Joanna and the Amish

by the draft-horse lovin’ Musette           Last week, in the Beach Baby post, Joanna and I got into a conversation about appropriate scents to wear when visiting the Amish.  She kindly allowed me to use excerpts… Continue Reading

Top 10 Best Perfumes of Summer

Yesssss!  It’s SUMMAH!  And time for the Top 10 Best Perfumes for Summer. I know a lot of folks hate summer, hiding out in their AC until the first nip of autumn arrives.  Not Musette.  I love the whole ‘so… Continue Reading

Initial Thoughts

   by the Old Bat Musette Most hard-core perfumistas bemoan the addition of flankers, especially when it’s a flanker of a True Classic.  I mean, c’mon – how on earth could you do a Mitsouko flanker?  What would you call… Continue Reading