Canoe Canoe? Canoe by Dana
I touched upon this one briefly a couple of years ago when I was dissing Love’s Baby Soft, writing that it was something I had gotten back in the day because a co-worker really liked it and it put her… Continue Reading
I touched upon this one briefly a couple of years ago when I was dissing Love’s Baby Soft, writing that it was something I had gotten back in the day because a co-worker really liked it and it put her… Continue Reading
The only downside of having such fun writers on this blog is that I immediately want to run out and buy whatever they’re writing about. The latest one that hooked me was Portia’s review of Aromatic Elixir by Clinique. It’s… Continue Reading
Well, it seems like it’s all Hexennacht, all the time here at the Posse this week. Independent of March I was forced (forced I tell you!) to turn to Surrender to Chance to get some samples of Hexennacht after reading… Continue Reading
It occurs to me that this is going up on the dreaded Valentines Day, which I ignore as much as the Super Bowl. For those of you celebrating, Happy V-Day! Well, I seem to be getting into a groove of… Continue Reading
Last week we covered the new “Feud” and Truman Capote and briefly touched upon Breakfast At Tiffany’s (the story and the movie.) Of course, everone is rightly crazy about Audrey and her Givenchy dress- it’s an iconic image of elegant… Continue Reading
So by the time you are reading this I will be either on, or “on call” for Jury Duty. Like anyone, I look forward to that civic duty with the joy and anticipation usually reserved for dental visits or perhaps,… Continue Reading
Well, the other day I was reviewing Neil Morris’ Flowers for Men series and was seriously kvelling over the lilac one. Our friend alityke (who is full of great ideas) mentioned Aerin and Lilac Path as being a lovely, true… Continue Reading