Bracken Woman by Amouage
Hiya Posse Peeps, Amouage Bracken Woman was such a meh when I first tried it. I think it was at a Libertine season launch. So strange that I also had bought a 10ml decant of it from my friend Ruth.… Continue Reading
Hiya Posse Peeps, Amouage Bracken Woman was such a meh when I first tried it. I think it was at a Libertine season launch. So strange that I also had bought a 10ml decant of it from my friend Ruth.… Continue Reading
My darling Posse – It’s no secret to anyone who knows me IRL – I am not a napper. I’m dirunal AF, getting up at 4:30a in Summer and (gasp!) 6a in Winter. Nighttime is not the right time for… Continue Reading
“omg! your skin is GORGEOUS!” is a compliment nearly everyone likes…right? I mean… nobody wants to hear ‘wow! your skin looks like Salt Flats’… do they? I didn’t think so. And as I age I am more and more focused… Continue Reading
Hey there Posse! Well, you made it through the silly season and now we have the end of another year. NYE 2023 is upon us. It’s been a lovely year for me. Finally back working and travelling. Still enjoying life… Continue Reading
Hi there Posse. South Korea Family Holiday is a rambling read, you might need to grab a cuppa or a boozy beverage. Jin, my husband, was born, raised and schooled to BAKLit in South Korea. He moved to Australia for love 2006… Continue Reading
Posse Darlings! This is a Kevlar Bite Sleeve. It’s useful for safely evaluating and training dogs. I used to wear leather bite sleeves but Kevlar (knitted Kevlar – who’dathunkit?) is lighter, more flexible… …and why am I banging on about… Continue Reading
Hey there Posse! Layering Roses. This evening Jin put up a new Fanaway fan in a spare bedroom. I often use this room when our schedules don’t work. Jin works 12 hour shifts (that move constantly) in a dangerous job… Continue Reading