One Aussie guys PROPOSAL!!

Hey hey POSSE!!! PROPOSAL!! is such a fraught word, isn’t it. Portia here from AustralianPerfumeJunkies and so excited to be bringing you something terrific from Down Under. This totally off topic but well worth a look.When I see the word… Continue Reading

New Fragrance For A Mate

Hey Posse Perfume Peeps, Portia from AustralianPerfumeJunkies here again to take you somewhere slightly sideways. I’m totally thrilled to be back on Perfume Posse, come along for the ride. The other night TSO Jin and I were at dinner with… Continue Reading

Sacrificial Scents

by Musette   When we were in our 20s (back in the Jefferson administration)  my galpals and I  fantasized about our married coworkers’ lives -a permanent partner for Chinese food and Friday Movies, sex every night, total validation on Valentine’s… Continue Reading

Lemony Favourites (by Nava)

Thanks for all the input last week on my decision to try and come up with a “signature” scent. I know going “cold turkey” is not the way to do it, and I’m starting to think that a small grouping… Continue Reading