What’s your EBP? Spring (or almost) edition

As you all probably know by now, EBP isn’t some kind of official-speak, as in, “Hey, Joe, what’s your ETA to the next delivery stop?” It stands for emergency backup perfume, and it was coined by lovely Posse reader AnnieA,… Continue Reading

Bittersweet Monday: Savoring your treasures

OK, all you perfume hoarders, this one’s for you. Looking through some old B&W photos of my family from way back when put me in a bittersweet haze of nostalgia, so I went into savoring mode and pulled out my… Continue Reading

Surviving the dog days of summer

Howdy, Posse folks! For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, we are now well and truly into the dog days of summer. Those days when summer’s winding down and it’s nearing back to school time (which many of us… Continue Reading