A Passel of PG: Parfumerie Generale Vetiver Matale, Mojito Chypre, Metal Hurlant, Le Musc et la Peau and Bouquet Massai

So the other day the discussion (somewhere, I don’t remember where. The comments? A post? My head?) turned to Parumerie Generale or PG, the house started by the visibly handsome and evidently talented perfumer Pierre Guillaume. I am kind of… Continue Reading

What Ever Happened to Miller Harris?

Looking through my stash the other day I happened across a couple of Miller Harris frags- a bottle of Fleurs de Sel I had secreted and one of L’Air du Rien I bought at a ridiculous markdown at, I think,… Continue Reading

Layering Roses: Everything’s Coming Up Roses

Hey there Posse! Layering Roses. This evening Jin put up a new Fanaway fan in a spare bedroom. I often use this room when our schedules don’t work. Jin works 12 hour shifts (that move constantly) in a dangerous job… Continue Reading

Rose & Cuir by Frédéric Malle 2019

Hi there Posse. Not so long ago I got a Surrender To Chance pack in the mail, always cause for excitement. Rose & Cuir by Frédéric Malle was one of the 3ml decants I ordered. It’s had a couple of… Continue Reading

From the Vault: A Few of my Favorite Roses

(Note — while I engage in blog cleanup and fix-up, I run across old Posse posts that make me happy for various reasons.  I’m going to be re-posting some of them From the Vault. ~ March.) This is the view… Continue Reading