The Number
Thanks for everyone’s input on the blog setup last week. So. We won’t do jumps, we’re working on the blog ads, and I’m still trying to fix the errant comments box. Also, I know it’s our problem and not yours,… Continue Reading
Thanks for everyone’s input on the blog setup last week. So. We won’t do jumps, we’re working on the blog ads, and I’m still trying to fix the errant comments box. Also, I know it’s our problem and not yours,… Continue Reading
Okay, as y’all have figured out, we finally upgraded our WordPress after like two years, and we won’t do that again (I think it will automatically update now.) I know we lost the emoticons and folks seem to have gotten… Continue Reading
Every December I come up with some malarkey, outwardly expressed or not, about how things are going to be different in the new year. A friend said something sensible to me recently about our foolish Yankee ways, wherein we transition… Continue Reading
Hey, it’s almost Christmas, and this is a cat ornament!!! My son’s cat, Lynus, who is “temporarily” staying through winter break thinks the Christmas tree is lots and lot sof fun. The second picture is my new little bulldog,… Continue Reading
For many of us, Saturday morning’s Chi-Cocoa Scentsation started off with some coffee and a mad dash to the nearest Walgreens for an umbrella, because the rain appeared to be setting up for a constant barrage for most of the… Continue Reading
We rocked Chicago for the Scentsation. It rained buckets the entire time, I guess the remnants of Ike — an inch an hour on occasion — with those umbrella-grabbing winds shoving us up and down Michigan Ave. We were a… Continue Reading
Before I forget –August 30 is the cutoff date for registering online for the Chi-Cocoa Scentsation. I think we have 35ish people!!! It’s gonna be fun. I think we’re getting a bunch of swag from the stores, plus our bottle… Continue Reading