Hey Hey Posse, Righto, here we are and February is finished so Decant Demolition 2025 continues apace.
Decant Demolition 2025 February
My Challenge
For Decant Demolition 2025 I’ll be trying to drain 30ml of juice every month. In any configuration from 15 x 2ml to a 30ml? of decanted perfume into a spray receptacle 2ml or more. They must also be finished by ME! No giving stuff away. Although Random Acts Of Kindness are encouraged they do not count for my DD2025.
Your Challenge
Play along. Use up some decants/samples/bottles. Pass those unloved extras on to others or leave them in your workplace bathroom for people to take.
Also, in the interest of driving fragrant discussion and your own thunking there must be 40 comments that are not mine. Yes, you read it correctly. 40 comments, and not lazy, spammy bumps like an OK or Got It. It must be a pertinent comment to the discussion at hand. You can answer someone else’s comment. Ask them a question about their comment. Add your own thunks, thoughts on my thunks. Tell us a story about something fragrant that links with previous comments or the post. The secondary (but most important) goal of Decant Demolition 2025 is to reanimate perfumista conversation and engagement.
Should I make 30ml and there be 40 comments that comply. I will give away a US$50 Surrender To Chance Gift Voucher each month.
I hope you’re as excited about Decant Demolition 2025 as I am.
In January we hit the mark:
WINNER : Hamamelis
Please send me a message
portia (underscore) turbo (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au
Decant Demolition February Empties
Ma Folie de Noel by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz 10ml
SO SAD to have finished this gorgeous Christmas themed beauty. I’ve been eeking it out over the last couple of years but was worried that the last ml might dry out if I left it to next Christmas. Ma Folie de Noel is a gorgeous blend of bakery, spices, woods, resins and a huge chunk of ginger. If only Dawn could send bottles of EdT/P overseas, I’d be a lot poorer in money but richer in brilliant perfumes.
Spice Blend by DIOR 10ml
I remember Spice Blend being a complete flop and so many perfumistas dissed it. Well, this 10ml inspired me to jump on a bottle and I’m glad I did because it seems to have disappeared from Australian stores. Ginger, cinnamon, cloves, rum and bay play lead with a wealth of back up. Sure, it’s no super groundbreaker but it reminds me of those heavenly spicy mens perfumes from the 1970-80s that we just aren’t offered anymore.
Tabac Rouge by Phaedon Perfumes 10ml
Bought this decant from RuthK the perfume fairy years ago. There have been a couple of ml left for a while and I do have a bottle awaiting its demise. Wearing this gorgeous OTT sticky honeyed tobacco and smoky resins perfume in Sydney high summer has been super fun. You might remember that this was the Best Seller of the range and everyone was going batshit crazy for it? Me too.
WOO HOO! 30ml done and dusted. Had so much fun wearing these traditionally winter perfumes in the crazy heat of Sydney summer. Are any of the perfumes or houses favourites of yours?
Portia xx
I managed to divest the remainder of a Replica Lazy Sunday Morning sample. That’s me done. It’s quite nice, very wearable. Very lazy Sunday morning …
I spent Sunday mindfully doing a sample/decant/mini/ travel perfumes inventory. I’ve created a “use it or lose it” tray of stuff to use before the scent gods claim it.
DH in hospital so I can wear them at the minute. Need to wash off before visiting but each cloud has a silver lining.
Impressive demolition! Was Tabac Rouge hype about ten years ago? I remember liking it a lot, but not enough for a full bottle. Your post actually reminded me that I have a bottle of Rue des Lilas (Phaedon) somewhere, which would be perfect for faking springtime.
I emptied two samples in February:
Santa Subita (Technique Indiscrete): Vintage Vol de Nuit with incense. Want!
Madagascan Jasmine (Grandiflora): Crisp flower shop& swoony jasmin. Beautiful!
and…drumrolll… finished the last 15ml of my Vaniglia del Madagascar (Farmacia SS Annunziata) bottle.
I love DSH- the site says they ship internationally from their Etsy site- does that not include Australia?
I almost finished a small rollerball of Flors Mortis from Rouge Perfumery this month. But I gave away a full bottle of Jasmine of Athens. I found that it was way too much generic vanilla and 2 minutes of jasmine. It had the potential to bee something good but wasn’t but my friend loves Jasmine of Athens so it wasn’t a total waste. Flos Mortis is a fabulous, slutty tuberose and full bottle worthy.