The Uniform
By March This is not about perfume. Last week I landed a job on short notice. They wanted me to start immediately and I was ready to go. All I needed was a uniform. I’m in the DC metro area,… Continue Reading
By March This is not about perfume. Last week I landed a job on short notice. They wanted me to start immediately and I was ready to go. All I needed was a uniform. I’m in the DC metro area,… Continue Reading
By March Was Swapmania a big perfumed bottle of fun, or what? Having so many swappers put their email address/contact info at the end of their swap lists worked well, in my opinion. Interested parties simply contacted them directly to… Continue Reading
Before we begin: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!! May it be a fragrant,floral,foody,flirty,FUN day for everyone!! I, Musette the Ingrate, was going to start this post with my regular diatribe against Winter, then I realized it would be churlish and possibly irritate… Continue Reading
By March The first time we did Swapmania I’d wrung my hands for weeks prior, came up with eleventy-jillion rules, and figured maybe nine people would show up and play. By the end we had more than 1,200 comments, and… Continue Reading
by “Don’t Panic! March Will Be Back” Musette March is finishing up some stuff that is taking up 10,080 minutes this week so I’m stepping into her Size Sixes (I’m 5’9″ tall and …well, let’s just say those boots… Continue Reading
by Musette So……I’m still having sinii issues but the saline flushes are helping a lot. Forget the neti pot. Since my biggest problem is the post-nasal ickola, I just snort the stuff like a walrus, to clear out all… Continue Reading
By Tom Yes, I’m venting. Here are things I’ve witnessed in the past 48 hours that make me want to slap people. This is the intersection of Beverly Blvd. and Santa Monica Blvd. near my apartment. Note the red light,… Continue Reading