Smelling Good

A few posts back (maybe one of Tom’s?) nope – it was one of Portia’s)  March said “As I get older (?) I find more often what I really want is to just “smell good”  –  and when I read… Continue Reading

All Summer

Hi, Posse!  Well, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you know we’re celebrating Summer! (you fiends in the Southern half of this planet… I dunno … y’all are… different.. 😉 If I’d been writing last week instead of now this… Continue Reading

What’s your EBP? Spring (or almost) edition

As you all probably know by now, EBP isn’t some kind of official-speak, as in, “Hey, Joe, what’s your ETA to the next delivery stop?” It stands for emergency backup perfume, and it was coined by lovely Posse reader AnnieA,… Continue Reading