Turning to Comfort: A whine
Well, the heat is back on. With humidity, today at 80% according to my neighbor. And while it is not going to stop me from whining about it (in an, I hope, mildly amusing fashion) I do have to point… Continue Reading
Well, the heat is back on. With humidity, today at 80% according to my neighbor. And while it is not going to stop me from whining about it (in an, I hope, mildly amusing fashion) I do have to point… Continue Reading
Frederic Malle is a house that I do really like, as a matter of fact it is my second favorite of the houses formerly known as “niche” (you can’t be niche and owned by a giant corporation, which seems to… Continue Reading
It has been hot this summer — in the nineties, and I don’t have air conditioning. Call me a waaaaaahmbulance. Anyhoo, I was in the library the other day, killing time in their lovely A/C, and I was walloped by… Continue Reading
Well I promised you a perfume review and you’re going to get one. It is going to be an exercise in frustration, because I am trying the vintage version of Givenchy’s L’Interdit against the new version which is available at… Continue Reading
Well, it’s hot here. Pretty much I suppose like everywhere else that isn’t at one of the poles at this point. It’s not even hot enough that I feel I can really complain: Although the news reports would lead one… Continue Reading
Musette’s post yesterday about hedonism (in a double dose! That’s hedonism) was interesting and kind of coincided with the arrival of my latest foray into “Stuff that Tom has Never Sniffed” from Surrender to Chance: this time Zibeline, a 1928… Continue Reading
Hello all. Well, it is supposed to be a long holiday weekend here in Amurrica, what with the 4th of July happening on a Tuesday, Monday is supposed to be a day off. My friend and coworker is taking a… Continue Reading