A Fred Segal Tote from back in the day
Well we had an interesting piece of news here in LA- Fred Segal, the last truly LA retailer (that I can think of) has closed. They were here for decades at the corner of Melrose and Crescent Heights (and another store in Santa Monica that I rarely went to) in a funky, ivy covered building that housed individual boutiques and cafes not all of which were actually owned by Fred Segal. They finally moved about 8 years ago to a new location on Sunset Boulevard. That was a move I didn’t understand- the Melrose location was (in my opinion) way cooler, more conducive to foot traffic, with ample parking that was just for them, and had been there long enough that it had become an LA institution. I don’t know if there were economic reasons they moved or what, but they moved just out of Sunset Plaza in a pedestrian-unfriendly piece of Sunset. I guess they thought they’d have foot traffic from the Equinox gym in the same building (I think- I never went there) but I suppose they thought wrong.
While Fred Segal was a part of LA it didn’t hold any particular memories for me. I really wasn’t the target audience, even when I was in my 20’s. I pretty much have never wavered from the topsiders/khakis/levis/polo shirt thing. I did have a moderately unpleasant (if eye-opening) experience shopping there with my now-ex boyfriend and my BFF, who has since died.

My dear, departed BFF
This was in the early 90’s so we were all in our early 30’s. My ex looked (and likely still does) like Antonio Banderas, wore a lot of Versace and sported a shaved head. My BFF was a fabulous black woman who was always perfectly turned out from her Chanel ballet flats to her MAC incarnadined lips. I was my usual pasty, Brooks Brothers shirted self. We had stopped in one of the cafes for a bite and cruised through the perfume section (where I was happiest) when the BF and the BFF decided they needed to check out the second floor and the clothes. Where, we were, to my shock, visibly shadowed by a security guard. Like really obviously. Like “you people don’t belong here” obviously. Now it actually wasn’t happening to me- I even tested it by breaking off and perusing expensive crap far away from them. Nope. He ignored me and stuck like flypaper to them until we left. Which we did, and I never went back. My BFF did because she liked the cafe and the perfume section (and she made a point of dousing herself in something expensive every time she went in there) and, as she explained to me, this was just something that happens to people of color in the states. Which was one of the reasons why she never showed up anywhere less that exquisitely turned out- never mind that she enjoyed being so- put that woman in a Chanel suit and she’s purr like a happy tigress. But unlike me, with my light skin, hair, and eyes, snooty New England accent and inherited Rolex, she felt she couldn’t get with looking like a schlub.

Fred Segal Melrose
The other memory that stands out was attending the first (and I believe only) Sniffapalooza LA, put on by the NY Sniffa people. Which was a wonderful time, except for when a local perfumer who shares a name with an old Cary Grant movie came to our table, was very charming, then stuck us with the tab for his drinks.
I will write that the people at the perfume area were always very nice and the Santa Monica one was even better. Fred Segal, They will be missed. Just not the upstairs boutique, or it’s security guard (who, by the way was not white either)
So now that I’ve bored you rigid with my memories/ Very Special Episode lets move onto more of the scents.
MUSE is “A subtle scent that leaves a less than subtle mark.” Well if you say so. What I get from MUSE is the scent of Vodka. Very strong (very good) Vodka. And all of the talk of ambergris and jasmine doesn’t really tame that. Now it doesn’t smell like someone who HAS been drinking, but it does smell as if someone had a Big Gulp filled with 100 proof Smirnoff dropped in their lap. They say wear it from “the boardroom to the bedroom” but I’m sorry, I wouldn’t wear this and get behind the wheel since I might be wearing it from Booking to Betty Ford.
EAU: “A time capsule of summer nostalgia & the thirst for escapism”. Okay, now we’re talking. This is a delicious blend of iris, bergamot and coconut milk, with a patina of dusty green leaves. Sort of like a little tanning butter and a little Thai food with a smattering of hot lifeguard. I want 100ML of this now.
HIS/HER: “All bases are covered with this signature staple scent in your fragrance wardrobe.” The problem with trying to cover all bases in a scent is that you don’t end up with any one real perspective. It’s pleasant. It’s nice smelling, I can see why it’s the most popular in the line. But testing this after EAU might have done this a dis-service. Reminds me of that old canard: “How you gonna keep them down on the farm when they’ve seen Paree?” Especially if Paree features the US Water Polo team rubbing you down with Hawaiian Tropic while proffering frozen pina coladas and Tom Kha Gai?
WALL STREET says you will be “instantly transported to the hustle of New York City” Well, I don’t know about that. I love New York but it never smelled this good. This is jammy rose with discernible raspberry that quickly brings up oud, saffron, and smoky leather in the base. This is the one that you should wear from the boardroom to the bedroom. I am not sure I need 100ML of this but 50? when is Christmas? Next week?
So, in this week’s batch, two that I liked, one that was okay and one that will make your friends and acquaintances think you relapsed. So far so good. We will do the other three next week and I won’t even do a civics lesson in that one..
The sample set I purchased from the perfumer for $75. Other sets are available.
Next week: The third and final thrilling entry in the “Who is Elijah?” series!
Photos: My iPhone, Pexels, and Wikimedia Commons
I love your LA stories Tom! From booking to Betty Ford is genius.
Thank you! I was rather happy with that one..
Your friend was a beauty, and I love that you used “incarnadined” to describe her lipstick choice. Wonder if it was Russian Red or Ruby Woo?
Not sure which one- a true red with no orange. She loved her lippies.
I always look forward to your stories. Keep it up! And in telling us about your friend and showing her to us, you bring her back for a while.
Eau is the one that caught my attention too.
Thank you! I appreciate that.
More civics lessons. Please Tom! I’ve never been to California as a grown up, so missed out on Fred Segal, but your tales are all I need to know. The security guard: yikes! So creepy.
Loved your reviews. Died laughing at “from Booking to Betty Ford.” Yeah. No thanks, Muse. I don’t want to smell like I dropped a bottle of vodka. Eau sounds amazing! Love iris and bergamot! And Wall Street sounds pretty interesting. Rose and raspberry — sure! Thanks, Tom. I always look forward to your posts on Wednesday mornings!
That incident was creepy. I never really hung out at Fred Segal- but I just wasn’t their target audience. Since I think they were wholly owned boutiques that just rented the space from Fred I am going with it was an aberration. Certainly my friend went back.
I was pretty happy with the Betty Ford line I have to admit.
I … would say I’m sorry to hear that about Fred Segal? If they weren’t such asshats. But I miss those fancy regional stores, DC had several of them, all long gone… for a brand I had never heard of, these sound intriguing.
Well, like I wrote, it might not have been old Fred but the people he rented to. Long gone in any case.
It’s an intriguing brand indeed.
I miss violetnoir! And now I miss Fred Segal – I always went to the SM location and… I think (?) I have a pair of earrings from there.
Re Security and PoC – always happens, no matter the race of Security. that’s why, when white shoplifters get ready to lift, they bring a PoC – they know they will be the focus and allow the white lifters to boost the goods. Then everybody goes away with goods! Hey, you might as well make lemonade outta those lemons.
Muse sounds like Norrell – my mother wore it to perfection but on me it smelled like I’d just imbibed a fifth of Scotch!
Love your LA stories. Keep ’em coming!
I miss Robin as well. She gave me a nearly full bottle of Sprirteuse Vanille because it didn’t suit her and did me. Lovely lady gone too soon.
My friend, gone too soon also was, however not her. We met back in school when she was at Smith. Her mom used to send her a monthly LA care package that included a pound of See’s Candies, making her the Queen on Franklin King house.
The See’s family could have bought themselves beach houses on either coasts from the profits if they’d just have put a store in Northampton. All those 5 colleges getting the munchies..
oh, lordt! I. Wuz. PROFILIN’
my apologies.
(and thank you for your very, very graceful correction)
(would have posted this last night but the system said my iPad was eeeevil..)
You would have enjoyed each other. She loved perfume and pasta and all things luxurious. We would go to jewelry auction previews at Bonham’s and Sotheby’s and I would tease her that no man would produce on her the look that she got when trying on some really killer bling. She got me back by making me try on a Graf diamond the size of a baseball. Normally I find diamonds on men hopelessly tacky but this- oh my!
Graff is my Holy Grail! I miss being able to just….. they (Graff on Oak St in Chicago) were sooo indulgent with me, letting me try on Everything All The Time. It was there that I coined the phrase 11cwt is the New 5!
They were always very indulgent to us.
She said about Graff that it made Harry Winston look like “trainer jewelry”
If you just wrote LA posts with no perfume I’d be a happy bunny. They are fascinating. The perfume is good too — don’t get me wrong. I’m waiting for the next LA-set Cole and Pike book in the series, but it’s now not going to drop until January 2025. Boo hoo. Also worth looking at is Stephen Mack Jones’ August Snow crime series set in Detroit. Anyway, Eau sounds like a must sample.
I have go to go back and reread some of those. I just started to reread some of the earlier Carl Hiaasen books.
PLEASE DO MORE CIVIC LESSONS! Tom I love your potted histories of LA. It’s like hanging out with you. Every corner has a story.
EAU sounds terrific.
Portia xx
A lot of these are terrific. Thanks for bringing them up!