Patchouli flowers
I feel that everyone, after a period of virtue, has the right if not the duty to indulge in something silly. Not ruinously silly, like buying a boat, or even just super-silly, like that Keepall 55 Bandouliere I have been coveting for 25 years and never bought. No, my silly indulgences have rules. Like they have to be on sale. And I have to have the cash on hand and not be taking it from something else like savings. Well, I tell myself that anyway.
I am also not immune to, even if aware of, marketing. So when I got those mailings from Serge Lutens over the holidays trying to entice me to buy I was careful. They offered discounts, but not always on something I would want to buy- as lovely as the make-up is, I never could pull off the sloe-eyed vamp look, even with the priciest and smokiest of shadow.
But then they got me.
They apparently have decided to can the “Tower of Power” Gratte-Ciel packaging, or have just decided to shift some of the scents that were in that range back to bell jars. Of course they made it seem that the packaging or even perhaps the scent was going the way of the buffalo, and that my beloved Borneo 1834 was on the chopping block. And that was not to be borne.

The Mothership at the Palais Royale
Borneo 1834 was my introduction to Serge Lutens. I had sort of heard about them but at that point (2005) never really smelled them: I can’t remember if Barney’s or Fred Segal carried them then and even if they did, at that point Lutens stuck to it’s maddening but admittedly effective marketing gimmick of two-tiered releases. They would have the export line, which was available “everywhere” and came in tombstone shaped bottles (priced at I believe $70? Can you believe it?) which were all well and good, but the good stuff was in those bell jars. Those “Exclusives” which were only available at the Paris mothership and could only be shipped in the EU. Someone I know bought a bottle of Borneo when they went to France and from first sniff I needed it. Despite the fact that I should have loathed it. I am not big on Patchouli in general and was frightened at a tender age by Angel- which I think March referred to as “choco-vomit” (which I still wish I’d said first.) But Borneo’s dark cocoa and dry, rustling pachouli leaves were, and are 180 degrees from Angel’s Hershey-and-headshop vibe (Yes, I know on some people it’s gorgeous. but people bathed in it in the early 90’s, and just no.) I have a friend who’s parents lived during the aughts in Switzerland and he would visit them twice a year. He didn’t mind carrying my purchases back to the states to me, and his mother didn’t mind receiving the package. since the accompanying samples were of course hers. That bell jar is the one in the photo- so you can see how much I have used over nearly two decades.
So of course I needed a back-up.
Well, it was $25% off, was shipped free, and I got to keep the samples..
So, is there a difference? I would say a slight one, but I cannot say whether that’s due to reformulation or just age. The older bottle seems a little more mellow and the new one a little spikier. There’s also the fact that the new bottle is a spray and the bell jar is dab only. It’s kind of one of those “love it of hate it” Lutens. Patty liked it, March not so much. Luckily Surrender to Chance has samples so you can try it without going to France.
Borneo 1834 is still listed as available (both as “Best Seller” and “Last Chance” in the Gratte-Ciel bottle as of 1/6/25) at the Lutens website. Samples are available at Surrender to Chance. I purchased my bottles as mentioned above.
Images: My iPhone, Pexels and Wikimedia Commons
Hahahahaha okay probably still not my jam, although you KNOW if I saw it somewhere I’d try it again! Who knows, maybe I’ve changed my mind. Stranger things have happened. I’m glad you treated yourself, you deserve it!
Thank you! I do!
And since this is thousands less than Vuitton bags is like I’m banking money!
I admit to being a Lutens ‘ho. Borneo is one of the few I don’t get on with. Chocolate & cocoa scents & I do not get on.
I don’t get SL’s marketing policy. Everything seemed to be working well until they changed the bottle formats and the not d/cing policy went.
Enjoy you Borneo stash frequently
Borneo shouldn’t have worked for me, but it did. Go figs..
I was introduced to Serge Lutens early in my perfume hobby before my nose was very good at differentiating notes and scent families. I can’t remember if I ever sniffed Borneo. I probably did at some point. I’m so glad you were able to get a backup of a favorite. These things matter! There are only about 5 things worthy of a backup in my collection. Speaking of SL, Tom, I’d like to send you a mini of L’Haleine des Dieux that I won in a posse drawing years ago. Send me your snail mail address at dinac1717 at gee mail dot com.
Thank you! I sent my address.
No bell jars for me! Luckily I’m in love only with the leather/apricot one, Daim Blond. De Profundis is gorgeous but I am content to sniff my little sample spray – to wear it would make me too melancholy.
I’m thrilled that you got a backup of Borneo! Wear it in the best of health, darling!
I love Daim Blond but it’s like a kitten that 1/2 the time purrs and 1/2 the time shreds you. Sometimes lovely cool suede and sometimes something that should be spread on toast.
Oooh! Kitten on toast!
My roommates cat used to practically sit on top of my head when I had toast. Must have been the anchovy butter.
Good to read a post from you, Tom-hope your home is ok with the fires.
I’m wearing Daim Blond today in a polar vortex-the air is very very clean and v v cold 🙂
I’m glad you got a bottle of something you love-I have Borneo in the GC package. Missing the Le Vapo line. Have you tried the Parole L’eau-with lemon and eucalyptus? I’m concerned the entire SL line is becoming more $$ and less available.
Enjoy your beautiful back up bottle in the best of health 🙂
Oooh! SNAP! Carole. I just commented on Daim Blond being my favorite Serge!
…maybe I’ll wear it today, in honor of you!
I always hit the PP comprehensive list of SL when I want either information, or a laugh :))) No one loves DB so thank you for speaking out!
I think more people love it than you think. I th8nk it gets lost in the shuffle (and I think it wasn’t available for a while)
I love DB too. I still have my original tombstone bottle & a back up in the same presentation
I kind of wish I’d gotten one especially back when they were $70
I might have to pull out my bottle later when it gets cold.
Looks like it’s moved to the bell jars and is up to $320..
Luckily the fires weren’t too close. The bad air however…
I wrote about Daim Blond recently:
I just went to that post, and you nailed it 🙂 Wish I bought Miel when it was available-it was all woods and honey on me.
I hope one day they will bring it back. I loved it.
I am pretty sure I’ve never sampled this one. Will need to remedy that at some point. I get the SL emails. Thankfully, at this stage the only thing I am thinking I will need to replace at some point is Rose de Nuit. Haven’t worn that in a while so it will be today’s fragrance. Thanks for reminding me about Belle Jars. Lutens at the Palais Royale was closed when I visited Paris last autumn. Not fair. A definite stop on next trip.
I literally had a dream last night that us Posse People took a trip to the Palais Royale to the mothership. Woke up with a smile.
Well I think virtue should have it’s rewards, so good for you. Does that mean a lot of virtue gets a much bigger reward? Seems only fair.
I have loved patchouli since the first time I sniffed it, whenever that was. Borneo 1834 might be worth a try.
Surrender to Chance has it, so you don’t even need to go to Paris. Although that would be a lovely reward for virtue..
Yes indeed! Mmmm, have I mentioned how virtuous I have been lately? Really, I have.
Then I think you deserve something! And look at it this way, a bell jar costs less than a boat, and the boat doesn’t give you samples and a nifty travel spray..
Bell jars are nice and I don’t care much for boats anyway, but samples and a travel spray too – whoo hoo!
So really you’re actually saving big bucks by getting the bell jars!
OMG You’re right! hehehe
Feminite du Bois was my first foray into the world of Serge Lutens. I adore Sarrasins and De Profundis. Took me forever to get bell jars of the latter two.
I never smelled FdB until later on, but did manage to luck out and get the old Shiseido bottle in Little Tokyo for nothing at a close-out. Sadly they only had one.
I did manage to snag a Shiseido bottle a few years ago. FdB is lovely.
Sarrasins ans De Profundis are wonderful. If I ever won PowerLooto I think I’d be hip-deep in SL
How I’d love to have a bell jar! Borneo has long been a favorite ??
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