Peterman- there’s one I haven’t thought of in forever..
I love me some cheap & cheap citrus…. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Wonder if it’s available over here?
I’d be kind of surprised if it’ wasn’t unless the “Bermuda” portion of the program is as much false advertising as the “lotion” notion..
I found some on male hipster sites. Not the Lyme though. What there is, is largely sold out
Well that stinks..
Or not
Wow, that’s serious rain. Maybe stupid question, but where does the water pumped out of the pool go? I have a weird affection for Brooks Brothers — not sure why. In any case, this sounds perfect splash with abandon stuff. I hope your weather stays nice for a while.
It actually goes into the same drains that are on the pool deck. They go through into pipes in the garage and from there onto the street. Which is pretty much what would happen if the pool overtopped but it makes people feel better to have it pumped out so it doesn’t look like it will over fill.
It’s also better that I do it in preparation for the rain (IE make it slightly lower than it should be) so that it fills up with rainwater to where it should be, and I am not trying to drain it while the pool deck is trying to drain the water it already had to deal with.
Were getting another storm this weekend, part of the “atmospheric river” Joy.
OOOHHHH! I’d love to try their Bay Rum Tom!
Glad you didn’t have storm problems and you are butch doing the pool!
A regular macho man.
Portia xx
I’d actually like to try the others but some of them only come in full bottles..
I am a fan of cheap and cheerful and enjoy those summer coolers that you splash all over yourself. And summer’s comin’. I checked it out online and it gets some love, but some say the Bermuda company sold to a US company and it’s not nearly as good anymore. Some of the “cheerful” has supposedly gone.
Oh that’s too bad. It’s been at Brooks’ forever..