Hypær by Aether Parfums 2018

Hypær Aether Fragrantica

Hi there Perfume Posse, While in Paris earlier this year we hung out with Nicolas and his partner Enno who are the brains behind Aether parfums and Le Galion. They had some new stuff for us to smell. Aether is… Continue Reading

Savannah’s Heart by Luca Maffei for Olibere Parfums 2017

Hey Posse! A bunch of the Olibere Parfums samples arrived from my mate Jakub. The Olibere line is very modern niche for mass consumption in beautiful, simple bottles. They are the brainchild of filmmaker and traveller Marjorie Olibere. Les Mythiques is… Continue Reading

Order Arrived! Surrender To Chance

Surrender To Chance

Hi Perfume Posse! WOO HOO! Order Arrived. So…. you know I love to sample stuff, right? Well recently I went on a bit of a Surrender To Chance Sample Binge. I grabbed about 20 samples of different sizes and from a… Continue Reading

Antique Ambergris by Aftelier Perfumes

Antique Ambergris by Aftelier Perfumes Aug 2018

Hi Posse! NEW STUFF arrived in the mail. This time it’s from the wonderful Mandy Aftel. It’s a solid perfume of Antique Ambergris. WOO HOO! Thanks Mandy! We often speak about Aftelier Perfumes here on Perfume Posse. There’s something so ritualistic… Continue Reading

Egypt by Eight & Bob

Egypt EIGHT & BOB Fragrantica

Hey Posse Peeps! Egypt by Eight & Bob has been a total surprise. Not because it’s adventurous, new or groundbreaking but because I love it so much. The original fragrance from Eight & Bob has become a mainstay among the wealthy… Continue Reading

Taj Garden by DSH Perfumes

taj garden DSH Perfumes

Hi there Posse. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz samples arrived this week. I’ve been having the loveliest time trying them and there are a couple I adore, a few I like and one that really doesn’t like my skin at all and… Continue Reading

UR±SILK 19 by Jean Jacques for UÈRMÌ 2018

UR ± Silk 19 UER MI Fragrantica

Hi there Posse! I’m wearing something new. It came as a GWP with the latest First In Fragrance order and I love it. UR±SILK 19 is its name and I have zero idea of how they want me to say it,… Continue Reading