It’s time for the March Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother post. You can post one thing you are longing for – perfume sample or perfume decant or full bottle.
So here’s how it works – this post will be open for the entire month of March 2013. I’ll start a new one at the beginning of April.
For those of you new or that need a reminder of how this works – in comments you can list one thing that you are yearning for and can’t seem to get – a perfume sample is the easiest wish to grant for me. Or you can wish for a full bottle, decant, vintage perfume or discontinued perfume you can’t find. If someone has it and can help you out, they can reply to you in comments and then you can arrange to go offline through e-mail to work things out. Please don’t post e-mails in comments unless you spoof them somehow, like this – patty at perfumeposse dawtcawm (spelling the dotcom at the end that way prevents robots from finding it as easily). Caveat Emptor and all that, don’t send people money, check out their references on MUA or Basenotes or the Facebook groups before you send something in a swap, if you wind up doing a swap.
If it’s a gift, send away. I should note that it’s more likely that a Fairy Godmother will happen along if you are a fairly regular commenter on The Posse and people recognize your name.
I’ll also play Perfume Posse Fairy Godmother and go through the list every month and grant some perfume sample wishes. I’ll pick from ones that nobody has been able to help with – I’ll spin my wheel – and send them The Precious.
So what is it that your heart desires? (pulling out wand from the back of the closet and blowing off an inch of dust)
Thanks to Lynne Marie and Heather F. for being such wonderful perfume fairy godmoms – They both sent me what I had been longing for as well as other samples of scents I never had the opportunity to try. Y’all rock!
BEST Fairy month, EVER! I have had so much fun, it’s ridiculous. The Post Office was sure I’d gone mad, my husband was positive, the fumes were flying hither and yon. Hither is actual in Mississippi, lol. And I met some great people, and was gifted so nicely by Natalie! I can’t wait for next month. I just ordered a hundred new 2.5 ml decant bottles.
Jan Last did go above and beyond perfume duty.
Could I please request a small sample of Marni perfume? I smelled it in a magazine and thought it was so lovely.
Hi Sheila, if you live in the U.S., I can share some of mine…I have the Marni doll that also included her own travel spray :-). It is just a matter of time before I purchase a full bottle. Click on my name for contact info.
I have seen the doll it is soo cute. I smelled this on a strip in Vogue magazine and it has been on my mind for some time. I will contact you at your email.
Dear Esperanza,
as my Neroli wish I’ve had since January seems unlikely I’m gonna broaden my wish and hope a wand hits me.
I’d wish for something vanilla like Lostmarc’h Lann-Ael or Soivohle Vanillaville
I could also wish for an introduction to Arquiste, with Anima Dulcis and Aleksandr sounding most interesting.
I’m in the EU.
Hey, Elia, I can send you some Lann-Ael. e-mail me at patty at perfumeposse dotcom!
I know i am super late to the party this month but I am desperate to try Jean Desprez Jardanel, even the tiniest smidge. Also longing to try any of the following: CB Invisible Monster, Oliver & Co Gincense, Tauer Loretta and Coty A’suma. Thanks!
Dear Fairy Godmother,
I have searched high and low for L’artisan Vanilia. I would love any amount! I have also heard MPG (Maître Parfumeur et Gantier) Fleurs des Comores is an improved version…and would be over the moon to have either.
Thank you!
Hi Jamie! I can grant you some Vanillia.
Finally, I get to be a fairy:)
Email me merlyndotedelstein at gmaildotcom No spaces when you enter it as an address
I’m sending from South Africa, but so far everyone I have sent to has received…
Oh wow…I live in the U.S. If you want to take a pass, I’ll completely understand. I’ll email you to chat further.
No problem, I assumed you were in the U.S.!
Would you mind rechecking your email address– it’s bouncing back. Thanks!
oops, it’s merlynn (there is a double n). Sorry!
Greetings to Fairygodmothers everywhere,
Do any of you have (in your silver wands) any L’Air du Desert Moroccain? I had a sample some years back. I finished it and still wasn’t absolutely sure whether I NEEDED a whole bottle of it. Now I am missing it but I only have an empty vial of it to sniff… If anyone can make me a sample or small decant I would really appreciate it. (Oh, and – full disclosure – I live in South Africa which I know is a postal problem for some.)
Hey Merlin,
I can help you out with some L’air du Desert Marocain. shoot me an email at lauryndb at gmail dot com.
Hi Heather F-
Do you still have the sample of Cardinal? If so, I’d love to have it. I’m emailing you now with my address.
I do still have it ready to send to you, but I didn’t get your email. In case I misspelled it above, it’s heather.elizabeth.freeman at gmail dot com
Hi Lynne Marie – thanks for your generous offer! I emailed you this morning with my address. Let me know if you didnt receive it. Hopefully I’ll be in a position to reverse gift you some time, but I don’t own any chypres now.
Dear Fairy Godmother, I would *adore* some Elixir de Merveilles. I love the Eau, and the Eau with amber, and this one sounds amazing. Thanks so much for making this giveaway possible, regardless of how my own personal wish turns out. 🙂
Erica, I can help you out with that. It’s one of my favorite fragrances. Just shoot me an email at jdeangeo at aol dot com.
Super excited, thank you!
It came! Thanks so much, the package is wonderful and I smell *amazing*! So excited. <3
Dear FG, I’ve heard from another Little Goth Girl that I need to try vintage Messe de Minuit and/or BPAL Graveyard Dirt. Both sound divine if anyone has some to spare….Thanks so much! (PS: I’m in the US)
I don’t know that I have Graveyard Dirt, but I *do* have some partial BPAL bottles, including LEs (limited editions). They are all fairly ‘gothy’. If you are interested, please email me at fountaingirl-at-gmail-dawtkom. (such an awkward way to write it out but what can you do LOL)
Erica, your goody bag went out today! Thanks in advance for the BPALs and I hope you like the sniffs!
Hi there – just wondering if you had received the email I sent. Cheers! – Mary P. Brown
Dear Perfume fairy,
I’d still love to try Boutonniere 7 if I can. 🙂
Hey, Ines, i can grant this wish. e-mail me at patty at perfumeposse dotcom!
Dear Perfume Fairy,
I would love to find/have any amount, even a drop, of the original Jungle Gardenia by Tuvache.
Hey, Priscilla, I can grant this wish. e-mail me at patty at perfumeposse dotcom!
Dear Perfume Fairy,
I have fallen head over heels for Shalimar and Spiritueuse Double Vanille, I think I need therapy, ha! Would be happy for anything, thank you, thank you, thank you……
I’ve got a sample of Shalimar if you’d like that, and I can also send along a few surprises. Email me at connie at ginkwunk dot net.
Thanks so much!!! email sent.
Thank you so much Perfume Fairy Connie! I got all the goodies in the mail on Friday – so much fun, all of them were on my list to try and didn’t have. You are so very generous – thank you, thank you, thank you!! I can’t wait to try them – well, I put on some Shalimar the minute I opened the package :)) Thanks again, and have a great week.
Cheers! Mary Pat
(I emailed this to you on Friday but it bounced back today, so just decided to post it here)
Hi Mary, if you are in the U.S., I can send you some SDV. I saw from the thread above (with Lucas) that you have some Le Labo Aldehyde 44…would love to sample a tiny bit of that if you have any to spare. You can get my contact info by clicking on my screen name.
Hi! I think I might be able to manage sending some to you as well – and thank you so much for the SDV – love it! The LLA44 is some really interesting stuff – on me it’s surprisingly incensey, intensely so. It will be fun to see how it is with you. I’ll contact you with my information.
Dear Perfume Fairy,
I would dearly love to have a sample of Moss Gown- please, pretty please…
I live far away-this could be a major problem
Thanks for this lovely fairy godmother tradition! I’ve been in the doldrums a bit lately (hooray for first year of grad school!) and keep hearing how Neela Vermeire Bombay Bling is such a joyful fragrance that will lift any mood. A sample/decant of that would be wonderful. Along the same lines of comfort/cheer for a grey day, I’d love to give Vero Profumo Mito, Providence Perfume Co Cacao Tuberose, and Love + Toast Honey Coconut a sniff, or anything else you lovely lot think might toss a little sunshine my way. Hopefully I can be a FG to somebody else after combing through these comments!
Hi Kacey, I can send you a sample of Bombay Bling and Cocoa Tuberose, and some other uplifting goodies if you like (also, grad student solidarity!! 🙂 My email is heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail
First I’d like to thank Jan and Carole for being so extremely kind to me last month! Thanks guys! Hopefully I can fulfill some more wishes this month too. As for my wish, I’d LOVE a spray decant of my favorite Chanel Cristalle edt for March in preparation for Spring. Take care perfumistas!
Emily, I have a 3ml spray decant of the EDP I can send if you are interested…
It’s Cristalle vintage…
Hi Rina! Thank you so much for your offer– I do appreciate it. Unfortunately the EDP concentration and I do not get along! I’d much rather it go to some one who would cherish it 🙂 Thank you again, and take care.
No worries, Emily. I totally understand! Hope a FG comes through with an edt for you!
Dear Rina,
Do you still have the 3 ml decant of Chanel Cristalle EDP? It’s my absolute favorite fragrance. I would love it. 🙂 I’m in the US. Email me at Ceci2you at aol dot com. Thanks.
Emailed you!
I got the email; look for mine. 🙂
I received the package. Thank you so much!! I am emailing you now. 🙂
Dear Fairy Godmother,
yikes – erm… i meant CB 7 Billion Hearts!
Dearest Fairy Godmother & Posse Posters,
If you or fellow posters can fulfill a sample, decant, or bottle of any of the following, I would be eternally grateful: CB One Billion Hearts, Avignon – Comme des Garcons, Cardinal – Heeley, Mito – Vero Profumo. i’m in the US
I’d be happy to send you a sample of Avignon. Email me at clevelandvitz1 at gmail dot com
I really would like to send you a sample of Avigon. My email is clevelandvitz followed by numeral 1 at gmail dot com.
I’d be happy to send you my spray sample of Heeley’s Cardinal. My email is heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Dear Fairy Godmother,
I’d love to sample Tocade by Rochas…
If you are in the US I would be happy to send you an almost full sample vial. Ameliacjohnson at yahoo dot com
Thanks so much, Amelia! E-mailing you now…
I’d love to be a reverse fairy godmother…
I’m vastly downsizing my perfume collection, and I’d like to offer 3 or 4 grab bags of samples, decants, and perhaps even partial bottles to any newbies living in the U.S. and eager to sniff anything. They’ll be a random mix of interesting, mostly niche scents, and even if you don’t love ’em, they’ll make excellent fodder for swapping! I’m at c o e “dot” n a t “at” g m a i l “dot” c o m, or Zanfirico on MUA.
Natalie, I’m in!! Emailing you now
I’m in too, Natalie! Sending you an email now!
Count me in–I love surprises. Will email you shortly
Too good to be true! Perhaps you may have a little left for me. Sending you an email
I have several takers, so this Reverse Fairy Godmother offer is now closed!
I’d love to try Bois des Iles if anyone has a drop to spare. I’m in Australia. ruthfarrelly at gmail dot com. I’m happy to swap something if I have something you’d like to try 🙂
Hiya, Ruth – I have a sample of Bois des Iles I can float your way. I’m sending you an email…..
Dear Perfume Fairy Godmother,
I am searching for Bonne Bell Cool Skin II, a discontinued perfume from the 1970s. I know a sample would be next to impossible, but I would be forever grateful for any information on its notes that could be used to recreate it or find something like it. Please email mbolles at ec.rr dotcom
Actually, I think it was discontinued in the 1980s…oops!
Dear Fairy!
I recently learnt of the existence of a fragrance called Barry Lyndon and am now so curious to try it out. Thank you!
PS. I live in Europe.
Dear Perfume Fairy Godmother, I would love, love a decant of Hermes 24, Faubourg EDP. I just finished up a sample, and I think it may be on my ton ten favorites list. I have lots of samples I can send your way in return!
Hey there Civet. I think I have a largish decant of Hermes 24 Faubourg so can drain off at least a small decant if that would be helpful? If so, e-mail me at bogsc at aol dot com.
Thanks Carolyn! Emailing you right now.
I’d really like to do some reverse fairy-godmothering with stuff I don’t need. If anyone in the US would like any of the following, free of charge, email me at elisagabbert at gmail dot com:
Small decants:
Rochas Femme (newer version, but not brand new)
Ines de la Fressange, either/both versions
AG Mandragore
CK Obsession
Partial Bottles:
Bal a Versailles, no box
Dior Dolce Vita, with box (possibly this has turned, all I know is it doesn’t smell right on me)
Happy March!
Hi Elissa! That is so sweet of you to do that. I’ve been dying to try the Ines de la Fressange scents for a while now but never could find samples. Let me know if that’s OK. My e-mail is perfume(no space)annie at gmail dawt com. Thanks so much!!
Just sent you an email, Ann!
Update: I also have a dual-sided rollerball of DKNY Be Delicious and Be Delicious Fresh Blossom from Sephora.
Hi Elisa,
Thanks for the offer! I just sent you an email about the Rochas Femme if it’s still available.
Elisa, I would LOVE your bottle of Bal a Versailles if it’s still available. It’s so kind of you! civetohell at gmail dawt cawm.
Hi all, the Femme, Mandragore, both Ines decants, and Bal a Versailles are spoken for. Obsession, DKNY and Dolce Vita are still available. Thanks!
I’d be interested in the DKNY if it’s still available–I have a soft spot for apple fragrances (I think they remind me of middle school). And, though I doubt it, I might have something to send back your way? plinkplath at yahoo d o t c o m …
I’m a leather fanatic and haven’t managed to get a sniff of Ramon Monegal’s Cuirelle and Mon Cuir yet. Would love just enough to test so I can figure out whether I need to add these to my leather fume collection! Looking forward to making someone else’s perfume dream come true this month.
I sampled cuirelle and already gave it away. what I can say is that it is only the faintest of impressions of leather. If it’s leather you’re looking for I’d pass on that. Haven’t tried mon cuir but interested.
The Non Blonde described Cuirelle as a suede scent that drys down to a honey/skin scent so I’m intrigued. My leather fume collection is all over the place. We’re talking Knize Ten, Tuscan Leather, Dzing, Cuir de Russie, L’Oiseau de la Nuit, Terre de Sarment, Jolie Madame, Bandit, Lonestar Memories, Cuir Beluga, Bulgari Black etc, etc. Most recent leather fume purchase was Impromptu from Roxana’s Illuminated Perfume. I loves me some leather!! Always interested in discovering new ones. Your faves Elia?
> drys down to a honey/skin scent
it certainly does that. Add also a strong dose of cinnamon to the equation.
I don’t consider Lonestar a leather. For me strong birch tar is birch tar, smoky, often overbearing.
I’d never call Bulgari Black leather. Burnt rubber yes but not leather.
I like Tuscan Leather, but there’s an underlying fruity sweetness that doesn’t completely convince me.
I like Bandit. I don’t primarily think of it as a leather when I do think of it though.
Knize Ten is indeed very good.
Recently trued Patchouli Noir. Interesting.
Leather Oud by Dior is a good fragrance.
Fetish pour Homme by Roja Dove is also very good.
Also one not mentioned often is Oscar De La Renta pour Lui. Should get more shouts I think.
My favourite so far is Aoud Cuir d’Arabie.
I’d love to try Cuir de Russie. I feel left out not having sniffed it yet.
Similarly I’d like to try Cuir Ottoman.
And like you I am very interested in trying Mon Cuir by Monegal.
Talking of Monegal I’d love to smell Incredible Iris again. Can’t get it out of my head.
Sometimes I like my leather straight up and sometimes I like it to just peek through the other notes. Bulgari Black is like that for me. Every now and then the leather peeks out from behind the rubber and vanilla and tweaks my nose. I have a tiny sample of CD’s Leather Oud and really like it. I’ve tried Cuir Ottoman and think it’s terrific. Tried Terre de Sarment the same day and ended up buying that rather than CO because I liked the addition of boozy notes and I thought I’d probably use it more often. Boozy notes + leather = slays me! Will have to hunt down your other suggestions! Hopefully I won’t fall in love with another spendy Roja Dove though!
I’m pretty sure I have a sample of Cuir de Russie I can share so if you e-mail me your address I’ll hunt it down and get it to you ’cause I don’t want you feeling left out. 🙂 bogsc at aol dot com.
Still hoping for a smidge of Ramon Monegal’s Cuirelle and Mon Cuir if anyone can spare.
Dearest Fairy Godmother,
I would love the opportunity to try Vero Kern Mito. I am looking for something sunshiney for spring..and from what I have heard..this just may hit the spot.
I check often for perfume wishes I can fill..and I am hoping to find a few in this round!
I wish I could send you some Mito, EchoCharlie, but I sent some out as a FG last month and have used up the rest of my little sample—because it is exquisite! I’m so glad you are going to try it. You will love it! In fact, when you DO love it, let me know if you might like to split a bottle!
Thanks Jenny..I shall 🙂 Splitting sounds like a plan!
Dear Perfume Fairy,
I would dearly love to have a sample of the new Serge Lutens, La Fille de Berlin, or a sample/decant of Cuir Mauresque or Fleurs d’Oranger.
Hi Jennifer, I can send you a 2ml sample of SL’s Fleurs D’Oranger. I liked it so much I bought a bottle, so my sample is almost untouched. You can email me at wooddogs3 at gmail dawtcawm.
I should add that I can send this if you are in the US. My friendly postmistress tells me that “the regulations have changed” and she does not recommend trying to ship perfume overseas.
Hi FeralJasmine, I am in the US, and I just sent you an email. Thanks so much! I’ve found that sending internationally hasn’t been much of an issue for me, it’s receiving that can be a bit iffy.
Hi Jennifer, I can send you a sample of La Fille de Berlin. My email is heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Hi Rina !! I’m in London!
Hi Maria!
I can def send you the Jasmine Rouge and I “think” I have the Santal too, will have to check. Email me your info at rjpss at verizon dot net!
Hi Rina!! I’m in London!
Is there a Fairy Godmother who can gift me with Caron Narcisse Noir?
I can be a Fairy Godmother for someone who would like a decant of Le Labo Oud 27.
Hi, I can send you some Narcisse Noir if you are in the US, and would like to try the Le Labo Oud 27. Please email me at
Robert, are you in the US?
Hi Fairy Godmothers!
I would love, love, love to try Keiko Mecheri’s Damascena.
Anyone who has a sample to spare?
I am located in Europe and I am happy to send other samples in return.
Thank you!
Julie, I can be your Fairy Godfather and grant your wish of Keiko Mecheri Damascena 🙂
I’m located in Europe as well, so let’s talk about a trade.
Please hit me at lucas(dot)szczesniak(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you! I will send you an e-mail!
Dear Fairy Godmother (And Fragrant Friends) –
I’m hoping to find/buy a small sample of Hermes Doblis reissue. This is a crazy, crazy desire that seems to come and go. Sometimes I convince myself that it may be *worse* if I smell it, because I can’t possibly obtain a bottle. Sometimes I convince myself that it’s just a perfume, and perhaps I don’t need to sell a kidney to smell it. But then I remember that life is short, and wouldn’t I regret it, if I happened to die without smelling it? Say I knew I had a day left to live, wouldn’t it be on the checklist (“clean underwear? check. thank you notes for loved ones? check. list of passwords for husband, so he can pay bills and put daughter through college? check. Smelled Doblis before dying? Gah!”)
So, fragrant friends, I think it’s time to admit that I should just fork over the cash and try it. Can anyone consider selling me a ml or two in one of those screw top bottles? I’m gvillecreative on MUA, for contact info.
Dear Fairy Godmother, My birthday is May 4th, and since I have been reading this and other blogs for the past 2 years, I have been intrigued by the May 1st limited edition Muguet by Guerlain. I sampled Diorrissimo, and loved it, and would like to try the Muguet. Thank you.
This might not be terribly helpful, but I was able to sniff last year’s Muguet at a Guerlain boutique. It was pretty, but not all that much nicer than Coty Muguet de Bois or the (at least older) Dioressimo, and something like $400-500!!
Hey, Maureen, wish i could help on this one. I had it a long time ago, but couldn’t figure out why I’d want to pay that much for it again. Sorry I can’t be more help!
Dear Fairy Godmother, I have been reading so much about the skankfest of Muscs Koublai Khan – verdicts ranging from “liquid porn” to “sugared butt sweat” – and what can I say, I am intrigued. So to save me from going on a mad spree, blind buying that sweaty man and the horse he rode in on, please wave your wand and give me a whiff!
I am located in Europe, and will keep my eyes out for any requests I can grant in return. 🙂
Hi Ella,
I have a tiny sample of MKK, and it’s yours if you want it. Email me at countsjc at gmail dot com.
Yay! I will email you right away. And you know what? I just happened to get a sample of La Fille de Berlin in the mail today that I will send in exchange. 😀
Dear Fairy Godmother I have some fragrance samples that I would love to give away to whoever wants them.
Laura Ashley – No 1 edt. I have a 60 ml bottle with about 40 ml left. Given away as is or decanted into samples
of 2,5 ml spray so that several people can give it a try.
Hilde Soliani – Il Vs Iris. 1,5 ml vial perfume oil
Hilde Soliani – Acquiilssssima. 1,5 ml vial perfume oil
Hilde Soliani – Presenze. 1,5 ml vial perfume oil
Hermes – Jour d’Hermes edp. 2 ml spray sample
Dior – Patchouli imperial. 5 ml mini
Byredo – Black Saffron edp. 2 ml spray sample
Byredo – Accord Oud edp. 2 ml spray sample
I have bought Hilde Solianis perfume oils directly from Hilde, I don’t think you can find them in a store. I also have several Hermes fragrances in 2,5 ml spray samples if anyone is interested.
I live in Sweden, but I can send anywhere. I like to be surprised so if you have some samples to send my way I would love to try something new.
Birgit, can I have that Jour d’Hermes? It has just appeared in Poland but the nasty SA didn’t want to make me a sample. Grr.
Yes you can, send me an email to birgit dot lindgren at gmail dot com with your address and I will send it your way.
Dear Birgit,
May I, kindly, ask for Soliani’s Presenze and Byredo’s Black Saffron and Accord Oud? In return I am happy to send some samples your way.
Daniel, just send me an email to birgit dot lindgren at gmail dot com and I will put together the samples and send to you.
Dear Birgit, I’m very interested in any other Hermes samples you might have, and I’d love to try a new Iris perfume so Hilde. Soliani – Il Vs Iris sounds up my alley. I’d love to send some things your way, too. Let me know if that’s possible! 🙂
When I was growing up (in the 1980’s) my Aunt gave me a bottle of perfume in a white (ivory) bottle that had vertical ridges all the way around it. It stood about 6 inches tall and was about 1.5 inches in diameter. I swear it was Magic Noire because I remember botching the french as I said the name out loud. I felt too young for that perfume, and a small spritz made me feel so grown up! Of course, the bottle is gone. I’d love to find that scent again. If it was Magie Noire, the modern version is nothing like I remember. Does anyone remember this bottle? Would the fairy godmother be able to find out what this perfume was?
It took me a while to leaf through old perfume books, etc, but….TA DA!! It is Balmain’s Ivoire, and I have a little I can share with you. It’s still in the ivory bottle, but it is now square.
Email me at jdean geo(no space) at aol dot com
In further study, I found the exact bottle you are talking about on Ebay, should have looked there first.
Thanks Jan! I googled that perfume and looked on ebay as you suggested and I don’t think that’s it. The bottle I had was in an opaque bottle, very similar to some of the vintage L’Air de Temps packaging… makes me wonder if that was it? I distinctly remember fantisizing about ‘Magie Noire’ and in my teenage mind, was all “Ooo La La” and “C’Est Moi?” and “Paris!” It was in a white/ivory bottle with vertical ridges head to toe.
Perhaps I need to track down both vintage scents – Magie Noire and L’Air de Temps from the early 1980s and see of a scent memory comes back!
I did find an example (empty) of a bakelite bottle in ivory for L’Air de Temps, and a swirled ridged bottle in ivory also.
Dear Fairy Godmother,
I would love to sniff some By Kilian Amber Oud if possible. Thanks so much. I love the opportunity each month to become someones Fairy Godmother!!
Hi there, I’ve got a sample of Amber Oud for you if you’re in the U.S. My screen name is what I use for my yahoo address as well
Thanks so much, Goddess Rena!! I’m emailing you right now!
Dear Fairy Godmother,
Thus far, I am pretty happy with what I have thus far. But I’m looking for vintage Shalimar.
I can fulfill that wish for you. Email me at jdean geo (no space between) at aol dot com
I am ready for spring and would like to try En Passant or any other perfume with a good lilac note
Hi, I’d be happy to send a sample of En Passant–and I have a .4ml sample of Puredistance’s Opardu that has a lovely lilac note, to my nose (so much so I caved and bought a decant). My email is heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Dear Fairy Godmother,
I would love to try any perfume from the Comme des Garçons Incense line.
I hope you are able to grant me this wish.
Thank you,
Hi Estelle –
I can grant your wish. Email me at marthadawtmcphail10atgmaildawtcom
Martha, thank you! I will email you shortly.
dear perfume fairy godmother.. I would love to be able to sample something of Frederic Malle’s, in particular any one of the following: Angeliques Sous Le Pluie, En Passant, La Parfum De Therese, or Carnal Flower…
I am located in Europe.
Thank you 🙂
I can send you a sample of En Passant. Contact me please at kathakk at yahoo dot com
Thank you so much Katrin! I emailed you. 🙂
I have some Le Parfum de Therese for you! Hope you’ll love it as much as I do. Send me your snailmail addy to my name at ayalamoriel dot com.
Dear Perfume Fairy Godmother –
This month I would like to try some Sideris by Maria Candida Gentile or some Cinabre or both.
Thank you ever so much!
Hi Martha! I can send you a sample of Sideris (fair warning, it’s kind of amazing)–I think you might still have my email, but if not it’s heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Wow, Heather!! You are remarkably generous! Emailing now.
Dear perfume fairy godmother, I would love to get my paws on samples from Novae Plus. I’m a little embarrassed to admit it but the bottles are sooo beautiful that I imagine the juice can’t be too terrible.
*crosses fingers*
I wish I could help, but I’ve never even heard of this one!
Dear Perfume Fairy Godmother,
I granted some wishes in February (and in January) and will be granting wishes again this month! My wish went unfulfilled last month so I am trying again but will ask for something else: a sample of Vagabond Prince Enchanted Forest or Chanel Cuir de Russie Parfum (I have tried the Les Exclusifs EDT and it was a no go for me). What say you?
Thank you.
Dear hajusuuri, You are in luck…I can help you with both of these. Just email me at pattor at rcn dot com.
Farouche!!!!!!! Thank you so much…emailing you now!
Hello once again everyone, I’m trying to explore chypres this spring (whenever it finally gets to be spring in Nashville…): I’d love to try a smidge of Roja Dove’s Unspoken, Vero Profumo Mito, SoOud Ouris (not quite a chypre, I know), or MDCI Chypre Palatin, if anyone has a teensy bit of a sample left. Thanks so much!! My email is heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Ta-da, dear Heather — wish granted! I can send you a sample of the Unspoken (love, love, love it!) and also the Chypre Palatin. Think you probably still have my e-mail from before, if not see no. 11 above …
Ohh, thanks so much Ann–I *do* still have your email, sending you a message now.
Dear fairy god mother,
I was a past recipient – and returned the favour, granting perfume wishes out there in the world when I saw none I could grant here. This time I would love a little bit of any of the superlative rose note perfumes out there. How do I know superlative when I haven’t had access to any of these in person. Perfume writing, of course. I am as much an addict of the narrative as I am of the juice. So anyone wish granter out there? Malle’s Portrait of a Lady and Une Rose, Serge Luten’s Rose de Nuit, La Fille de Berlin, Guerlain’s Nahema and By Killian’s Rose Oud. Oromond jayne’s Ta’if. L’artisan’s Voleur de Roses.
Nahema is the one I long to sniff.
thank you dear fairy god mother
Hi, I can send you samples of Fille de Berlin and Rose Oud, if you like. My email is heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Hi Heather, thank you. I will write to you.
Mridula, I can hook you up with some FM Portrait of a Lady. Click on my name to get my contact info.
I forgot to mention…I can only fulfill this wish if you are in the U.S.
Hajusuuri, I am in the US and thank you so much for your reply. I will email you.
I gave my sample of Nahema to a friend, but I just texted her to see if she’s wearing it or not. If not, I will retrieve it and send it on to you!
My friend is sure she still has it… she just has to find it! So, once we have located it, I will be happy to send it on! Send me your mailing address; my email is jenny katz music (all one word, no spaces) at gmail dot com!
Dear Fairy Godmother,
I would so love to try a sample of Luckyscent’s Untitled series No. 7 by Hilde Soliani. Probably a long shot, but thought I’d check… Thanks for the opportunity!
springpansy: I can grant your wish for a sample of Soliani’s Untitled series No. 7 if you’re in the U.S. Email me at juxmasly which is a Gmail address.
Sweet Fairies,
These are my hearts’s desire that I wish to wear.
Bruno Acampora Musc, Creed Chinatown and any lines under
Tauer, Tom Ford and Guerlain please? Thank you.
Red, I have some Tauer, and have just emailed you…
Annie Fairy,
Emailed you too. 🙂
Red, did you ever get the two boxes I sent in February? I was worried that they never arrived.
Jan my fairy,
Thank you for the first box that arrived days ago. I shall wait for the other one hopefully next week. Our plan worked, discovering Dior instead of AG made her crazy & confused for a moment 🙂 Cheers from Canada my friend.
Esperanza, I was an idiot and swapped away my bottle of Ormonde Woman a few years ago, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since. If someone out there has an unloved partial bottle, I would be happy to give it a new home.
Sorry I can’t help you with this, I adore my OJ woman, full and partial bottles! 🙁
Hello once again Fairy Godmother and Posse pals.
I wish for a small amount of Serge Lutens Un Bois Vanille, 5 ml or so would be heavenly. Thanks for your past generosity, FG.
I’d be more than happy to send you a 5ml decant–email me at heather dot elizabeth dot freeman at gmail 🙂
Heather!!! Thank you so much!!!!! Emailing you now.
SuzyQ, we may indeed be scent twins (certainly scent cousins) as I just bought a bottle of this at the Barney’s event! I’d be happy to send you some but it looks like Heather beat me to it!
Esperanza are you busy?
I long to try Elixir des Merveilles by Hermes. I can’t get that chocolaty orange description out of my head.
Patty, I have you covered! I am jdean (no space) geo at aol dot com.
E-mail sent!
Dear Fairy Fragmother,
Thank you so much for fulfilling my wish last month! Your generosity is boundless. If it would be possible for me to sample Tauber Une Rose Chypree, I would really appreciate it. I hope to be able to fulfill somebody’s wish this month. : )
Tauer, not Tauber. Darn auto correct.
I have a tiny bit left of a sample, I’ll split it with you, lol. I am jdean (no space) geo at aol dot com.
Good morning! I would like to make an offer to my fellow Canadian perfume sniffers; in other words I am offering to BE a fairy godmother within Canada. I prefer to give away samples I don’t love rather than keep them all, so you can write me a a123amos at inbox dot com, or I think via Facebook, if you would like a little packet of samples. You can see whether I have something in particular, or make a vague suggestion about what kind of perfume you like, or just get a surprise…AnnieA
Hi Annie,
From Canada here dear Fairy. Whatever niche samples you can throw, make my home its home please?
Write me.. matinee13th at live dot com… Cheers!
Hi Annie, I live in Quebec and I would love to exchange with you , maybe I got samples you want and so on.
I tried the e-mail a123amos at inbox dot com but it did not work. Please contact me: isayah at sympatico dot ca
Hi Annie, I am also in Canada. I would like to exchange some perfumes with you, if you are interested. I can send you an Excel sheet of the perfumes I have on hand. You can reach me at meloubeauty at gmale dawt calm
Dear Fairy Godmother, I would love to try a sample of Amouage Beloved for Woman, but I know that it can be hard to come by. If unavailable, I’d like to try Marni, as I’ve read such good things about it. I live in the US and like to grant wishes, too!
Hi, lady! I can grant your wish to sample Marni, at least. (Sorry I don’t have any Beloved, but I’m sure some other generous Posse peep does.) Contact me at perfumeannie at g mail dawt com
Thanks so much, Ann! I have emailed you.
There are so many wonderful smells out there it’s hard to know what to ask. But, ever since I read the description of Dzing! I’ve wanted to give it a sniff. How can you not want to smell a circus in a perfume? I hope to be able to pass the favor along and grant someone else’s wish, but so far I don’t have any of the requested scents. I’ll keep checking back. Good luck everybody!
Spiker – where are you located?
I’m here on the prairie in Indiana, USA, enjoying an unexpectedly sunny winter day.
🙂 Nice! I would be happy to send you some Dzing! Just contact me at debby msrd at comcast dot net.
I’ve just sent you an email – Thank you so much!
Thanks for your reply to my last post, Patty. I found my iColoniali Seductive Elixir in the Sensual Silk, good stuff. I was a very good perfume fairy while you were away, and had a great time doing it! Now for my wish, Bois 1920 Sushi Imperiale. I smelled this on a plane and had to ask the person what she was wearing! What a marvelous smell. Now I would like to test it on me.
I have a small vial of Sushi Imperiale, and you are welcome to have it. Just send me an email at pattor at rcn dot com.
Thank you! I will email you this morning!
You can have my sample vial of Sushi Imperiale, too! I’m at lisadarty at hot mail dot com.
Thank you! I will email you this morning!
Dearest Fairy Godmother, my wish is fairly simple, I would like a small sample of Tom Ford’s Santal Blush and Jasmine Rouge !! Thank you in advance!!!
Maria, where are you located?
Maria, sent Tom Ford to you today! Well, ok not ALL of him, but some awesome sniffs. Hope you like!
Patty, reading your blog just makes my day so much more fun!!! I had to think hard about this “most wished for” question. I am torn between Serge Luten’s Fumerie Turque which cannot be obtained in the US any more, or L’Artisan’s Tea For Two, which is discontinued. Tea for Two wins!!!! Maybe someday I will go to Paris……..
If you are in the US I can send you a decant for Tea for Two. Email me at clevelandvitz1 at gmail dot com
Hi Tora,
Did you email? – haven’t received anything from you and would love to send you some Tea for Two
Tora, I should be able to make you at least a small 3 ml decant of Fumerie Turque if that would hold you over for awhile. If so, e-mail me at bogsc at aol dot com.
Dear Perfume Fairy Godmother,
Thank you for granting my wish last month and helping me grant someone else’s wish as well. I would be very happy to receive a sample of Kenzo Jungle L’Elephant, which I can’t seem to find anywhere!
Connie, I think I have access to a miniature of L’Elephant: I gave it to a friend who gets all my castoffs (it wasn’t my thing) but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t wear it (not her thing either), so if she doesn’t mind returning it to me, I can send it to you. Someone ought to be getting some pleasure out of it, right?
That would be marvelous! Email me at connie at ginkwunk dot net ?
I should have checked with her before I offered it to you! She gave it to someone else already. Sorry about that! But at least you got another offer….
No problem, I hope they enjoy it!
Connie, I can also help you out with that Kenzo, it’s a personal favorite! I am jdean (no space) geo at aol dot com.
Super, I’ll email you! I’m interested to compare notes.
Hi Connie, I can send you some Elephant. 🙂 Contact me – you can get my address through my name.
Hallo, I am glad I can tune in this month, because I couldn’t for the last couple of times. Thank you for the opportunity, Patty!
I am a frequent reader, but this is my first comment on the blog. I hope this doesn’t make any trouble. But if I do not succeed, at least I tried.
I am from Bulgaria and a lot of perfumes – not only niche, artisan or natural, are hard to find and sample here.
Nevertheless, my travelling and the strong perfume community I’m into here makes it possible to devote properly to my ‘smelly’ passion.
I learned a lot about natural perfumes but unfortunately this field is not well accepted and far from development in Europe.
Some naturals caught my attention and I am obsessed to try them – Aftelier Perfumes, Ayala Moriel, April Aromatics, Providence Perfumes Co., Olympic Orchids, Anya’s Garden, Strange Invisible Perfumes and so on…they make a great list! But maybe the most intriguing of all is Cepes & Tuberose from Aftelier Perfumes because of the prominent mushroom note that every blogger writes about and I haven’t ever tried such thing…
I wish I could help, but I don’t have any cepes right now, but that reminds me that I should get some.
Dear Fairy Godmother. You’ve been so good for me in the past months. I’ve been trying to spread good to the others, hope I do it right.
My wish upon a star:
Now that Le Labo is discontinuing Aldehyde 44 I wish I could sample it before it’s to late to track the minimal amount of it.
Also, if I may, I’ve been dying to try some fragrances from Farmacia SS. Annunziata, especially the one called “450”.
Please grant my wish! Hugs & Kisses
Hi Lucasai – I sent for samples of this when I heard they were going away – I have an extra one if you’d like.
Duh – the sample I have is the Le Labo 44 – forgot to add that, sorry!
You mean Le Labo Aldehyde 44 right? If you can share it then it would be lovely to try a few drops of it. How can I contact you?
Hi, yep the Le Labo Aldehyde 44, the Dallas special. I would love to share with you. You can contact me at shuvanidev@yahoodotcom.
There are two 1980s things that I would love to smell again: vintage Dior Poison eau de cologne, probably the best version of Poison that ever was (maybe a tie with the vintage esprit de parfum), and vintage Giorgio Beverly Hills Red extrait or edp, an amazing kitchen-sink floral oriental chypre (it boasted 672 ingredients!). Both of them have been grievously reformulated, of course, but they used to be truly great.
Robert, are you in the US?
I am in Canada, unfortunately. Shipping just got CRAZY expensive on your end, didn’t it?
For something that small, not bad, so if you’d like the Poison EdC sample, email me at rjpss at verizon dawt com with your info and I’ll put it in the mail… 🙂
Sorry! It’s dot NET! It was too early when wrote that…
Hello! Thanks for this opportunity! I love the small of roses and also grow them in my balcony. I have heard a lot about Frederic Malle’s “Une Rose” and would love to know what it smells like. Its not sold anywhere near where I live.
Hi! I can grant this wish! Just e-mail patty at perfumeposse dotcom with a note about your wish, and I’ll get it sent off to you!
I would be over the moon to find any sized bottle of Laura Ashley No.2 – It’s been many years since it was discontinued.
Many thanks !!!!