Blame Cinnamon: Reading Cookbooks Part Deux

Well, I am calling this one “Blame Cinnamon” because it’s just too much of a title to write “Blame Tom For Being a Lazy Hog Who Spent the Entire Holiday Doing Nothing But Watching Bad Movies on Netflix and Eating… Continue Reading

À la Recherche du Perfume Counters Perdu

This weekend I met my BFF who was visiting from NYC at the Academy of Motion Pictures museum (at her request) for a walk-through and a date. The museum is housed in the historic May Company building at Wilshire and… Continue Reading

Okay I was wrong.

So, every once in a great while it happens. Something that I was sure that I loathed pops up and decides to seduce me. Sometimes it’s something that I didn’t even loathe, but just something I didn’t get.  Jicky was… Continue Reading

Busy, Busy, Busy

How time flies when you’re having… Well it’s been a busy week or two here. Loads of personal interaction where normally I get at least some time to sit in the office, stare at walls, and sniff myself. Unfortunately I… Continue Reading

Cheap & Cheerful: Coty Wild Musk

Last week I was muttering about musks and commenter rosarita mentioned Coty Wild Musk. I’ve never smelled it but I am a sucker for A) musk and 2) the phrase “practically free online” so I was off to the races.… Continue Reading

CB I Hate Perfume revisited: Memory of Kindness, At the Beach 1966, and Burning Leaves

Okay, I must be getting slow in my old age. I know I wrote about these back somewhere on here or PST (or did I just comment?) but something made me remember them and in doing so to want to… Continue Reading